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AODocs recommends associating each AODocs role with a single, dedicated Google group to avoid unnecessary ACL (Access Control List) synchronization with Google Drive whenever making changes to role membership.

The default roles for every library are Administrators, Contributors and Readers and the BPIP template has been configured with the additional roles: Approver, Checker and Releaser, which correspond to different Workflow state properties and permissions:


Default roles and their Workflow permissions for the BPIP Template library:



Members of this role have Read, Write, Share and Delete access and permissions to all Documents in the given library. Administrators can also configure library administration settings.


Members of this role can be given the permission to create, edit, delete and share documents in the library. Note that being a member of the Contributors role does not automatically give you the permission to edit all documents in the library, but it is not possible to grant a user the edit permission on a library document if the user is not a member of the Contributors role.


Members of this role can be given the permission to read documents in the library. Note that being a member of the Readers role does not automatically give you the permission to read all documents in the library, but it is not possible to grant a user the read permission on a library document if the user is not a member of the Readers role. Note that all members of the Contributors role are also automatically members of the Readers role.

Document Creator

This role is automatically populated by the creator of each document and has following Workflow state permissions:

  • Read and Write permissions for Documents in the Working state.

  • Read permissions for Documents in the Request for Check and Request for Release states.


This dynamic role is set by the Document Creator or a document’s editor and role members can transition Documents in the Request for Check state:

  • If a Document is Approved by any member of this role, the document will be sent to the Request for Release state.

  • If a Document is Refused by any member of this role, the document will be sent back to the Working state.

Members of the role have the following Workflow state permissions:

  • Read and Write permissions for Documents in the Request for Release state


This is a role defined by library Administrators and role members have the following Workflow permissions:

  • Read and Write permissions for Documents in the Request for Check state

  • Read permissions for Documents in the Request for Release state.


This is a role defined by library Administrators and role members can transition Documents in the Request for Release state:

  • If a Document is Approved by any member of this role, the document will be sent to the Released state.

  • If a Document is Refused by any member of this role, the document will be sent back to the Working state.

Members of this role have the following Workflow state permissions:

  •  Read and Write permissions for Documents in the Request for Release state


For more information on default roles and how to configure roles, please refer to AODocs' documentation at:

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