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A document class is a set of configuration parameters controlling the security settings, the behavior and the available custom properties associated with the documents in an AODocs library and can be found under Library Configuration > Document classes


For the BPIP Template, the default Document class is "Document" and can be edited by clicking on the word Document and default tab Parameters has most of the properties you might want to edit.

The Properties under Parameters correspond to the field names in a document and allow editing of existing fields and their settings (Multiple Values, Mandatory, Hidden and type) along with the ability to add new values.



Templates are the other main feature to configure for a document class and is found under the Template tab.

Templates correspond to the drop-down list when creating a New Document. Templates allow you to pre-fill the Title, Description, Attachments and other custom properties for frequently created document types. 

For more information about how to create and configure document classes, please refer to AODocs' documentation:

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