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  • Check in and follow up on the past and future action items for developing the JGI knowledge base.

Discussion items

5minGathering questions to be answeredKecia M Duffy
  • Confluence costs 6k for knowledge base
  • Confluence doesn't appear to have all the features required.
  • Wordpress is instead supported by Leila A Hornick, who will try to have a test instance running in future

  • Talked to Matt Blow and Christine Naca. There are interested in having a lot of documentation related to JAMO in the knowledge base.
  • Looking at goverance of creating a knowledge base. Collating different documents about to manage this. Having a good governance structure will likely be very important for maintaining this in the longer term.
  • Need to have certain about of rules around posts, so that there is structure for how to create and find information.
5minGathering keywords and tagsJeff L Froula
  • Working with William (Bill) B Andreopoulos on creating a list of tags for Leila A Hornick. She requires a list of tags to implement in the knowledge base. She will help organise the test page.
  • Categories like JAMO will likely be a major one.
  • Need to determine how to manage forums, one forum or multiple different forums.
  • Likely need some way of auditing tags and managing them within the
5min William (Bill) B Andreopoulos
  • Working on creating tags
  • Spent some time working on wordpress plugins
  • Plugins on following, social widgets or integration with slack
  • StatsCounter on which pages are accessed
  • Adding plugins to add stars to ratings
  • Buddypress, starring and achievements for different users
  • Might causes problems where people want to be winners or game the system
5minCreating a tag policyMike Barton
  • Created an example policy for tags from stack overflow - JGI Knowledge base - Tag policy
  • Based on a lot of the Stack Overflow tag policy
  • Need to have a way to disambiguate tags
5minDeveloping training programWilliam (Bill) B Andreopoulos
  • Met with the post docs and other people about the training policy. Everyone has very diverse interests but everyone is mostly R.
  • Everyone generally has an interest in learning R and getting better.
  • Alex Copeland would like to develop a 5 year policy for maintaining technologies at the JGI. Would also like to look at workflow manage systems.
  • Some other R packages such as dplyr
  • Met with Simona F Necula to discuss plans. Will create a biweekly meeting to introduce a topic and then give more an indepth training on a subject.
  • Also develop a more advanced training when users want to delve deeper into a topic.
  • Want also to develop best practices for topics such as in software carpentry
  • Many people are using Jupyter and want to better understand debugging in it.
  • The survey didn't tell us everything we needed to know. Want to develop training program at different levels of difficulty.
  • Will develop a training plan at a regular frequency, and then get feedback from attendees on the topic.
  • Also have day long and half day long training sessions.
  • A big question is who would teach? Follow training videos online (e.g. edX)?
  • Can we integrate the knowledge base with the training also, so that we can refer people to this also.

Action items

  • Kecia M Duffy will create a governance structure document for the knowledge base.
  • Kecia M Duffy will work on creating a set of ten most asked questions as examples for the knowledge base.
  • Jeff L Froula and Mike Barton summarize the brain storming session about topics using first draft of the tag policy.
  • William (Bill) B Andreopoulos speak to Leila about the different plugins specifically about making suggestions.
  • William (Bill) B Andreopoulos and Simona F Necula will create a concrete plan and syllabus for the first five training sessions.
  • Simona F Necula ask to always stream at JGI the software carpentry workshops. Make links to survey , find who teaches (e.g. videos online), links to Nature concept on stats, find best meeting time (Wednesdays?), Confluence page with topics.