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Laboratory Ergonomics Product




454 Reagent Tube Decapper
Custom Hand Tool

Decapping Interface Source: LBNL Machine Shops

Handle Source:  Made by: Solid Concepts
Solid Concepts is now:

Resource: N.Scalise/D.Humphries/S/Roberts

Provides an extended leverage and a cap interface that was custom molded to fit the reagent bottle caps

Provides improved leverage and grip for removing caps

BDD handles

Source: LBNL Machine Shops
LBNL Order #UC9146
JGI/LBNL Resource: G. Mannino

Provides longer, thicker, and higher handle for loading, locking , and unlocking the device

Provides improved grip for loading the BDD into the centrifuge as well as makes it easier to lock and unlock the device

Vertical 50ml vortexer

Source: LBNL Machine Shops
LBNL Order #UC9436-01
JGI/LBNL Resource: N.Scalise/D.Humphries

Drop tubes in, cover lids, and turn on vortexer for easy vortexing

Allows hands free vortexing of 4 50 ml tubes simultaneously

Clear 12 Microtube Rack

Source: Poltex, LLC
[email protected]


Holds 10 2ml tubes

Allows user to easily see the entire contents of the tube to either lift up the entire rack and/or leave the rack on the bench while pipetting to minimize single tube handling as well as improve neck/ arm postures

CB Buffer Cap tube handle
Custom Hand Tool

Decapping Interface Source: LBNL Machine Shops
LBNL Order #UC9431
Cat. Code/DWG #27G238

Handle Source: Solid Concepts
Solid Concepts is now:


JGI/LBNL Resource: N.Scalise/D.Humphries/S.Roberts

Provides an extended leverage and a cap interface that was custom molded to fit the reagent bottle caps

Provides improved leverage and grip for removing caps

Table Insert
Custom insert

Source: LBNL Machine Shops
LBNL Facilities Work Order # WAL580

JGI/LBNL Resource: R.Weidenbach

Creates additional versatile work bench space

Created extra bench space for tip boxes or instruments for operators who prefer things at table height and not in the recessed portion.

Combo screw cap and snap cap decapper

Source: LBNL Machine Shops
Handle LBNL Order #UC9505
Aluminum Insert LBNL Order #UC9443

JGI/LBNL Resource: G.Mannino/D.Humphries

This microtube opener provides the ability to open screw tops and snap caps on microtubes using the same tool.

Allows for opening both screw top small tubes and snap on tubes. Eliminates the pinch grip.

Centrifuge bucket tool

Source: Solid Concepts
Made by: Solid Concepts
Solid Concepts is now:

SKU#Centrifuge Bucket Tool v2

JGI/LBNL Resource: S.Roberts

Hook and padded handle

Utilize one or two hands to lift centrifuge bucket from out of centrifuge without having to pinch the bucket

Debasing tool
Source: LBNL Machine Shops

JGI/LBNL Resource: C.Reiter/K.Petermann

Rubber handle with custom hook for removing CAPS tanks lids and plates from base

Allows easy removal of CAPS tank lids and plates

Thermocycler Tool Custom
Source: LBNL Machine Shops

JGI/LBNL Resource: C.Reiter/K.Petermann/S.Roberts

Padded handle with trigger to activate suction of tool

Prevents the need to pry plates off thermocyclers with fingers/ hands. Downward pressure can be applied on the tool to lift the plate off the thermocycler

CAPS Tank Removal Tool
Source: LBNL Machine Shops

JGI/LBNL Resource: C.Reiter/K.Petermann/S.Roberts

Handle designed for use with power grip and tank can be easily slid on/off tool

Can be used to load or unload CAPS tanks from the machine versus using finger tips

Custom Spatulas

Spatula Plate Source: Solid Concepts
Made by: Solid Concepts
Solid Concepts is now:
Handle Source:

JGI/LBNL Resource: S.Roberts

Custom made plastic spatula with off the shelf OXO pot handle and recycled handle from ABI machines

Removing plates from stackers. Two handle designs created for various staff preferences. Used in OD and Picking areas.

Rubber cap remover for single microtubes

Single Cap JGI/LBNL Resource: K.Petermannn

Single cap version has wide padded handle

Avoid finger force while removing tight rubber caps. 

Handle hook

JGI/LBNL Resource:: S.Roberts

Handle and hook used to grab pin head without awkward grasp

Hooked onto pin head on the Qpix machine to make it easier to slide the head in and out. Used in Picking area

QPix Pin EtOH Trough Holder

JGI/LBNL Resource: S.Roberts

OXO pot handle and custom made metal grabber initially tried to avoid wide grasp of carrying trough using finger tips (claw grip). Final design involved full power grip. [shown with green border]

This helped grab the ethanol waste trough to eliminate the wide claw grip needed to dump into SAA containers. Allows user to use power grip vs pinch grip. Used in Sanger Picking area.

Lid to protect hand from sharp pins

JGI/LBNL Resource:: S.Roberts

Lightweight plastic

Can be placed under pins when changing head on qpix machine.

Custom stacker Base

JGI/LBNL Resource:: G.Maninno

Suction legs

Helps position plates to remove from stacker towers while avoiding awkward hand postures

Lid opener

JGI/LBNL Resource:: G.Maninno

Mounted on suction base

Provided leverage for opening lids. Used in Chemistry

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