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LBNL employees are expected to take a cost and risk based approach to the protection of media (which includes both accountable property and other property).

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) may only be stored and transported on media controlled by the Business Systems Enclave (BSE) and subject to the BSE Enclave Security Plan.

Employees with media containing information considered "prudent to protect" should consider the use of encryption at the file or drive level.

All hard drives are required to be excessed through normal excessing procedures. Excess will destroy the hard drives subject to procedure. No hard drives are resold or donated.

Employees with media they wish to have destroyed should box or bag the media and mark an Equipment Movement Tag with the words "MEDIA FOR DESTRUCTION" and send the package to Salvage.

Personally owned media may not be used for the storage of LBNL owned Personally Identifiable Information.

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