What was installed:

Cluster support group added the following:

  • 1 full rack – 44 nodes, Voltaire Linux Cluster
  • BlueArc Shelf 1 (Voltaire Cluster)

Business Systems group added the following:

  • 1U server for network monitoring
  • Two BigIP 1600 servers

What was removed:


June average Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE): 1.47

  • Average Power Consumption: 466k
    • 1kw Lighting 
    • 24.1 Building and IT Losses
    • 196 Cooling Power
  • Average Cooling Load: 130 tons
  • Available Rack Space: 54

Data Center Efficiency Progress:

The DOE national average PUE for data centers is 1.75. 50B-1275 data center has evolved from an average PUE of 1.65 (calculated in 2009) to today’s 1.47. Getting there, staying there, and further improving the PUE is an ongoing effort.

Key highlights for this month include:

  • Progressing work to allow automatic adjustment of air flow. We have installed variable speed fan motors in the air handler units. The air handlers will be connected directly to the room environmental monitoring system, which in turn will automatically adjust air flow depending on IT power consumption and heat load and may allow us to turn off air handlers, which will improve improve our PUE.
  • The new software required for this functionality is due in late August/early September.

July 2011 Planned Activities:

  • The Lawrencium cluster will be relocated to San Diego Computer facility.  The space and power saving will allow researchers to continue to use the LBNL data center for their computational research clusters.
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