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Instructions for Speakers (Plenary and Parallel)

Talk length:  All plenary talks should be planned for 25 minutes, with 5 additional minutes available for discussion.  All parallel talks should be planned for 15 minutes with 5 additional minutes available for discussion.

Plenary talk fonts:  The talk font should be selected so that all written material on slides will be easily visible at the back of a large lecture hall – one that can accommodate an audience in excess of 200.  Please check the readability of your talk before arriving in Asilomar.

Plenary talks (check-in):   All plenary speakers who will speak in a given plenary session should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, to load their talks. There will be an AV technician and a student helper to provide assistance.

Parallel talks (check-in):  Parallel talks are generally 20 minutes (15 minute presentations followed by 5 minutes of discussion).  Please check in with the session chair 10 minutes before the session start.  There will be student helpers available to assist with laptop setup, etc.
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