LBNL and the UC Berkeley Library are partnering with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) to support free Gold Open Access publishing under the RSC’s Gold for Gold initiative.  This program offers voucher codes that enables four LBNL researchers to publish their paper in RSC journals free of charge without paying the normal article publication fee of between $1500 and $4000.  


Benefits:  Gold Open Access publishing makes electronic versions of papers accessible to readers for free.  By removing paywall barriers, authors may increase the visibility of research findings because works are easier to disseminate, easier to find, and easier to read.  


Eligibility:  Three criteria have to be met:  1) You are affiliated with LBNL and, 2) Your article is new and has been accepted for publication by RSC, but not a previously published article, and 3) You have not previously received a Gold for Gold voucher from this initiative.  


To get your voucher code:  After your article has been accepted for publication by an RSC journal, please complete the form at to request your Gold for Gold voucher code.  Due to limited numbers, the Libraries will distribute voucher codes on a first-come-first-served basis.  Voucher codes must be used before December 31, 2013.  

 If you have questions, please contact Jeffery Loo, Chemistry Librarian, at [email protected]

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