Google Docs Performance Review Seminars Scheduled for May 8 and 10

Many divisions are moving to an automated performance review process this year, using a Google-based platform. If your division is participating, you will receive a link to your self assessment form.  The IT Division will offer Google Docs Performance Review Seminars on May 8 and 10 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. If you need help with completing your self assessment using Google Docs, or want more information about the automated process, be sure to attend. You do not need to register in advance.


  • Goals (why groups opted in to Google Docs as a platform for the Performance Management Process)
  • Participants (which Divisions/Departments are going Google)
  • Process Overview  (the big picture - what employees and supervisors can expect)
  • Google Docs use at the lab (a bit of context - a look at recent stats concerning the use of Google Drive/Docs)
  • Google Docs demo (typical tasks involved with updating content in a Google Doc, adding comments, sharing, exporting, etc)
For those of you who might be interested in participating in a "mostly email" user group, consider joining our LBL google users group.
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