Access to the  Webspace Service was restricted to the lab's Network on Monday, July 29.

LBNL users can continue to access webspace from onsite, or via VPN.  However, many non-LBNL users use webspace to share files with LBNL collaborators.  During this restriction, these individuals will not be able to use webspace.  This impacts users of the website as well as the desktop client on all platforms.  It impacts both logged in users and users of "tickets".

IT recommends the use of Google Drive as an alternative to webspace.  By creating folders in Google Drive, you can upload files of any type and share a link to external non-LBNL users.  You can choose whether to require login, or allow “anyone with the link” to access the folder.   All lbnl users have 30GB of shared storage between gmail and google drive, so most users should have plenty of space to share files.  Information on how to share files in Drive is available here:

Google has a more general help article as well:

We apologize for this inconvenience and will update when you when Webspace is once again available externally.  In the meantime, if you need any assistance using Google Drive or finding another tool for sharing files with collaborators, please contact us at [email protected] 

For additional information on this restriction, visit the Webspace Service Announcement page.


UPDATE:  8/13/13

Our vendor has provided a patch that we plan to implement on Thursday, August 15 at 5pm.  The outage window will last approximately 3 hours.  Once completed and we complete a security scan, Webspace will once again be extended beyond our network. (This means tickets can once again be issued and used by non-LBL collaborators).

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