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(NOTE: The build of this Glossary is in progress. More terms will be included as policies are added or revised.)



(Policy Area)

Abandoned Project

The cancellation of all or part of a contract or purchase order to procure, manufacture, or assemble an item of Property, Plant, and Capital Equipment (PP&E). These costs, less any salvage credits, will be distributed over the remaining units of property within the project for project accounting purposes, except where such distribution significantly distorts the cost of the remaining property units. Where such distortion occurs, the costs of the abandoned project or project segment may be closed from Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) to Abandoned Projects (Budget and Reporting Classification Code YN, Other Costs and Credits). All charges to abandoned projects shall be approved by DOE.


Absent Person lock removalA procedure for the removal of a lock and tag by someone other than the person who applied the lock and tag when that person is not present or available to remove the lockIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


A summary statement provided in the TREX expense report that reflects (1) major highlights, (2) benefits, and (3) results of the trip. Each of the three attributes should be included in the abstract statement.


Academic Personnel Manual (APM)

The Academic Personnel Manual (APM) includes policies and procedures pertaining to the employment relationship between an academic appointee and the University of California.

Types of Employee Appointments


Electrical utilization equipment is "acceptable" to the Berkeley Lab AHJ and approved if it is accepted, certified, listed, labeled, or otherwise determined to be safe by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).

If it is not determined to be safe by an NRTL, it is acceptable if it is inspected or tested by another federal agency, or by a state, municipal, or other local authority responsible for enforcing occupational safety provisions of the National Electrical Code and found in compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code.

Custom-made equipment or related installations that are designed, fabricated for, and intended for use by a particular customer is acceptable if it is determined to be safe for its intended use by its manufacturer on the basis of test data that the employer keeps and makes available for inspection to the Berkeley Lab AHJ and the AHJ's authorized representatives.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


The point at which the division is notified that the required functionality was provided and the product is acceptable for use


AcceptedElectrical utilization equipment is "accepted" if it has been inspected and found by an NRTL to conform to specified plans or to procedures of applicable codesIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
AccessThe access of those individuals who have the combination or key to the storage location or who handle, receive, manipulate, transfer, or take similar action with the material or container. (Persons who are in the same room at the time the materials are handled but who do not participate in the above activities are not considered as having access.)Controlled Substances

Access without Consent

Access, beyond monitoring, to Laboratory IT that is normally available to a single user without that user’s permission

Information Technology


An accident is an incident that occurs on the job where: Through an employee's own actions he/she is injured; or through an employee's actions, another employee or individual is injured; or an employee creates a hazardous situation that presents danger, either to the employee or another employee or individual; or the employee is involved in a vehicular accident in a Laboratory vehicle or in his or her personally owned vehicle while on Laboratory business.

Work Environment

Accountable Plan Reimbursement

An IRS expense reimbursement allowance that meets all of the following IRS documentation requirements:
1. Amount of expense incurred
2. Number of days spent on business
3. Business place or location
4. Business purpose


Accounts Receivable

Money owed to Berkeley Lab by an entity for reimbursement of costs, or by a Sponsored Research sponsor for research, goods, and services provided by Berkeley Lab on a specified award.


AccrualAmounts owed for items or services received, expenses incurred, assets acquired, or construction performed, for which a bill (e.g., progress billings, grant reimbursement requests, and other billings) has not been received / vouched in the systemAccounting


American Concrete InstituteMajor Construction
Action LevelLevel of concern where a corrective action is takenIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Active Duty or Call to Active Duty Status

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Qualifying Exigency Leave, "active duty or call to active duty status" is defined as duty under a call or order to active duty (or notification of an impending call or order to active duty) in support of a contingency operation, as defined under the FMLA.

Leaves of Absence

Active Fall-Protection SystemAn active personal fall-restraint or personal fall-arrest system (PFAS) requires specialized fall-protection equipment that must be fitted to the user and worn to control fall hazards. The user is secured to an anchorage point at all times, even while moving from point to point.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Activity LeadAn activity lead is anyone who directs, trains, and/or oversees the work and activities of one or more workers in accordance with the Work Planning and Control program. Activity leads provide instruction on working safely and the precautions necessary to use equipment and facilities safely and effectively. Activity leads do not need to be line managers, HEERA-designated supervisors, or Berkeley Lab employees.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Actual Stores Losses

Unplanned inventory decreases, in either units or value, caused by shrinkage, deterioration, damage, obsolescence, or loss of utility


Administrative LockAny lock used for a purpose other than LOTO. The lock may serve a safety function other than LOTO, a configuration-control function, or other purpose. Can be any color except red.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Administratively Controlled Items

Personal property items for which there is no requirement for formal property records to be maintained, but for which DOE offices have determined that property records will be maintained for various control purposes


Funds paid by a Sponsored Research sponsor, usually as a condition of Berkeley Lab beginning work on an award. The advance is held in a deferred revenue account until such time as it is drawn down.


Advance Balance

The amount of the advance payment remaining on the award


Advance Payment to OthersA required deposit placed with a third party as a condition of doing business with that entityAccounting

Affiliate Faculty

Faculty members from any university or college who are not Berkeley Lab employees but are engaged in Berkeley Lab activities on Berkeley Lab property. These individuals may fall into one or more of the following categories: Users, Scientific Collaborators.

Types of Employee Appointments


Individuals who are not Berkeley Lab employees but are engaged in a wide range of Berkeley Lab activities involving laboratory research, the use of Laboratory facilities, or the provision of a service to Berkeley Lab. Affiliates are subject to training in safety and other subjects. They are also issued a Berkeley Lab identification badge. Affiliates may receive system accounts, research access to facilities, and/or a per diem allowance for housing and living expenses.

Examples: Facility users, scientific collaborators, students

Types of Employee Appointments

AFP (Authorized Funding Plan) Contract Modification (Mod)DOE-produced document that provides Berkeley Lab the budget authority to enter into obligations that will result in immediate or future outlays involving government funds.Budget


American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

HR Policies Overview

After Hours

After hours refers to the time frame in which the Berkeley Lab shuttle bus service is not in operation. After hours typically includes Monday through Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., weekends, and holidays.

Vehicles at LBNL

Aggregate PurchasesPurchases of dissimilar items with related purpose/utility that meet the asset capitalization criteriaAccounting

An agreement is an understanding or arrangement issued under the DOE-UC Prime Contract between the University of California Regents (as managing operator of the Berkeley Lab) and a third party that contains the essential terms and conditions under which goods or services will be furnished to Berkeley Lab. An Intra-University Transaction (IUT), a DOE Contractor Order, a National Institute of Health (NIH) agreement, or a Master Agreement constitutes an agreement.

Air-Purifying Respirator (APR)A respirator with an air-purifying filter or cartridge that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying elementIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


American Institute of Steel ConstructionMajor Construction

Alcohol Intoxication

A person is deemed to have alcohol intoxication when an alcohol test has a result of a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or greater (49 CFR 40.285).

Work Environment


A cost charged to one or more cost objectives in accordance with the relative benefit received or other equitable relationship

Financial General Policies and Information


To assign an item of cost, or a group of items of cost, to one or more cost objectives. This term includes both direct assignment of cost and the reassignment of a share from an indirect cost pool.

Financial General Policies and Information

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

A valuation account (i.e., a contra asset) subtracted from trade receivables on the balance sheet


Allowance for Loss on Stores Inventory

A contra inventory account carrying a credit balance to recognize reasonably anticipated material financial losses in inventory from shrinkage, deterioration, damage, obsolescence, or loss of utility. The inventory and operating materials allowance accounts will be separately reported on financial statements.


American Flag Carrier

See U.S. Flag Carrier.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)

A $787 billion economic stimulus package signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, 2009. A percentage of the package targets spending (contracts, grants, and loans) and the rest includes tax cuts and entitlements such as Medicaid and Social Security Administration payments.


AmortizationThe allocation of the cost for an intangible asset over its useful service life for accounting purposesAccounting
Analysis TypeThree-character identifiers that enable labelling the different types of costs in FMS Projects. For example, REQ to track pre-committed costs (purchase requisitions), COM to track committed costs (Purchase Orders), and ACT for actual costs.Financial Business Systems

Anonymous Accounts

System accounts established to run background processes and/or to test and maintain system capabilities

Financial Business Systems

ANSIAmerican National Standards InstituteIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Anticipated Power Interruptions

The Laboratory may experience or plan for periods of reduced power. In some areas, such interruptions may require lighting, temperature, and humidity changes as well as restricted use of electrical equipment.

Emergency Services


Academic Personnel Manual

Types of Employee Appointments

APOCAviation Point of ContactHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Apparent Cause

The most probable / reasonable cause(s) of an incident that management has the control to fix through effective corrective actions. There may be more than one apparent cause for a given incident.

Issues Management

ApplicantAn individual who expresses interest for a specific open position by submitting an employment application or similar documentation via the established application process.Recruitment

Approval (for Travel)

The process of granting permission. This is required prior to the purchase of a travel ticket.


ApprovedAcceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Area Burden RatesRate applied to recover the activities related to the management, supervision, and administration of the Associate Laboratory DirectorateBudget


Affiliate Registry Form

Types of Employee Appointments

Arm’s-Length Bargaining

A process in which the parties involved are dealing from equal bargaining positions, neither party is subject to the other's control or dominant influence, and the transaction is treated with fairness, integrity, and legality

Financial General Policies and Information

Arm's Length Transaction

An arm's length transaction is one carried out by unrelated or unaffiliated parties. For the purpose of this policy, co-workers within the same division are considered to be affiliated.

AsbestosA generic term referring to naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicates. The three most common types are chrysotile (white) asbestos, amosite (brown) asbestos, and crocidolite (blue) asbestos.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)Building materials that contain asbestos in an amount greater than 1.0% by weight, area, or countIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


American Society of Civil EngineersMajor Construction


Academic Student Employee

Types of Employee Appointments

ASHRAE Standard 90.1American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard 90.1 - Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential BuildingsMajor Construction
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)An approach to radiological management and control intended to keep exposures (individual and collective) to the general public and the environment at levels as low as is reasonable, taking into account social, technical, economic, practical, and public-policy considerations. As used in this manual, ALARA is not a dose limit but a process with the objective of attaining doses as far below the applicable controlling limits as is reasonably achievable.Environmental Protection Program


Annual Performance Review Summary

Employee Development


A formal review that is normally conducted by an organization with an appropriate degree of independence

Environmental Protection Program
Associate Laboratory DirectorsAssociate Laboratory Directors for Computing Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Biosciences, Energy Sciences, Energy Technologies, and Physical SciencesContractor Assurance

Aboveground storage tank

Environmental Protection Program
Asynchronous Online CourseAsynchronous online courses allow students to take classes and complete coursework on their own timeEmployee Development
Attractive Property

Property that is highly portable, easily converted to personal use, and is more susceptible to theft than other equipment. Attractive property must be bar-coded and is subject to Laboratory inventory requirements. The property listed below is considered "attractive property," regardless of its acquisition cost:

  • Desktops (workstations)
  • Drones
  • Laptops
  • Radios (two-way)
  • Servers
  • Tablets (iPad, Kindles, etc.)


The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, conducting surveillances, auditing, or otherwise determining and documenting whether items, processes, or services meet specified requirements

Quality Assurance

Asset Betterment(1) Improvements that result in better quality, higher capacity, or an extended useful life; or (2) work that is required to accommodate regulatory and other requirement changes and (3) meets the asset capitalization criteriaAccounting


Employees with an at-will employment status may be terminated from their appointment, up to and including termination from employment, at any time with or without cause or notice

Types of Employee Appointments, Recruitment

AuditA systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine the adequacy of a program or system within an organizationEnvironmental Protection Program

Audit Closure

The proposed corrective actions of the audit are completed and the auditor agrees that it satisfactorily addresses the deficiency identified. Closure of external audits should generally take no longer than one year after issuance of the final report. Exceptions require a written justification be submitted to DOE, entered in DARTS, and be subject to audit.

Financial General Policies and Information

Audit FindingA program or performance deficiency where there is a noncompliance with an established external or internal requirement. It is a generic term used to refer to programmatic or performance deficiencies, nonconformances, regulatory or procedural noncompliances, procedure inadequacies, assessment findings, external oversight findings, and associated actions that require formal corrective action. This includes but is not limited to a failure, defect, deviation, malfunction, deficiency, or nonconformance of plant equipment, materials, or procedures; or personnel safety concerns or events that have or could have an effect on the safe, reliable, or efficient operation of the Laboratory, or which involve a failure to be in compliance with requirements.Financial General Policies and Information


A practice or condition that is not technically noncompliant with an external or internal regulation or requirement, but could lead to noncompliance if left unaddressed

Financial General Policies and Information

Audit Recommendation

Auditor-suggested course of action to address issues, concerns, deficiencies, and improvements described in the audit finding or observation

Financial General Policies and Information

Audit Resolution

An agreement between the primary organization and the auditor on corrective actions to be taken for audit findings and recommendations (i.e., management concurs with the findings and recommendations, or a management decision is issued indicating concurrence and expected completion dates)

Financial General Policies and Information

Audit Response

A written comment by management indicating agreement or disagreement on reported findings and recommendations. Comments indicating agreement on draft reports must include planned corrective actions and dates for achieving such actions. Comments indicating disagreement should fully explain the reason(s) for disagreement. Disagreements on internal audit findings and recommendations should be resolved before issuance of the final report.

Financial General Policies and Information

Authoritative  Document

A document that is controlled to ensure that it is accurate, current, appropriately distributed, and approved by authorized individuals because it contains information that if improperly managed could reasonably be expected to substantially diminish the ability of the institution to meet mission requirements or to protect safety, health, environment, or property
Examples: Laboratory policies, Laboratory processes, design specifications, engineering drawings

Document Management

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

Generally, an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. At Berkeley Lab, the Electrical AHJ function is divided three ways:

  1. The AHJ for Electrical Safety work practices and workplace conditions is the EHS Electrical Safety Program Manager.
  2. The AHJ for research and scientific equipment is the Engineering Division Director.
  3. The AHJ for facilities and premises wiring is the Facilities Division Director.
Industrial Hygiene and Safety


To formally or officially grant permission. This is required prior to the purchase of any foreign travel ticket.


Authorized CustodianA Berkeley Lab worker responsible for overall possession of the controlled substance for a research projectControlled Substances
Authorized Person

A person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the job site

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Authorized WorkerA Berkeley Lab worker authorized to receive, handle, access, or manipulate controlled substances for research purposesControlled Substances

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

A device designed and programmed to analyze a life-threatening heart rhythm in an unresponsive, unconscious victim, and to provide electrical stimulation to the chest as needed in an effort to restore normal rhythm and circulation

Health Services Programs

Automatic Data Processing Equipment

(See definition for Information Technology.) Note: This cross‐reference will serve as a transitional reference until the term “Information Technology” is used more broadly within the DOE Complex.


American Welding SocietyMajor Construction


DOE Budget and Reporting classification code. See Budget and Reporting (B&R) Code (Classification).



Electronic commerce allowing direct purchasing via a catalog through a designated Web site, filling in an online order form, or by sending the supplier a standard fax form without going through the Procurement Department


BAABroad Agency AnnouncementNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
BAAQMDBay Area Air Quality Management DistrictIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Blood alcohol content

Work Environment

Background Intellectual PropertyThe Intellectual Property identified by the Parties in Annex, Background Intellectual Property, which was in existence prior to or is first produced outside of this CRADA, except that in the case of inventions in those identified items, the inventions must have been conceived outside of this CRADA and not first actually reduced to practice under this CRADA to qualify as Background Intellectual Property.Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Bad Debts (DOE Contract 31)

Actual or estimated losses arising from uncollectible accounts receivable due from customers and other claims, and any directly associated costs, such as collection costs and legal costs. Bad debts are unallowable on Contract 31.



The Laboratory’s PeopleSoft Billing and Accounts Receivable System



Budget and Reporting Classification


Baseline Exposure AssessmentA Baseline Exposure Assessment is a process to screen activities to help determine associated risks and hazards. These assessments are generally qualitative, although some quantitative data (collection or review) may be involved.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Basic User AccessAccess to a system that is dynamically (automatically) assigned to all employees (e.g., access to FMS Inquiry Payment Request)Financial Business Systems
BASOBay Area Site Office (of the U.S. Department of Energy)Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)The local agency that regulates stationary sources of regulated or hazardous air pollutants in the San Francisco Bay AreaEnvironmental Protection Program


Background Check Disclosure & Authorization



Business Continuity Plan

Emergency Services

Beneficial Occupancy

The point at which the facility is turned over to the user or occupants


Berkeley Lab Driving Requirements Document

An institutional document that (1) is mandated by the DOE/Berkeley Lab Contract, applicable regulations, or UC, and approved by at least Berkeley Lab senior management; and (2) drives institutional policies, processes, or other documents

Laboratory General Information

Berkeley Lab Foundation (BLF)The Berkeley Lab Foundation was established by the University of California to promote corporate and philanthropic engagement in support of Berkeley Lab’s missionNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
BerylliumA naturally occurring hard, brittle, gray-white metal that is resistant to oxidation at ordinary temperatures and is used in computer parts, X-ray tubes, gyroscopes, and rocket-fuel additives. Hazard: highly toxic, especially by inhalation of dust. Long-term exposure may cause weight loss, weakness, cough, extreme breathing difficulty, and cardiac failure.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Best Practice (BP)A technique or methodology that, through experience and research, has proven time-after-time to lead to a positive result, with the potential for significant operational improvements or cost savings.Contractor Assurance

Bestowment Funds

Funds provided to a specific department, division, or program by grant, donation, or gift from public or private foundations, corporations, or individuals for the purpose of furthering research, development, and/or education



(1) Improvements that result in better quality, higher capacity, or an extended useful life; or (2) work that is required to accommodate regulatory and other requirement changes


BiohazardA biological material or condition that presents potential hazard to the health of humans or other organisms, either directly through infection or indirectly through damage to the environmentIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Biohazardous MaterialEnvironmental materials reasonably suspected of containing biological etiologic agent(s)Health Services Programs
Biohazardous WasteA waste that requires inactivation (i.e., decontamination) in an approved manner prior to disposal but is not regulated by the California Department of Health Services as regulated medical waste. See the Medical and Biohazardous Waste Generator's Guide (PUB-3095) for additional information.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Biological Etiologic AgentAn agent of biological origin (e.g., bacterium, fungus, parasite, virus, etc.) that causes disease in humans (i.e., is pathogenic to humans)Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Biological MaterialsA broad range of organisms, cells, viruses, and other materials of biological origin that pose varying levels of risks to plants, animals, or humansIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Biosafety or Biological SafetyThe general administrative and physical safety measures and efforts employed in a certain environment (e.g., Berkeley Lab) to protect workers, the public, agriculture, and the environment from exposure to biological agents or materials that may cause disease or other detrimental effects in humans, plants, or animalsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Biosafety Level (BL)A standard combination of practices and techniques, safety equipment, and facilities to safely contain biohazardous materials or agents used in work, as specified by Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) and the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules. The NIH Guidelines use the acronym BL, and BMBL uses the acronym BSL. "Biosafety level" and "BL" may be used generally to apply to any work with biological materials, but BL, when used without additional letters or words, technically applies only to laboratory BLs. When other letters or words are added to the BL acronym, other containment categories are indicated (e.g., BL-Large Scale, BL-P for plants, and BL-N for animals).Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Biosafety OfficerA person in the EHS Division who oversees the development and maintenance of the primary structure and function of the Biosafety Program in accordance with the biosafety standardsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Berkeley Lab Learning Institute

HR Policies Overview

BlockedA condition where a mechanical device is inserted into the energy path to physically prevent movement. Most commonly used with moving parts.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
BOBudget OfficeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Book Value

Acquisition cost less depreciation


A DOE office, contractor, facility, or other federal, state, or local government agency or other organization that can provide a valid federal contract number or other official basis for the loan of property

Break in Service

A separation of at least one scheduled working day of Laboratory/University employment. Authorized leave without pay and time on preferential rehire status do not constitute a break in service.

Compensation and Work Hours


DOE Berkeley Site Office


Budget and Reporting (B&R) Code (Classification)

A DOE-defined classification of financial activity prescribed for use in the formulation of budgets; for the reporting of obligations, costs, and revenues; and for the control and measurement of actual execution versus budgeted performance. B&R is one of six funding fields used by the DOE Management Analysis and Reporting System (MARS) system to identify the DOE program funding source. The other funding fields are: Fund Type, Program Task Number, BRN, BRN Sub, and Reimbursable Work Order (Work for Others only). The combination of these six funding fields is critical as to how projects are set up and costs are applied to funding.


Bulk Purchases

Single purchase of like items in a lot, with the cost of each individual item being below the established capitalization criterion



An indirect cost. This term is sometimes used interchangeably with overhead. For Berkeley Lab, burdens tend to be local in nature, and apply to particular divisions or functions, such as procurement, travel, or organization burden. Also refers to the “tax” that is allocated to a direct cost objective to recover the cost of a set of indirect activities.



Indirect costs. Laboratory burdens tend to be local in nature, and apply to particular divisions or functions, such as procurement burden, travel burden, or organization burden. Also refers to the "tax" that is allocated to a direct cost objective to recover the cost of a set of indirect activities.

Financial General Policies and Information

Burn Rate

The rate at which costs are incurred


Business Class

A premium class of accommodation offered by the airlines that is higher than coach and lower than first class, in both cost and amenities


Business System

A computerized information system or business and financial application that provides the end-to-end delivery of information. Data is an integral part of running the business, including all computerized processes and the software needed to satisfy business requirements. A business system comprises computerized processes, input controls, the stored business data, and reports and other output formats.

Financial Business Systems

Business Systems Group (BSG)

A unit that is responsible for ensuring that OCFO business systems are responsive to the needs of Berkeley Lab, and that systems strategies and plans are effectively communicated. The BSG partners with OCFO functional units and IT Division professionals in the planning, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance of automated information systems.

Financial Business Systems

Business Systems Analysis (BSA) Unit

A unit that is responsible for ensuring that OCFO business systems are responsive to the needs of Berkeley Lab, and that systems strategies and plans are effectively communicated. The BSA Unit partners with OCFO functional units and IT Division professionals in the planning, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance of automated information systems.

Financial Business Systems

Business System OwnerA unit or individual with overall accountability for each of its business and financial systems or portions of the system. The system owner must ensure that system's capabilities meet Berkeley Lab's business needs. The system owner must provide leadership and direction for system development, enhancement, and ongoing operations, including ensuring that appropriate controls are in place.Financial Business Systems

BZ Project

Allowable and/or unallowable project established for each Laboratory-hosted/co-hosted event. The BZ project is used to collect registration fees and other external funds and to pay invoices for event costs. Overhead costs (i.e., burdens or taxes) within a BZ project are applied to travel, procurement, and event expenses.

Financial Management



CAContract accountingNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Cost Allowability Funding Determination Council


Calendar Day

A calendar day is the 24-hour period from midnight of one day to midnight of the next day.

Compensation and Work Hours

Calendar Week

A calendar week extends from 12:01 a.m. Sunday to midnight the following Saturday.

Compensation and Work Hours

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

California statute mandating procedures for analyzing, disclosing, and mitigating environmental impacts.


California Family Rights Act (CFRA)The sections of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act that contain family care and medical leave provisions for California employeesLeaves of Absence

California Nonresident

An individual living outside California



California Public Employees' Retirement System

Compensation and Work Hours

CandidateAn individual who meets the minimum qualifications for the position for which they applied.Recruitment
Capable of Being Locked OutAn energy isolation is capable of being locked out if it has a means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed with the device in the "off" or de-energized position, or it has a locking mechanism built into itIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Capital Equipment

Movable personal property with an anticipated service life of two years or more and a cost of $500,000 or more, which substantially retains its original characteristics. Capital equipment does not include application software, maintenance, repair, warranties, real property improvements, or related personal property.



In accounting, the recording of a fixed asset that allows the related value of the fixed asset (cost) to be allocated or depreciated (expensed) over the life of the asset



To record and carry forward into one or more future periods all or any part of expenditures from which the benefits or proceeds will then be realized


Capital LeaseAn agreement that transfers substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership to the lessee, resulting in the recording of the underlying asset that meets the asset capitalization criteria, as the lessee's property. The lease must meet one of the specified capital lease criteria. Lease-to-own (LTO) agreements meet the criteria. An LTO agreement contains an option that allows Berkeley Lab to purchase the item at a pre-negotiated price during or at the end of the lease period. Berkeley Lab shall classify the LTO agreement as a capital lease.Accounting
Career AppointmentAn appointment established at a fixed percentage of time at 50 percent or more of full time for an indefinite periodTypes of Appointments

Career-Related Training and Development

Related to the development of skills, knowledge, and other qualifications that prepare an employee for other positions within the Laboratory for which an employee (as evaluated by the supervisor, department head, and the Human Resources Head or designee) might be an effective competitor.Employee Development
CARBCalifornia Air Resources BoardEnvironmental Protection Program

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

A method for providing rescue breathing and external cardiac (heart) compressions to an unresponsive, pulseless victim

Health Services Programs

Commercial Aviation Service

Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs


Crisis Action Team

Work Environment

Catastrophic Bereavement Loss

The employee has exhausted his/her sick and vacation leave and has not exhausted his/her bereavement leave entitlement. See the Bereavement Leave policy.

Leaves of Absence

Catastrophic Casualty Loss

A serious financial loss is suffered by an employee due to a terrorist attack, fire, or other natural disaster, including severe damage or destruction of the employee’s primary residence, regardless of whether it has been declared a major disaster or emergency by the President of the United States. 

Leaves of Absence

Catastrophic Illness or Injury

A serious, life-threatening illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that:
   1. Is expected to incapacitate the employee or the employee’s family member and
   2. Causes a loss of income due to the employee having exhausted all paid leave accruals and
   3. Creates absence(s) that are not currently eligible to receive payment of temporary disability benefits from either workers' compensation or the  employee-paid Supplemental Disability Insurance benefits (employees may receive payment from the employer-paid Short-Term Disability Insurance); and
   4. Is projected to cause a minimum of 30 days' absence in a calendar year, and involves:
         a. A period of illness or injury or treatment connected with inpatient care (e.g., an overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility or
         b. A period of illness or injury requiring absence of more than seven calendar days from work, and that also involves continuing treatment by (or under the supervision of) a licensed health care provider or
         c. A period of illness or injury (or treatment) due to a chronic serious health condition (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) or
         d. A period of illness or injury that is long-term due to a condition for which treatment may be ineffective (e.g., stroke, terminal disease) or
        e. An absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery from the treatments) either for restorative surgery after an accident or other injury, or for a chronic condition, (e.g., cancer or kidney disease)

Leaves of Absence


Corrective Action Tracking System

Document Mgmt


Collective bargaining agreement

HR Policies Overview


California Building CodeMajor Construction

Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


California Code of RegulationsMajor Construction


Commercial driver's license

Work Environment


California Environmental Quality Act


Certificate ProgramCertificate programs are designed to give students mastery over a narrow subject area or topic. These programs are offered in many trades, professional fields, and academic areas. Certificate programs are generally geared towards adult students and students looking for short-term training leading to immediate employment.Employee Development

Electrical utilization equipment is "certified" if it bears a label, tag, or other record of certification that the equipment:

  • Has been tested and found by an NRTL to meet nationally recognized standards or to be safe for use in a specified manner
  • Is of a kind whose production is periodically inspected by an NRTL and is accepted by the laboratory as safe for its intended use
Industrial Hygiene and Safety


A Berkeley Lab employee designated to review and certify invoices, and to validate the receipt of goods or services prior to payment. Certification does not authorize the commitment of funds.



To confirm formally that expenses claimed were incurred on official business on the dates shown and that the expenses identified are in compliance with the Laboratory Travel Policy



Code of Federal Regulations


California Family Rights Act

Leaves of Absence


Code of Federal Regulations – Testing Designated Position

Work Environment

Chain of Custody (COC)Chronological documentation showing the custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of a controlled substance. An identifiable person must always have physical custody of a controlled substance used for research purposes.Controlled Substances
Chain of Custody FormLaboratory documentation showing the transfer of a substance from one person to another. The form is initiated primarily when the substance has been delivered to Building 69 Receiving prior to transfer to the controlled substances custodian or authorized worker. It must also be used if transferring a controlled substance to an authorized worker in another location.Controlled Substances

Change, Editorial

In regard to changes to documents, these include, for example, typos, format, grammar; updating hyperlinks, document number changes; and editing text to clarify or be consistent with existing requirements within the document and/or with other institutional documents

Document Management

Change, Major

In regard to changes to documents, this category includes the addition of a new institutional document, the retirement of an obsolete document, or revision to an existing document that significantly changes its meaning, requirements, responsibilities or method of implementation, or is an extensive rewrite of an existing document.  May have high impact on other institutional documents

Document Management

Change, Major + 30 day

In regard to changes to documents, this is a major change to HR policy that affects employment terms and conditions.  The 30-day comment period starts with policy notice announced in Today at Berkeley Lab (TABL).

Document Management

Change, Minor

In regard to changes to documents, this is a change that makes no substantial alteration in requirements or responsibilities, in the judgment of the Senor Line Manager and/or Policy Area Manager.

Document Management


Change-of-Station (COS) applies to employees who expect to be assigned at a Berkeley Lab site for more than 12 months. COS employees are offered the same relocation benefits as Permanent Change-of-Station employees.


Chart Fields

Laboratory general ledger account numbers, B&R codes, resource categories, project and resource types, and DOE reporting codes


Chemical AgentsIncludes all chemicals used at the Laboratory (or in Laboratory-sponsored work). This includes pure chemicals, mixtures (such as paint or cleaning agents), and materials such as asbestos, silica, and engineered nanomaterials.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


• A biological, adopted, step-, or foster child of the employee or a legal ward of the employee  or
• A person for whom the employee stands in loco parentis, meaning “in place of the parent,” for whom the employee has day-to-day caretaking or financial responsibilities
• A person under 18 or incapable of self-care due to a mental or physical disability

Leaves of Absence


Chief Human Resources Officer

HR Policies Overview

Chronic Beryllium DiseaseScarring of the lung tissue when a person inhales dust or fumes of beryllium and has become sensitized to this materialIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class I Asbestos WorkActivities involving the removal of thermal system insulation (TSI) and surfacing ACMIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class II Asbestos WorkThe removal of asbestos-containing wallboard, floor tile, roofing materials, transite, construction mastic, gaskets, etc. This does not involve the removal of TSI or surfacing materials.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Class III Asbestos WorkActivities involving repair and maintenance operations where ACM (including TSI and surfacing materials) are likely to be disturbed. The amount removed must fit into one glove bag or waste bag less than 60 inches in width.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Class IV Asbestos WorkMaintenance or custodial activities in which employees contact ACM or PACM, and activities to clean up waste and debris containing ACM and PACMIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 1 LaserPoses no threat of biological damage

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Class 1MMay pose a threat if viewed with optical devicesIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 2Visible (0.4 to 0.7 μm) output, eye protection is normally afforded by aversion responseIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 2MVisible (0.4 to 0.7 μm) output, may pose a threat if viewed with optical devicesIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 3Medium-powered lasers — may be hazardous under direct or specular viewing, not normally a diffuse reflection or fire hazardIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 3BCan cause biological damage to the eyesIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 3RHas potential hazards under some direct or specular viewing conditionsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Class 4High-powered lasers — direct exposure to primary beam, specular reflections, and diffuse reflections can cause biological damage to the eyes or skin. Laser beam may have potential to generate a fire hazard. Laser beam may generate air contaminants.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Clean Soil or GroundwaterSoil or groundwater containing metals at concentrations within Berkeley Lab background levels and not contaminated with hazardous organic compounds or radioactive substancesEnvironmental Protection Program


Commercial motor vehicle

Work Environment


California Nurses Association

HR Policies Overview

COContracts OfficerNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
COACertificate of AuthorizationHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Coach Class

The basic class of accommodations offered to travelers regardless of fare paid



An organization that shares event hosting responsibilities with another (see Host). An event co-host exists if more than one organization shares control of the conduct or management of the event, or provides some form of non-monetary services.

Financial Management

COIConflict of InterestNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Working jointly or together with Berkeley Lab in an intellectual endeavor with a set goal or purpose, such as furthering the research or accomplish the objective(s) of the research.


Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)

Covers damage to or loss of a rental car


Commercial Off-the- Shelf (COTS)

Software purchased from a vendor that is ready with little or no changes


Common Carrier

An organization that transports people or goods from one place to another for a fee


Common Rule45 CFR 46, the section of the Code of Federal Regulations that lays out the federal policy for the protection of human subjectsHuman and Animal Subjects Research

Compensation above Salary Limits for Work for Others Agreements

Compensation for researchers working on grants and cooperative agreements may be subject to limitations by federal law or provisions of specific Work for Others agreements. The cost of salaries and wages in excess of the limitations are unallowable under Contract 31 and must be covered by bestowments or other non-federal funds.


Complex LOTOAny LOTO that does not meet the requirements for a simple LOTO is called a complex LOTO. Requires an assigned Person In Charge and a LOTO procedure.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


One of the parts that make up a system. A component may be hardware, software, or firmware and may be subdivided into other components.

Confidential Employees

Employees who hold positions requiring access to confidential information used for meeting and conferring or for processing grievances. Employees not designated as confidential employees, who assist or advise management on a temporary basis and in so doing are privy to confidential information, may be determined to be confidential employees for the period of time they are privy to information used for meeting and conferring purposes or grievance handling. Such employees will be notified of their temporary confidential status.

HR Policies Overview

Configuration Management

The process of identifying and defining the configuration items in a system, controlling the release and change of these items throughout the system life cycle, and the recording and reporting of the status of configuration items and change requests

Quality Assurance

Confined Space

A space that:

  • Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work.
  • Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry).
  • Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Conflict of CommitmentA situation in which an employee engages in an outside professional activity, paid or unpaid, that involves a commitment of time that may interfere, or appear to interfere, with fulfillment of the employee's obligations to Berkeley LaboratoryOutside Business and Employment

Conflict of Interest

Contract 31, Clause I.66, Organizational Conflicts of Interest, ensures that the UC Regents (and its employees) are not biased because of financial, contractual, organizational, or other interests that relate to the work under the Contract, and that there is no unfair competitive advantage over other parties due to the performance under the Contract.


Conformité Européene (CE)

This is a manufacturer's self-declaration of conformity to European design standards. It is not equivalent to an NRTL listing because:

  • There is no third-party verification of conformity through inspection or testing
  • The standards are not recognized for applicability in the United States
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Constructed Asset

The erection, installation, or assembly of a new plant facility that meets the asset capitalization criteria. Construction includes equipment installed in and made part of the facility; related site preparation, excavation, filling, landscaping, or other land improvements; and the final design of the facility.



The erection, installation, or assembly of a new plant facility. Construction includes equipment installed in and made part of the facility; related site preparation, excavation, filling, landscaping, or other land improvements; and the design of the facility.


Construction Subcontractor

A firm that has sole contractual responsibility for execution of the construction work related to a project, and for compliance with all safety, health, and environmental codes, standards, and regulations

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Construction WorkWork for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decoratingIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Construction Work in Progress (CWIP)

A general ledger account that captures in-process costs incurred for property, plant, and equipment that complies with accounting standards and capitalization criteria in Chapter 10 of the DOE Financial Management Handbook



An individual acting on his or her own behalf who personally provides expert advisory and/or assistance services of a technical or professional nature. Consultants provide technical, scientific, engineering, and/or administrative expertise not otherwise available to the Laboratory.


Consultant Agreement

An agreement between the Laboratory and an individual consultant with special knowledge or expertise for the performance of consulting services.


Consultant ServicesConsultant services are the advisory and/or assistance services of an expert who personally renders the services to the Laboratory on a short-term or intermittent basis. Consultants provide technical, scientific, engineering, and/or administrative expertise not otherwise available to the Laboratory. Consultant services may consist of providing information, advice, opinions, alternatives, conclusions, recommendations, or consultation to Laboratory personnel in the form of studies, analyses, and evaluations. Consultant services may be provided under a Consultant Agreement or a Personal Services Agreement (PSA).Procurement

Consulting Services

Services that are "hands-off" in nature and are limited to expert advisory and/or assistance services consisting of information, advice, opinions, alternatives, conclusions, or recommendations to Laboratory personnel, including studies, analyses, and evaluations, that are personally provided by a technical or professional consultant


Consumption MethodRequires inventory balances be accounted for on the Laboratory balance sheet as an asset. Upon use of the inventory, the related cost shall be removed from inventory and charged to the project.Accounting
Contaminated Soil or GroundwaterSoil or groundwater with detectable levels of hazardous substances below applicable federal or California hazardous waste standards or metals at concentrations above LBNL background levelsEnvironmental Protection Program

Continental United States (CONUS)

The territory of the United States that is within North America between Canada and Mexico, and the adjacent territorial waters


Continual ImprovementA recurring process of enhancing the Environmental Management System to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance consistent with an organization's environmental policyEnvironmental Protection Program

Continuous Service

Service is continuous if an employee is on pay status each month without a break in service.
For severance-pay purposes, a break in service occurs when there is a separation from Berkeley Lab employment status for any reason, except that a separation from employment for the purposes of transferring an employee to another University location is not a break in service.

  • Periods on an approved leave without pay for military service, illness or injury compensable by workers' compensation, assignment to another research organization at the direction of Berkeley Lab, or an approved leave without pay for any period of 30 calendar days or less are counted as periods of continuous service for the purposes of severance pay, as are periods on pay status before and after any other approved leave without pay.
  • Periods of employment before a break in service are not counted as periods of continuous service for purposes of severance pay.
  • Periods of employment as a UC Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA), student assistant, or other trainee position are not counted as periods of continuous service for purposes of severance pay.
  • Periods of employment on variable time (once called indeterminate time) are not counted as periods of continuous service for purposes of severance pay.
  • Time spent as a postdoctoral fellow is counted toward calculating severance payment if the postdoctoral fellow continued their employment in a career appointment without a break in service.
  • When a Limited appointment has been designated a career appointment after attaining 1,000 hours of qualifying service in any 12 consecutive months without a break in service of at least 120 consecutive calendar days, these hours on pay status will be counted for purposes of severance pay. Qualifying service includes all time on pay status in one or more Limited appointments at the University. However, only those hours worked at Berkeley Lab will be counted toward calculation of the severance payment.

Compensation and Work Hours

Contract 31

“Contract 31” refers to Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, the contract between the U.S. Department of Energy and the University of California (UC) describing the terms for UC to manage Berkeley Lab. The contract includes a statement of work (SOW) for the science missions, and details the requirements for managing the operations and business of Berkeley Lab.

Requirements Management

Contract AppointmentPer the University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM), a contract appointment is established at a fixed or variable percentage of time for up to a four-year duration. A contract appointment can be extended for up to one additional year for a maximum total of five years.Types of Appointments

Contract Modification (MOD)

DOE-produced document that provides Berkeley Lab the budget authority to enter into obligations that will result in immediate or future outlays involving government funds


Contracting Activity

An organizational element that has the authority to award and administer contracting and financial assistance instruments

Contracting Officer

An employee authorized to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts, financial assistance awards, leases, and/or sales contracts and make related determinations and findings

ContractorA contractor employed by Berkeley Lab. Both the contractor and the work crew will be non-Berkeley Lab employees.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Contractor Assurance SystemBerkeley Lab management system designed to monitor controls and inform cognizant management and stakeholders of performanceContractor Assurance

Contractor Supporting Research (CSR)

Funds provided to the Laboratory by the University of California. For research at the Laboratory, selection of the projects funded with CSR funds is made at the discretion of the Laboratory Director or designee.


Contractor-Developed Software

Software that Berkeley Lab pays a contractor to design, program, install, and implement, including new software and the modification of existing or purchased software


Controlled Access ZoneAn area in which certain work (e.g., overhand bricklaying) may take place without the use of guardrail systems, personal fall-arrest systems, or safety net systems. Access to the zone is controlled.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Controlled Document

A document whose changes are managed so as to provide users with current and reliable information. See Berkeley Lab process for detailed information.

Laboratory General Information

Controlled PropertyFunctionally complete, non-expendable assets that retain their identity and are not intended to be incorporated into another asset, plus have an acquisition cost of > $10,000Property

Controlled Substances

Controlled substances as defined in Schedules I-V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 United States Code [USC] §812) and 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1308

Work Environment

Cooperative Agreement

An agreement between the University of California and one or more participants under which the government (through Berkeley Lab) provides personnel services, facilities, equipment, or other resources (with or without reimbursement) towards the conduct of specified research or development efforts that are consistent with the mission of the Laboratory


Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)

An agreement entered into between the University of California, as operator of the Laboratory, and one or more participants, including at least one non-federal party under which the government, through the Laboratory, provides personnel services, facilities, equipment, or other resources with or without reimbursement toward the conduct of specified research or development efforts consistent with the mission of the Laboratory. The Laboratory is precluded from contributing funds to other sponsors in support of a CRADA.


Cord-and-Plug-Powered EquipmentPortable electric equipment, such as power tools, computers, printers, appliances, etc., for which exposure to the hazards of unexpected energization or start-up of the equipment is controlled by the unplugging of the equipment from the energy source and by the plug being under the continuous control of the employee performing the servicing or maintenanceIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Core Hours

The time when employees are normally expected to be at work:  9:30 a.m. through 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. through 3:30 p.m.

Compensation and Work Hours

Core TeamA group of Berkeley Lab employees charged with implementing the essential elements of the Environmental Management SystemEnvironmental Protection Program

Corrective Action

An action that addresses the apparent or root cause of an issue, prevents recurrence or significantly reduces the likelihood or recurrence and demonstrates endurance.

Issues Management


Change of Station



An organization that shares voluntary contributions/support for the meeting (i.e., a benefactor)

Cost Input

The cost, except G&A expenses, that for program costing purposes is allocable to the production of goods and services during a cost-accounting period


Cost Objective

A function, organizational subdivision, program, or other work unit for which cost data are desired and for which provision is made to accumulate and measure the cost of processes, products, jobs, projects, etc.

Financial General Policies

Covered Active Duty or Call to Covered Active Duty StatusFor purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Qualifying Exigency Leave, "covered active duty or call to covered active duty status" is defined as (1) in the case of a member of the regular Armed Forces, duty during the deployment to a foreign country or (2) in the case of a member of the Armed Forces Reserve, duty during the deployment to a foreign country under a federal call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation, during a war, or during a national emergency declared by the President or Congress so long as it is in support of a contingency operation.Leaves of Absence

Covered Military Member

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Qualifying Exigency Leave, a covered military member is a member of the reserve components (Army National Guard of the United States, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air National Guard of the United States, Air Force Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve) or a retired member of the regular Armed Forces or Reserve who is on "active duty or call to active duty status" in support of a contingency operation.

Leaves of Absence

Covered ServicememberFor purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a "covered servicemember" is a current member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves) who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list; or a covered veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness.Leaves of Absence
Covered VeteranFor purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a "covered veteran" is an individual who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves), and was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the five-year period prior to the first date the eligible employee takes FML to care for the covered veteran.Leaves of Absence
CRFCertification Request FormNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Credited Control Radiation Safety SystemSpecific definitions and requirements for radiation-generating devices, radiation safety systems, and credited controls are found in the ES&H Manual Radiation Safety program; EHS Procedure 730, Radiation Generating Device Program; and EHS Procedure 731, RGD Interlock Program.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Criminal Drug Statute

A criminal drug federal or nonfederal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, use, or possession of any controlled substance

Work Environment

Cryogenic LiquidA material whose boiling point is less than 120 Kelvin (-153 degrees Celsius). The typical cryogenic materials used at Berkeley Lab include but are not limited to liquid nitrogen, liquid helium, liquid argon, liquid oxygen, and liquid hydrogen.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Center for Science and Engineering Education



Creative Services Office

Document Mgmt


Contractor Supporting Research



California State University



Coalition of University Employees

HR Policies Overview

CVCCalifornia Vehicle CodeVehicles at LBNL


Contract Worker

Types of Employee Appointments


Construction Work in Progress


Data Fields

Budget and Reporting (B&R) Budget Classification Code, Fund Code, General Ledger (GL) Account; Management Analysis and Reporting Systems (MARS) Code; Resource Type, Resource Category, and Project Type

Financial Business Systems

Day Shift

The standard day-shift workday for full-time employees is 8 hours per day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Compensation and Work Hours


Design Basis Earthquake, two-thirds of the corresponding Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE)Major Construction
DEA RegistrantThe Berkeley Lab function that holds the DEA registration(s). At Berkeley Lab, this is the Laboratory Director. This responsibility is delegated to the Laboratory Deputy Director.Controlled Substances
DecontaminationThe process of reducing or inactivating biological contaminants or components to an acceptable level to reduce or eliminate the possibility of transmission of pathogens to undesired hosts such as laboratory workers, the general public, and other organisms in the environmentIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
De-identified Personal InformationInformation related to individuals but from which all personally identifiable information (PII) has been removed and which cannot trivially be attributed to specific individuals through inference or aggregation of other publicly available informationInformation Technology


Work product or output, resulting from addressing a requirement, that is provided to the contracting agency as demonstration of compliance to the requirement

Requirements Management


The act of destroying the military offensive or defensive advantages inherent in certain types of equipment or material, using the methods specified in the Defense Demilitarization Manual, DoD 4160.21‐M‐1.

Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation (DEAR)

A document that establishes uniform acquisition policies that implement and supplement the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). It is not, by itself, a complete document and must be used in conjunction with the FAR and the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (Contract 31).

Financial General Policies and Information

Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)The department within the California Environmental Protection Agency that regulates hazardous waste management and remedial actions at Berkeley LabEnvironmental Protection Program

Departmental Motor Equipment Fleet Manager

The individual responsible for developing and implementing DOE motor equipment policy and for conducting oversight of the DOE motor equipment program. The individuals designated as property executives are the Departmental Motor Equipment Fleet Managers for their respective organizations.


The allocation of the cost of an asset over the useful service life for accounting purposes


Depreciation/Amortization for IUSThe allocation of the cost of an asset over the useful service life for accounting purposesAccounting


Designated Employer Representative

Work Environment

Design Structural Engineer

The Structural Engineer-of-Record for a capital improvement  project 

Major Construction

Designated Employer Representative (DER)

An employee authorized by the employer to take immediate action(s) to remove employees from safety-sensitive duties, or cause employees to be removed from these covered duties, and to make required decisions in the testing and evaluation processes. The DER also receives test results and other communications for the employer, consistent with the requirements of 49 CFR 40.

Work Environment

Designated person for purposes of FML

Any individual related by blood or whose association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship. The employee may identify the designated person at the time the employee requests the leave, and employees are limited to one designated person per calendar year for FML purposes.

Leaves of Absence 

Designated person for purposes of sick leave and Victim Leave

A person identified by the employee at the time the employee requests the leave. Employees are limited to one designated person per calendar year for each purpose.

Leaves of Absence 


California Department of Fair Employment and Housing

Work Environment


Department of Health and Human Services

Work Environment

Direct Operations

Operations conducted by DOE personnel

Direct or Indirect Report

The organizational relationship between an employee and a supervisor or manager. A direct report is immediately accountable to one director, supervisor, or manager, as defined in the Laboratory’s Human Resources Information System (HRIS). An indirect report is one or more organizational levels below the direct report.


Disability(1) A physical disorder or condition that limits a major life activity; (2) a mental or psychological disorder or condition that limits a major life activity; (3) a Medical Condition that is (a) a cancer-related physical or mental health impairment from a diagnosis, record, or history of cancer; or (b) a genetic characteristic that is known to be a cause of a disease or disorder that is associated with a statistically increased risk of development of a disease or disorder, though presently not associated with any disease or disorder symptoms; and (4) any other condition recognized as a disability under applicable law.Work Environment
DisbursementsThe act of paying out or disbursing moneyFinancial General Policies and Information
Discomfort EvaluationPerformed by Ergo Team. Requested to address the needs of employees with discomfort

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


The process of redistributing, transferring, donating, selling, abandoning, destroying, or other disposition of Government‐owned personal property.

DissipatedA condition where all stored energy has been reduced to a nonhazardous level. Pertains to energy-storing devices such as capacitors, pressure receivers, accumulators, reservoirs, or springsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Division DirectorsDirectors of Berkeley Lab scientific and operations divisionsContractor Assurance
Division Line ManagementThe injured employee's supervisor or other line-management representatives, as defined in that division's Integrated Safety Management Plan (such as the Division Safety Coordinator, a work lead, a principal investigator, or another individual with delegated authority and accountability)Incident Review and Reporting
Division OwnershipThe injured employee's division bears responsibility and accountability for controlling factors related to event causes and can initiate controls to prevent recurrence

Incident Review and Reporting

Division Pcard

A Berkeley Lab-issued credit card that allows authorized employees to make business-related purchases for low-value, standard off-the-shelf items and services that are not available from eBuy and that do not require a purchase order or special approval



Written, visual, audio-, or video-recorded information stored in the form of hard copy, film, magnetic tape, electronic data, or in an online, Web-based format

Requirements Management

Document Information

Also referred to as document "metadata," and includes (but is not limited to) titles, document numbers, revision dates, and, for traceability, the related source requirements and implementing documents’ information

Requirements Management

Document Management

A business-management process that ensures organizational access to current, reliable, and concise information.  The document-management process includes document control, change control, configuration control, periodic review, and communication/distribution.

Requirements Management

DODU.S. Department of DefenseNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
DOD CMRPDepartment of Defense Congressionally Mandated Research ProgramNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Department of Energy

DOE Financial Assistance Rules

DOE regulations that establish a uniform administrative system for application, award, and administration of assistance awards, including grants and cooperative agreements. Appendix D – Page: 2 LBNL PUB-3032, June 21, 2010

DOE Integrated Contractor

A contractor who has a management and operating (M&O) contract that uses DOE funds to finance its operations under a cost-type contract; maintains a separate set of accounts and records for the recording and reporting costs on the contract are maintained in accordance with DOE accounting practices and procedures, and whose accounts, maintained for operations under the contract, are integrated with those of DOE.


DOE Management and Operating (M&O) Contractors

Private-sector companies, universities, and nonprofit organizations that manage DOE national laboratories and production installations through a Management and Operating (M&O) contract

Non-DOE Funded Project Mechanisms

DOE Organization

• A DOE federal management activity, such as an Operations Office, Support Office, Field Office, Area Office, Site Office, and Project Office
• A DOE laboratory staffed by federal employees
• The NNSA, except where specifically excluded

DOE Screening Period

The period of time that reportable excess personal property is screened throughout DOE for reutilization purposes and, for selected items, through the Used Energy‐Related Laboratory Equipment (ERLE) Grant Program

DOE WN Reimbursable Work Data CallAnnual request for reimbursable budget authority needs required by DOE one fiscal year prior to funding needsBudget

DOE Work Authorization

DOE-produced programmatic document that specifies activities for which the funds are to be used


Domestic Loan

The temporary transfer of idled U.S. government property or materials to a DOE office or contractor, laboratory, other government entity or other organization for uses that will benefit the U.S. government and the borrower

Domestic Partner

The individual designated as an employee’s domestic partner under one of the following methods:
• Registration of the partnership with the state of California
• Establishment of a same-sex legal union, other than marriage, formed in another jurisdiction that is substantially equivalent to a state of California-registered domestic partnership
• Filing of a Declaration of Domestic Partnership form with the University of California
If an individual has not been designated as an employee’s domestic partner by any of the above methods, the following criteria are applicable in defining domestic partner:
• The individual is the employee’s sole domestic partner in a long-term, committed relationship with the intention to remain so indefinitely and
• Neither individual is legally married to someone else or  a partner in another domestic partnership and
• The individuals are not related by blood to a degree of closeness that would prohibit legal marriage in the state of California and
• Each individual is 18 years of age or older and capable of consenting to the relationship and
• The individuals share a common residence and are financially interdependent


Domestic Travel

Travel within United States and its possessions, or travel from a foreign country to the United States



Department of Transportation

Work Environment


Department of Transportation – Testing Designated Position

Work Environment

Doubtful Account

An account balance for which collection appears uncertain. Such accounts are termed “bad debts” and are usually written off as an expense.


DPWDeclared pregnant workerHealth Services Programs
Drug(1) Articles recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia, Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States, or the National Formulary, or any supplement to any of them; and (2) articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of diseaseHuman and Animal Subjects Research

Drug or Alcohol Conviction

A conviction is a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with responsibility to determine violations of any criminal drug or alcohol statutes.

Work Environment


Division Staff Committee

Types of Employee Appointments


Employee Activities Association

Work Environment


Employee Assistance Program

HR Policies Overview

East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)The municipal wastewater treatment agency that accepts and regulates sanitary sewer discharges from Berkeley LabEnvironmental Protection Program


The Laboratory’s electronic commerce ordering system for purchasing low-value catalog items. eBuy allows Laboratory personnel to purchase items directly from a supplier’s Web catalog.

Financial General Policies and Information


Employment Development Department

Educationally Useful Federal Equipment

Computers and related peripheral tools (e.g., printers, modems, routers, and servers), including telecommunications and research equipment, that are appropriate for use in pre‐kindergarten, elementary, middle, or secondary school education. It also includes computer software, where the transfer of licenses is permitted.

Education‐Related and Federal Research Equipment

Includes but is not limited to DOE‐owned property in FSCG 34, 36, 41, 52, 60, 61, 66, 67, 70, and 74, and other related equipment, which is deemed appropriate for use in improving math and science curricula or activities for elementary and secondary school education, or for the conduct of technical and scientific education and research activities


Equal Employment Opportunity

Work Environment


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Work Environment

EffluentAny treated or untreated liquid discharge from Berkeley Lab or from a Laboratory facilityIncident Review and Reporting
EHSEnvironment/Health/Safety DivisionIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Environment, Health & Safety (the Laboratory division)

General Policy – ES&H


EH&S – Radiation Protection Group

Laboratory General Information


EH&S – Security & Emergency Operations Group

Laboratory General Information

Electrical Equipment Safety Program (EESP)An inspection program designed to meet the OSHA requirement for AHJ acceptance of Unlisted electrical utilization equipment

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)Electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), commonly called a charging station, connects an electric vehicle to electrical power and includes electrical safety equipmentMajor Construction

Electronic Cigarette

An electronic cigarette (also known as an e-cigarette or personal vaporizer [PV]) is an electronic inhaler that vaporizes a liquid solution into an aerosol mist, simulating the act of tobacco smoking

Work Environment
Electronic System for Research Administration (eSRA)Berkeley Lab's electronic proposal and award management systemBridge Funding for Sponsored Research Projects

Elementary and Secondary Schools

Individual public or private educational institutions encompassing kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as public school districts

Eligible Institution

Any nonprofit educational institution of higher learning such as universities, colleges, junior colleges, and technical institutes or museums located in the United States and interested in establishing or upgrading energy‐oriented education programs

Eligible Recipient

Local elementary and secondary schools and nonprofit organizations. Appendix D – Page: 3 LBNL PUB-3032, June 21, 2010

Eligible worker

A Berkeley Lab employee who works on-site more than 30 days in a 12-month period, or is enrolled for any length of time in a Laboratory medical surveillance or exposure monitoring program

Health Services Programs
EliminatedRemoved by a means that does not require active intervention to maintain. For example, Lock Out/Tag Out of rotating machinery or physical blocking of a hydraulic ram would be considered elimination. Traffic control or continuous forced-air ventilation would not be considered elimination.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Employee and Labor Relations

HR Policies Overview

EmissionAny filtered or unfiltered substance released to the air from Berkeley Lab or from a Laboratory facilityIncident Review and Reporting


An individual who receives a paycheck from the Laboratory


Employee (re Signature Authority)

For the purposes of this policy, any Laboratory employee who receives a paycheck from the Laboratory and any UC employee who has been granted signature authority at the Laboratory

Financial General Policies and Information

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

A program of counseling, referral, and educational services concerning illegal drug use and other medical, mental, emotional, or personal problems of employees, particularly those that adversely affect behavior and job performance.  Employees are encouraged to self-refer for substance abuse problems and to seek confidential assistance. Berkeley Lab’s EAP provider is UC CARE Services.

Work Environment

Employee Organization Business

Per the Relations with Employee Organizations policy, the term "employee organization business" is used to define all legal activities of an employee organization including, but not limited to, meetings, dues collection, soliciting, distributing, and campaigning.

Relations with Employee Organizations

Employee-Vendor Relationship

Such a relationship exists when:

  • An employee, acting alone, proposes for a consideration to lease or sell goods or to provide services to the Laboratory; or
  • An employee owns or controls more than a 10% interest in any business that proposes for a consideration to lease or sell goods or to provide services to the Laboratory; or
  • A former employee, acting alone, proposes for a consideration to lease or sell goods or to provide services to the Laboratory; or
  • A near relative of an employee, acting alone, proposes for a consideration to lease or sell goods or to provide services to a Laboratory department, when the employee has, in any connection with his or her Laboratory employment, any responsibility for or will be involved in any manner in the department’s decision to accomplish or approve the transactions; or
  • The near relative of an employee owns or controls more than a 10% interest in a business, which proposes for a consideration to lease or sell goods or to provide services to the Laboratory, when the employee has, in any connection with his or her UC employment, any responsibility for or will be involved in any manner in the department’s decision to accomplish or approve the transactions.
EncumbranceAn amount (full cost) for which there is a legal obligation to spend in the futureAccounting

Energization Validation & Authorization Package (EVAP)

An authorized work-control package of documents assembled by the Responsible Individual to establish readiness for energization. Each EVAP must be reviewed and approved by all applicable Electrical AHJs: the Electrical AHJ for Safe Work Practices (PAHJ); the Electrical AHJ for Safe Installations (IAHJ); and the Electrical AHJ for Safe Equipment (PAHJ, IAHJ, and EAHJ). The EVAP is required for minor to complex work with adherence to Berkeley Lab's ES&H Core Policy and the Electrical Safety program.Electrical Safety Programs
EnergizedConnected to an energy source or containing residual or stored energyIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Energy Asset Disposal System (EADS)

A module contained within DOE/GSAProperty
Energy Isolation

A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy, including but not limited to the following:

  • Manually operated electrical circuit breaker.
  • Manually operated disconnect switch.
  • Manually operated switch by which the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors, and no pole can be operated independently.
  • Manually operated valve.
  • Flange blank.
  • Pin or block.
  • Any similar device used to block or isolate energy.
    Energy isolations shall be capable of being locked out. Push buttons, selector switches, software interlocks, and control circuit type devices are not energy isolations and cannot be used to isolate hazardous energy.
Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Energy‐Oriented Education Program

One that deals partially or entirely in energy or energy‐related topics

Engineered NanomaterialsDiscrete materials having structures with at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nanometers, and intentionally created, as opposed to those that are naturally or incidentally formed. Engineered nanomaterials do not include larger materials that may have nanoscale features (e.g., etched silicon wafers), biomolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates), or materials with Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) that address nano-size particles for that substance.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Engineering ControlsMeasures other than respiratory protection or administrative controls that are implemented at the work site to contain, control, and/or otherwise reduce exposure to lead-contaminated dust and debris usually in the occupational health setting. The measures include process and product substitution, isolation, and ventilation.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Enhanced User Access

Additional access to system capabilities that provide read/write permissions and/or read access to sensitive information

Financial Business Systems


For National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) purposes, the environment represents the entirety of physical surroundings, natural and man-made, both on and off the main Berkeley Lab site.


Environmental Action Plan (EAP)A formal mechanism that summarizes how the objectives and targets will be achieved, including timescales and personnel responsible for implementing the appropriate actionsEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental Aspect

An activity, product, or service that can interact with the environment

Environmental Protection Program

Environmental Impacts

For National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) purposes, environmental impacts are effects to any of the various components of that environment. These include effects on natural resources (air, water, plant and animal species, etc.), man-made resources (historical and archaeological items, traffic conditions, public services), and subjective conditions (visual quality, noise, land use, etc.).


Environmental Management System (EMS)A systematic approach to ensuring that environmental activities are well managed. It includes organization structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, and resources.Environmental Protection Program
Environmental MonitoringThe collection and analysis of sanitary sewer samplesEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental ObjectiveOverall environmental goal that an organization attempts to attainEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental OccurrenceA sudden or sustained deviation from a regulated or planned performance at an operation that has environmental protection and compliance significanceEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental PerformanceMeasurable results related to the management of environmental aspectsEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental SurveillanceThe collection and analysis of samples, or direct measurements of air, water, soil, foodstuff, biota, and other media from Berkeley Lab and its environs in order to determine compliance with applicable standards and permit requirements, assess radiation exposures of members of the public, and assess the effects, if any, on the local environmentEnvironmental Protection Program
Environmental TargetDetailed performance goal that results from the establishment of an environmental objective. Where practicable, the target will be quantified and include a completion date.Environmental Protection Program

eProcurement (ePro)

The institutional online ordering/procurement system used to purchase goods and services that are not available on eBuy or cannot be purchased with a PCard



Functionally complete, nonexpendable assets that retain their identity and are not intended to be incorporated into another asset, and have an acquisition cost of > $10,000 and <$500,000.


Equipment Held for Future Projects

Equipment being retained, based on approved justifications, for a known future use, or for a potential use in planned projects

Equity Increases

Increases in salary to remedy salary inequities may be granted on a targeted basis to address internal or market alignment.

Compensation and Work Hours


An alternative means of providing an equal or greater degree of safety than that afforded by strict conformance to prescribed codes and standards

Fire Protection

Equivalent Job

An equivalent job is any career position with Berkeley Lab or the University at a beginning salary at least equal to the salary paid the employee in the job from which that employee was laid off, regardless of salary range

Compensation and Work Hours

Ergonomic evaluationAn ergonomic evaluation (ergo eval) is performed by the Ergo Team to observe a worker's workstation, workplace, and/or behaviors (e.g., body mechanics) to identify risk factorsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
ErgonomicsThe study of human interaction with tools, equipment, software, work processes, and the environment in which people function. The goal is to fit the job to the person. Ergonomics recognizes the capabilities, differences, and limitations of individuals, and adjusts the tools, work process, or work environment accordingly.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Employee Referral Incentive Program



Environment, Safety & Health (the subject matter associated with DOE programs)

General Policy – ES&H

Especially Designed or Prepared Property

Equipment, materials, and technology designed or prepared especially for use in the nuclear fuel cycle and described in the International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular 254 Part 1, the Nuclear Suppliers Group Trigger List

eSRAThe Berkeley Lab electronic Sponsored Research Administration system for electronic submittal and tracking of proposals as well as non-financial award management
Evaluation team memberA person who participates in the planning and development of evaluation criteria for competitive solicitations and who performs evaluations of offers/proposals in response to the solicitations.  Members can be both Berkeley Lab personnel and other outside technical or subject matter experts.  Team members must read, understand and certify  acknowledgement of the duties and requirements of confidentiality and conflict of interest associated with participating on an evaluation team.Procurement 


Any formal activity that involves the dissemination or exchange of trade, business, professional, or technical information with employees or peers

Events, Planning and Financial

EVMSEarned Value Management SystemAccounting

Exception to Policy

An action that exceeds what is allowable under current policy or that is not expressly provided for under policy.  Any such action must be treated as an exception.

HR Policies Overview

Excess Baggage

Baggage in excess of the carrier's size and weight limit


Excess Inventory

Inventory stock that exceeds the demand expected in the normal course of operations because the amount on hand is more than can be sold or used in the foreseeable future and that does not meet management's criteria to be held in reserve for future sale.


Excess PropertySupplies, materials, and equipment no longer required for the needs of the LaboratoryProperty
Exclusive Control"Under the exclusive control of the employee" means that the Authorized Person has the authority to and is continuously in a position to prevent (exclude) other individuals from re-energizing or starting the machine or equipment while performing the servicing or maintenance activityIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Executive Officer

The University President or the Chancellor or the Laboratory Director

HR Policies Overview

Executive OrderA presidential policy directive that implements or interprets a federal statute, a constitutional provision, or a treatyEnvironmental Protection Program

Exempt Employees

Exempt employees are defined as employees who, based on their duties performed and manner of compensation, shall be exempt from the minimum-wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Because of hourly pay practices, an employee appointed to work a variable-time schedule in an exempt title shall be treated as a non-exempt employee subject to FLSA minimum-wage and overtime provisions. Exempt employees shall be paid an established monthly or annual salary and are expected to fulfill the duties of their positions regardless of hours worked. Exempt employees are not eligible to receive overtime compensation or compensatory time off, and are not required to adhere to strict time, record keeping, and attendance rules for pay purposes. Exempt titles are identified in title and pay plans.

Compensation and Work Hours

Work Environment

ExemptionThe process mandated by the DOE to request deviation from compliance to DOE Order 420.1C or established national and state codes and standards. The process pertains to buildings or situations governed by DOE requirements.Fire Protection


An individual or organization that participates in the event to display or present products and services relative to the purpose of the event

Events, Planning and Financial

Experimental radioactive drugA radioactive drug not listed in the United States Pharmacopeia, Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States, or the National Formulary, or any supplement to any of themHuman and Animal Subjects Research

Experimental Vehicle

A vehicle acquired solely for testing and research purposes or otherwise designated for experimental purposes. Such vehicles are the object of testing and research as differentiated from those used as vehicular support to testing and research. Experimental vehicles are not used for passenger-carrying services unless required as part of a testing/evaluation program, and are not subject to statutory price limitations or authorization limitations.

Export Controlled Information

Unclassified U.S. government technical information under DOE cognizance that, if proposed for export by the private sector, would require a Department of Commerce or Department of State validated license or a DOE authorization, and which, if given uncontrolled release, could reasonably be expected to have adverse affect on U.S. national security or nuclear nonproliferation objectives

Export Controlled Property

Property that is subject to licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State, or the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or authorization by the U. S. Department of Energy

ExposureInhalation, ingestion, absorption, injection, or contact with a chemical, biological, or physical agent.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Exposure AssessmentThe process of defining exposure profiles and judging the acceptability of workplace exposures to environmental agents. These assessments may be quantitative, semiquantitative, or qualitative. They are generally conducted by an ES&H professional, which may include industrial hygienists or safety engineers. These assessments may be conducted for representative employees and are not required to be conducted for each individual. In all cases, employees have full access to exposure-monitoring information, including situations where an individual's exposure is not monitored.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Exposure Control Plan (ECP)An authorization document used at Berkeley Lab to define work, hazards, and controls in accordance with the requirements of the Cal/OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard for work with or potential exposure to blood-borne pathogen materials. The BUA is the ECP for work that pertains to research.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Exposure MonitoringThe sampling and analysis of air both inside and outside the work area to determine the degree of worker and occupant exposure to lead or other airborne contaminants, often involving air sampling inside a worker's breathing zoneIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Expressly Unallowable Cost

A particular item or type of cost that, under the express provisions of an applicable law, regulation, or contract, is specifically named and stated to be unallowable

Financial General Policies and Information

Extended Sick LeaveLeave provided to an eligible employee who has exhausted accrued sick leave and is unable to work due to a work-incurred injury or illness (See the Workers' Compensation policy).Separation from Employment

Extended Workweek

An extended workweek is a planned schedule exceeding the normal 40-hour workweek for more than four consecutive weeks at a regular Laboratory site or a temporary assignment at locations away from regular Laboratory sites.

Compensation and Work Hours

Extension Education Course

A continuing adult education course or certificate program

Employee Development

External CSR FundsExternal CSR refers to monetary gifts external parties make to the Regents of the UC and/or BLF to be used for CSR at Berkeley Lab. These gifts impose no contractual requirements and are given irrevocably.Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Extremely Hazardous WasteAny hazardous waste or mixture of hazardous wastes whose exposure to humans could likely result in death, a disabling personal injury, or a serious illness because of its quantity, concentration, or chemical characteristics (22 CCR § 66260.10).Waste Management
F&AFacilities and Administration CostsNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Fabricated AssetA tangible, self-constructed asset meeting the capitalization criteria. It must be a unique or custom-built device not available in the open market. Fabrications will include Berkeley Lab labor, including all applicable burdens, as part of the total cost To qualify as a fabrication, any modification or improvement of off-the-shelf equipment must be a betterment that significantly increases its value, functionality, or life.Accounting


A tangible, self-constructed asset meeting the capitalization threshold. It must be a unique or custom-built device not available in the open market. To qualify as a fabrication, any modification or improvement of off-the-shelf equipment must be a betterment that significantly increases its value, functionality, or life.


FACFederal Administrative ChargeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Facilities Area ManagerFacilities division subject matter expert/official who coordinates and manages Facilities Division activities in assigned Berkeley Lab campus zones.NEPA-CEQA
Facility-Based AuthorizationHazards analyses and controls are based on the facility as a whole rather than on an individual operation. Examples include Safety Analysis Documents, air and water discharge permits, and NEPA/CEQA analyses.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Facility in Standby

A complete plant or section of a plant that is neither in service nor declared excess

Faculty Scientist/Engineer

University of California (UC) faculty members who may be paid by the campus or by the campus and the Laboratory. These are Berkeley Lab employees who participate in Laboratory programs.  This appointment is eligible for Faculty Summer Salary from Berkeley Lab.

Types of Employee Appointments

Faculty Senior Scientist/Engineer

University of California (UC) tenured faculty (or on track to be tenured faculty) members who may be paid by the campus or by the campus and the Laboratory. These are Berkeley Lab employees who participate in Laboratory programs.  They also have a well-established relationship with the Laboratory and an ongoing program of research that involves Laboratory staff and resources.   This appointment is eligible for Faculty Summer Salary from Berkeley Lab.

Types of Employee Appointments

Faculty Summer Salary

Either a University of California (UC) Faculty Scientist/Engineer or Faculty Senior Scientist/Engineer who receives summer salary support directly from Berkeley Lab (through Berkeley Lab Payroll) during the summer period as defined by UC Academic Pay Policies.

Compensation and Work Hours

Failed Adoption

The dissolution or breach of an adoption agreement with the birth mother or legal guardian or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested by another party.

Leaves of Absence 

Failed Surrogacy

The dissolution or breach of a surrogacy agreement or a failed embryo transfer to the surrogate.

Leaves of Absence 

Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act is a federal law whose basic requirements are: Payment of the federal minimum wage; overtime pay for time worked over 40 hours in a workweek (for non-exempt employees only); restrictions on the employment of children; and record keeping.

Compensation and Work Hours

FAIRSFederal Aviation Interactive Reporting SystemHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Family and Medical Leaves (FML)Leaves that the University offers employees for specified family and medical reasons, consistent with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), CFRA, and/or California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDLL).Leaves of Absence
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

A federal law that allows an employee to take unpaid leave (1) due to the employee's serious health condition (including disability resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition), (2) to care for certain family members if they have a serious health condition, (3) to bond with their new child after the child's birth or placement with the employee for adoption or foster care, (4) for Military Caregiver Leave, or (5) for Qualifying Exigency Leave.

Leaves of Absence

Family Members

Except for purposes of Family and Medical Leave, an employee's spouse, domestic partner, children regardless of age or dependency status (including children of the employee's domestic partner), parents, siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren. Step-relatives, in-laws, and relatives by adoption are included on the same basis as the above-listed blood relatives. “Parent” also includes a foster parent or legal guardian of an employee or the employee’s spouse or domestic partner or a person who stood in place of a parent (in loco parentis) when the employee was a minor child. Likewise, “child” also includes a foster child, legal ward, or a child to whom the employee stands in place of a parent (in loco parentis). For sick leave and Victim Leave purposes, “family members” also include designated persons.

Leaves of Absence

Family Member for Purposes of FMLAn employee's spouse, domestic partner, designated person, children regardless of age or dependency status, (including children of the employee's domestic partner), parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, and siblings. (Section D of the Family and Medical Leave policy explains which statutory entitlement(s) would apply depending on the family member for whom an employee is taking FML and the type of leave being taken.) Step-relatives and relatives by virtue of adoption, foster care, and legal ward/legal guardian relationships are included on the same basis as the above-listed blood relatives. "In loco parentis" relationships also qualify, which means that (a) "parent" includes a person who had day-to-day responsibilities to care for the employee or financially supported the employee when the employee was a child, and (b) "child" includes a person for whom the employee has day-to-day responsibilities to care for the child or financially supports the child. In-laws other than parents-in-law are not included unless the employee identifies the in-law as a designated person.Leaves of Absence


Federal Acquisition Regulations

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

The primary regulation for use by all federal executive agencies in their acquisition of supplies and services with appropriated funds

Financial General Policies

Federal Records

Records, except University-owned records, acquired or generated by the contractor in the performance of Contract 31

Archives and Records Management

Federal Sponsor

Any entity that is part of the federal government



The central government-wide data-collection system for federal agencies and recipients of federal awards under Section 1512 of the Recovery Act. Recipients access FederalReporting.gov to fulfill their reporting obligations. Federal agencies, prime recipients, and sub-recipients are required to submit data on a quarterly basis for grants, loans, and federally awarded contracts under the Recovery Act.


Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)

The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) is the document that details statutory requirements and Executive Branch policies for travel by federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at government expense. The Laboratory is required to comply with certain provisions of the FTR.

Federal-wide Assurance for the Protection of Human Subjects (FWA)The written, binding agreement submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services in which the institution commits to complying with regulations governing research with human subjects and stipulates the procedures through which compliance will be achievedHuman and Animal Subjects Research
Federally-Owned Personally Identifiable Information (PII)Federally-owned information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other personal or identifying information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. The definition of PII is not anchored to any single category of information or technology. Rather, it requires a case-by-case assessment of the specific risk that an individual can be identified.Information Technology


Generally, a payment made to an individual in support of his or her pursuit of study or research


Felony Conviction

A finding of guilt for any felony violation (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with responsibility to determine violations of any felony statutes

Recruitment, Work Environment

Field Budget Submission

DOE Annual Budget Call each spring for inclusion in the President’s budget presented to Congress. Field budget formulation takes place two years prior to the execution year.


Field Evaluating Body (FEB)An organization that performs electrical equipment safety inspections and that is recognized by the AHJ. It is recognized by the AHJ if it meets the requirements of NFPA 790 and NFPA 791Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Field EvaluationAn electrical equipment safety inspection on Unlisted equipment performed on site by a Third-Party Field Evaluating Body (FEB)Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Field Work Proposal (FWP)

Proposal forms frequently used in a proposal to DOE


Filtering Facepiece (Disposable Dust Mask)A negative pressure particulate respirator with a filter as an integral part of the facepiece, or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering mediumIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Final Cost Objective

A cost objective to which is allocated both direct and indirect costs and which is one of the final accumulation points.


Financial Conflict of InterestA significant financial interest related to the Public Health Service (PHS)-funded research activity in which the investigator is engaged and that could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, or reporting of the PHS-funded research activity

 Conflict of Interest in Research

Financial TransactionThe use and disbursement of funds, and / or the recording of adjustments and accruals for materials, goods, and servicesFinancial General Policies
FindingA term this is interchangeable with "Issue." A term that refers to a programmatic or performance deficiency and/or a regulatory, policy or procedural noncompliance generally identified in a formal assessment or audit.Contractor Assurance

First Class

Generally, the highest class of accommodation offered by the airlines in terms of both cost and amenities and termed “first-class” by the airlines and any reservation system


Fit TestThe use of a protocol to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate the fit of a particular respirator to a specific person. A fit test must be repeated annually.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Fitness for Duty EvaluationA medical evaluation tailored to the essential functions of the position. This evaluation may or may not include a health history, physical examination, medical testing, or functional capacity testing, etc.Health Services Programs
Fixed EquipmentDetectors and alarms, automatic fire sprinklers, fire doors and dampers, attached fire hoses, and fire hydrantsFire Protection

Fixed Time

An employee's work schedule that is not subject to change or fluctuation from week to week or month to month. There are two types of fixed time:  full time and part time. Full-time employees work at 100% time. Part-time employees work less than 100% time.

Compensation and Work Hours

Fixed Treatment Unit (FTU)A treatment unit that treats hazardous waste and discharges treated wastewater to the sanitary sewer under a permit with the city of Berkeley and possibly EBMUDEnvironmental Protection Program
Floater AppointmentPer the University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM), the floater appointment is reserved for use in temporary employment pools and may be established at any percentage of full time for up to a two-year duration. The Floater Appointment will be used in UCPath to designate Visiting Researchers at Berkeley Lab.Types of Appointments


Fair Labor Standards Act

Compensation and Work Hours

Fly America Act

Public law (commonly referred to as the Fly America Act) that, in general, requires that foreign air travel funded with federal dollars be done on U.S. flag air carriers



Family and Medical Leave

Leaves of Absence


Family Medical Leave Act

Leaves of Absence

FMSThe Berkeley Lab Financial Management SystemNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Any area outside the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands

Foreign Country of Risk

Any foreign country determined to be of risk by the Office of Science in consultation with the Under Secretary for Science; the Under Secretary of Energy; the Under Secretary for Nuclear Security; and the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.
A foreign country of risk is defined as
(i) any foreign government or foreign government agency or instrumentality thereof of a foreign country of risk; 
(ii) any form of business enterprise or legal entity organized, chartered, or incorporated under the laws of a foreign country of risk; and 
(iii) any form of business enterprise or legal entity which is owned, controlled, or influenced by an entity described in paragraphs 9(i) or 9(ii) above, or by any foreign national of a foreign country of risk.

Outside Business and Employment
Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program

In general, such programs include any foreign state-sponsored attempt to acquire U.S. scientific-funded research or technology through foreign government-run or funded recruitment programs that target scientists, engineers, academics, researchers, students, and entrepreneurs of all nationalities working or educated in the United States. These recruitment programs are often part of broader whole-of-government strategies to reduce costs associated with basic research while focusing investment on military development or dominance in emerging technology sectors. Distinguishing features of a foreign government talent recruitment program covered by DOE Order 486.1A include:

  • Compensation: Compensation provided by the foreign state to the targeted individual in exchange for the individual transferring their knowledge and expertise to the foreign country. The compensation can take several forms, such as cash, research funding, honorific titles, career advancement opportunities, promised future compensation, or other types of remuneration or consideration.
  • Recruitment: Recruitment in this context refers to the foreign-state sponsor's active engagement in attracting the targeted individual to join the foreign-sponsored program and transfer their knowledge and expertise to the foreign state. The targeted individual may be employed and located in the U.S. or in the foreign state. Recruitment would not necessarily include any invitation for engagement extended by the foreign state, for example, an invitation to attend or present work at an international conference.
  • Incentives: Many, but not all, programs aim to incentivize the targeted individual to physically relocate to the foreign state. Of particular concern are those programs that allow for continued employment at U.S. research facilities or receipt of DOE research funds while concurrently receiving compensation from the foreign state.
Outside Business and Employment

Foreign Loan

Any foreign shipment of government property or materials to a non‐DOE recipient, and which property or materials does not involve joint exercises or joint use between DOE and the foreign recipient for uses that will benefit the U.S. government and the borrower

Foreign National

An alien. For the purposes of DOE O 142.3A or its associated Contractor Requirements Document (CRD), a foreign national is a person who was born outside the jurisdiction of the United States, is a citizen of a foreign government, and has not been naturalized under U.S. law.

Types of Appointments

Foreign Service Post

The local diplomatic or consular post in the area where the excess personal property is located

Foreign Travel

Travel from the United States to a foreign country (including Canada and Mexico) and return, or travel between foreign countries


Formal AuthorizationA written document, authorized by the responsible division with EHS (or with a chartered safety committee) review and concurrence, that describes the scope of work, required procedures and controls, authorized materials and equipment to be used, and staff authorized to conduct the work. Examples include Radiological Work Authorizations and research involving human or animal subjects.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Formal Complaint

• A claim by an individual employee regarding a specific management act that is alleged to have adversely affected the employee’s existing terms and conditions of employment or
• A claim by an individual employee that he/she has been adversely affected by a management action in violation of a provision of the Laboratory’s Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM)

Problem Resolution

Friable ACMA material containing asbestos that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powder when dry, under hand pressure, or that has been crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to a powderIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Full-time Equivalent

Compensation and Work Hours

Full Cost

The sum of all costs required by a cost object, including the costs of activities performed by other entities, regardless of funding sources


Full Time

Full-time status is fixed time at 40 hours per workweek. 

Compensation and Work Hours

Full-time Academic Program

In adherence to the school’s definition of a full-time course schedule

Types of Employee Appointments

Full-time Schedule

A schedule involving complete workweeks or calendar months

Compensation and Work Hours

Functional Area

A grouping of individuals based on the function each performs in the organization (for example, Human Resources or IT).  A division, department, or office at the Laboratory.  Functional areas may have oversight of one or more policy areas, or may share responsibility for a policy area with another function.

Requirements Management

Fund CodeFive-digit identifiers that represent unique combinations of Department of Energy (DOE) funding attributes. Every unique combination of DOE and reimbursable funding attributes would have a unique LBNL fund code.Financial Business Systems
General Access Area (GAA)GAAs may be designated by the Officially Designated Security Authority to allow access to certain areas with minimum-security requirementsPhysical Security

General and Administrative (G&A)

Any management, financial, and other expense incurred by or allocated to the Laboratory that is for the general management and administration of the Laboratory as a whole. G&A expense does not include management expenses whose beneficial or causal relationship to cost objectives can be more directly measured by a base other than the established value-added cost input base.


General and Administrative (General, Site Support, Off-site) Indirect RateRate applied to recover costs of the management and administration of Berkeley Lab as a wholeBudget
General Ledger AccountA numbered account used to keep track of financial transactions and to prepare financial reports. Each account is a unique record summarizing each type of asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense.Financial Business Systems

General Services Administration (GSA)

An independent agency of the U.S. government established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

A widely accepted set of rules, conventions, standards, and procedures for reporting financial information, as established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB).



A gift is anything of assignable value that is voluntarily and legally transferred to Berkeley Lab's ownership and possession. A gift is a contribution to the Regents of the University of California that is donative in intent, bestowed voluntarily and without expectation of tangible compensation for which, in general, contractual or other requirements are not imposed. Gifts are awarded irrevocably. A gift is not a Strategic Partnership Project (SPP), nor an extramural contract or grant, and therefore imposes no contractual requirements. Any proposed gift must support the scientific mission of Berkeley Lab. Gifts cannot be used for non-allowable costs and are subject to Contract 31, Clause H.27 and P.10.


Gift ReserveThe purpose of the Gift Reserve is to provide a source of unrestricted funds should a specific gift be overcosted. The Gift Reserve's use for overcosted balances is at the discretion of and with any needed approval from the Laboratory Deputy Director of Research.
GLACIERA secure, Web-based tax compliance system used by international persons to provide their immigrant and tax data via the InternetPayroll


UC Berkeley's GradLink-on-the-Web

Types of Employee Appointments


Grade point average

Types of Employee Appointments

Graded Approach

The process by which the levels of analysis, documentation, verification, and other controls necessary to comply with program requirements are developed commensurate with specified factors

Quality Assurance

Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)A graduate student researcher is a graduate student who performs research related to the student's degree program in an academic department or research unit under the direction of a faculty member or authorized principal investigator.Types of Appointments


A financial assistance mechanism that provides money, property, or both to an eligible entity to carry out an approved project or activity. A grant is used whenever the grantor anticipates no substantial programmatic involvement with the recipient during performance of the financially assisted activities.


Green Card Holder

Also known as Permanent U.S. Resident


Green Card Test (see Resident Alien)

An alien who is considered a U.S. resident if the individual was a lawful permanent resident of the United States at any time during the calendar year. This is known as the “green card test” because the alien holds an immigrant visa (green card).


Group LOTOA process to coordinate a complex LOTO so that LOTO Authorized Persons have to apply personal LOTO locks to a lockbox only instead of at each energy isolationIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Group LOTO LockA LOTO lock used for the purpose of group LOTO. It is identified by a group LOTO lock tag. The keys to group LOTO locks are controlled in a LOTO lockbox.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Graduate Student Health Insurance Program

Types of Employee Appointments


Graduate Student Instructor

Types of Employee Appointments


Graduate Student Researcher

Types of Employee Appointments


Graduate Student Research Assistant

Types of Employee Appointments


An abridged set of practical instructions and advice, readily accessible and reader friendly, to assist in the interpretation and implementation of policies, regulations, and procedures. Guidelines do not generate or replace policies or requirements.
Example: Environment, Health, & Safety (EH&S) Division Chemical Storage Guidelines

Requirements Management

Hands-On Work

Includes all activities except administrative office work and other similar activities.
Although not limited to the following, these activities are examples of hands-on work:

  • Activities involving the use of hand or power tools.
  • Repair or service of a device, apparatus, machine, or mechanism.
  • Material handling involving use of hand or power tools.
  • Handling or disposing of a chemical; a compressed gas; or a hazardous, radioactive, or biohazardous material.

Although not limited to the following, these activities are typically not defined as hands-on work, unless there is a hands-on work component involving tools or other form of safety risk factor:

  • Office and administrative duties.
  • Computer programming.
  • Attending or making a presentation.
  • Supervision of a worker(s) who is not performing hands-on work.
  • Document archiving.
  • Financial auditing.
  • Photography.
  • Language translation.
  • Vending machine delivery and stocking.
  • Water delivery with no maintenance involved.
  • General deliveries or pickup of items with no complex material handling or tools involved.
Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
HARCHuman and Animal Regulatory Committee OfficeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Hazard AssessmentA preliminary evaluation (or screening) of an activity to determine if a more comprehensive Exposure Assessment is required. Hazard Assessments can be performed by work leads, supervisors, workers, or an EHS professional. Hazard Assessments are one form of Baseline Exposure Assessment.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Hazard ZoneThe space near a source of hazardous energy where a person could be harmed if the hazardous energy was suddenly or unexpectedly released, such as the unexpected release of stored pressure, the unexpected movement of a machine, the unexpected energization of an electrical conductor, or the spray from a hazardous chemical that was unexpectedly releasedIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Hazardous Air PollutantAny pollutant listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air ActEnvironmental Protection Program
Hazardous AtmosphereAny atmosphere, either immediately or not immediately dangerous to life or health, which is oxygen-deficient or which contains a toxic or disease-producing contaminant exceeding Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) adopted by Berkeley Lab.
Hazardous Energy

Energy that is of such a magnitude that it is capable of causing harm to a person

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Hazardous Energy ControlThe process of systematically implementing mechanical means to prevent hazardous energy from flowing to a personIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Hazardous Property

Any personal property, including scrap or waste, that is ignitable, explosive, corrosive, reactive, or toxic because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, or that is deemed a hazardous material, chemical substance or mixture, or hazardous waste under the Hazardous Material Transportation Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or the Toxic Substances Control Act. Such property can be in solid, liquid, semi‐liquid, or contained gas form and may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or illness, or pose present or potential hazards to human health or the environment when improperly used, treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or mismanaged. Among other things, it includes hazardous materials and hazardous wastes as defined in the Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR).

Hazardous Soil or Groundwater

Soil or groundwater with concentrations of hazardous substances above applicable federal or California hazardous waste levels

Environmental Protection Program



Solid wastes designated hazardous by California regulations. (22 CCR § 66261.3). For the purposes of this definition, a solid can be a solid, semisolid, liquid, or contained gas. Hazardous waste includes acutely hazardous waste, extremely hazardous waste, California-only hazardous waste, RCRA hazardous waste, special waste, and universal waste.


Hazardous WasteWaste specifically listed by the EPA as hazardous, or waste that exhibit any of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicityEnvironmental Protection Program
Hazardous WastesWastes exhibiting any of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency has listed specific wastes as hazardous that do not necessarily exhibit these characteristics.Incident Review and Reporting

Head of the Contracting Activity

The head of a departmental element who has been delegated authority by the Director for Procurement and Assistance Management to: award and administer contracts, sales contracts, and/or financial assistance instruments; appoint contracting officers, Organizational Property Management Officers (OPMOs), or Property Administrators (PAs) to represent him/her in administering all contract requirements and obligations relating to government personal property; and exercise the overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity

Heads of Field Organizations

The heads of any departmental office located outside the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Office of Headquarters Procurement Operations are considered field organizations for purposes of the DOE 580 series directives.

Health Promotion

Activities designed to increase awareness, and inform and motivate employees to decrease their health risks

Health Services Programs

Heart Rhythm

The response of the heart to electrical stimulation, either by the heart muscle itself or in response to external stimulation by an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Health Services Programs


Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act

HR Policies Overview

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) FilterA filter that is at least 99.97% efficient in removing monodisperse particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameter. The equivalent NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 particulate filters are the N100, R100, and P100 filters (see P100 Filter).Industrial Hygiene and Safety
High-Energy Mission-Specific Facility (HEMSFHigh-energy mission-specific facilities (HEMSFs) are defined by the U.S. Department of Energy. HEMSFs are separately constructed mission‐specific facilities, such as accelerators (particle and light sources), reactors (fusion and fission), high-performance computers, high-performance lasers and similar facilities, and the closely coupled conventional facilities necessary for their operations.Major Construction
High HumidityA condition under which the rate of evaporation of sweat from the skin decreases. If the air temperature is as warm as or warmer than the skin during times of high humidity, blood brought to the body's surface cannot dissipate heat.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
High-Level Hazard WorkAny activity that requires a safe work authorization document (e.g., LOTO Permit, Penetration Permit, Radiological Work Authorization, etc.) as described in the ES&H Manual Work Planning and Control and Radiation Safety programsHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

High-Risk Personal Property

Property that, because of its potential impact on public health and safety, the environment, national security interests, or proliferation concerns, must be controlled and disposed of in other than the routine manner

High-Risk Welded JointA welded joint that, if it fails, has the potential to cause severe injury or death, and/or the release of hazardous materials. Joints on engineered seismic bracing and pressure vessels typically contain high-risk joints.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Historical CostsCosts including the net purchase price (gross billing less discounts) plus packing, transportation, docking, and related charges required to place the inventory or material in storage ready for issue. Depending upon the cost method used, this can be FIFO (first in, first out) cost, weighted average, or moving average. Historical cost of inventory excludes any (1) abnormal costs (wasted material, labor, or other excessive costs); (2) storage costs once the production process is complete; and (3) overhead that is unrelated to productionAccounting
Hold PointA point at which the Responsible Individual (RI) is required to notify the Inspector of Record (IOR) prior to undertaking subsequent work. Subsequent work may not proceed until the RI requests an inspection; an inspection of the work is performed by the IOR; and the IOR passes the Hold Point, indicating that the Subcontractor may proceed with subsequent activities.Electrical Safety Programs

Home Institution

The institution or organization that hires the employee and that manages the employee’s payroll/benefits


Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-12) CredentialThe HSPD-12 compliant credential is a physical identity card/smart card issued to federal employees and subcontractors that contains authentication mechanisms used to verify the claimed identity of the cardholderPhysical Security

Honorarium (to others)

A token payment or award granted in recognition of a short-term service (such as a lecture or discussion), on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set



An organization that has control over the conduct or management of the event (e.g., sufficient to influence costs, venue, program content, or similar aspects).

Events, Planning and Financial

Host for Purposes of Affiliate Appointments

For purposes of affiliate appointments, hosts are Berkeley Lab employees and Berkeley Site Office (BSO) employees authorizing and coordinating affiliate appointments. Hosts are responsible for the activities and conduct associated with the successful accomplishment of an affiliate appointment visit. Hosts must provide oversight and ensure compliance with all requirements for site access approval.

Types of Appointments

Host Institution

The institution or organization for which the employee performs the other appointment


Hot WorkWork with open flames or sparksFire Protection


Human Resources

HR Policies Overview


Human Resources Center

HR Policies Overview


Human Resources Center Manager



Human Resources Department

HR Policies Overview


Human Resources Information System

HR Policies Overview


HR Leadership Team

HR Policies Overview

Human/Animal Research Protocol Management System (HARP)

The system housing online "smart" forms that lead researchers through protocol application, renewal, amendment, and adverse/unexpected event reporting processes

Human and Animal Subjects Research
Human SubjectA living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research: (1) obtains information or biospecimens through intervention or interaction with the individual, and uses, studies, or analyzes the information or biospecimens; or (2) obtains, uses, studies, analyzes, or generates identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimensHuman and Animal Subjects Research
IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use CommitteeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
iBox Tracking SystemThe barcode scanning program used by Receiving personnel to document the receipt of all material arriving at the LBNL Receiving dock. This receipt process is called "Sorting."Property
IAHJ ReviewA review by the IAHJ staff of a project's scope of work (construction, installation, modification, and/or demolition) to plan and formalize inspection, testing, and Energization Validation & Authorization Package (EVAP) requirements for electrical work. An IAHJ review may also include a field-condition assessment; pre-concealment, testing, and final inspections; and reviews of test results and engineering evaluations, etc.Electrical Safety Programs


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Types of Employee Appointments

iBoxA software tracking system that tracks and sorts packages at Laboratory receivingControlled Substances
ICOIntegrated Contractor OrderNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Idle Property

Property or material not currently being used but that is not excess

IEWOInter-entity Work OrderNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Interlocation Appointments

Illegal Drugs

A controlled substance, as specified in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substance Act, 21 USC 811, 812. The term “illegal drugs” does not apply to the use of a controlled substance in accordance with terms of a valid prescription, or other uses authorized by law.

Work Environment

Imminent DangerAny condition or practice that, unless immediate actions are taken, could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm (permanent or prolonged impairment of the body or temporary disablement requiring hospitalization) to employees or the public

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Implementing Document

A document required to carry out a policy, process, procedure, system, or work instruction.
Examples: Expense form; Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS) Database User Manual; Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Division Chemical Storage Guidelines

Requirements Management

Implementing Mechanism

A means to implement a policy or requirement, such as a document, training, program, communication or notification, role, and so forth

Requirements Management


An unplanned event that results in injury, illness, other loss, or a near miss

Incident Review and Reporting

Incidental Expenses

Fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, hotel maids, stewards or stewardesses, and others on ships. On foreign travel, laundry and dry cleaning are also considered incidental expenses.


Independent Substantive Review Committee (ISRC)A committee appointed by the Laboratory Director (or designee) to review investigators' interests related to Public Health Service-funded research and to determine whether the significant financial interests constitute a financial conflict of interest. At Berkeley Lab, this role is filled by the Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee.Conflict of Interest in Research

Indirect Cost

Any cost identified with two or more joint final cost objectives that cannot be identified specifically with a particular activity or project


Indirect Cost Pool

A grouping of incurred costs identified with two or more cost objectives, but not identified specifically with any final cost objective


Industrial Hygiene

The art and science of anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards (including exposures to chemicals, noise, and non-ionizing radiation)

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Infant Child

A child up to 2 years (24 months) of age

Work Environment

Infectious Agent or Human PathogenInfectious microbials (e.g., bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses, etc.) or other agents (e.g., prions) that cause disease in healthy humansIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Infectious SubstancesMaterials regulated for shipping by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that are known to be or are reasonably suspected to contain an animal or human pathogen. A pathogen is a virus, microorganism (including bacteria, plasmids, or other genetic elements), proteinaceous infectious particle (prion), or recombinant microorganism (hybrid or mutant) known or reasonably expected to cause disease in humans or animals.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Information Technology (IT)

Any equipment, or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. Information technology requires high-risk controls when it meets any one or more of the following conditions (Appendix D – Page 5, LBNL PUB-3032, June 21, 2010):
• It was used to process classified information, unclassified controlled nuclear information, or export controlled information.
• It cannot be certified as sanitized, ensuring all data, information, and software has been removed from the equipment.
• It is a computer, or series of computers, categorized by the Department of Commerce as a “high-performance computer” or “general-purpose computer” and has a composite theoretical performance capability exceeding a specified MTOPS.


The property custodian, Loan Agreement Coordinator, or other authorized individual who originates or establishes the loan

In-Kind Contributions

Noncash contributions provided by the participant or contractor. In-kind contributions must include collaboration in the research and development efforts of the CRADA and may also include personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, and other resources. Work may be performed at either party's facilities and include services that are directly beneficial, specifically identifiable, and necessary for performance of the project. In-kind contributions generally do not include work performed prior to execution of the CRADA.

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
InspectionAn equipment electrical safety inspection performed on Unlisted equipment by an authorized EESP inspector

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Institutional Document

A publication authorized by Laboratory management that delineates Laboratory-wide or multifunctional policy, procedures, regulations, or plans. A subset of authoritative documents.  Scientific and technical publications and reports are not included in this definition.
Examples: Personal Property Policy Manual, Radiation Protection Program, Requirements and Policies Manual

Requirements Management

Institutional General Plant Project (IGPP) Indirect RateRate applied to recover the costs of IGPP projectsBudget
Institutional Official for Human Subjects ProtectionThe Berkeley Lab official who signs the FWA committing the institution to following the regulations laid out in 45 CFR 46 (known as the Common Rule) and subparts B, C, and DHuman and Animal Subjects Research
Institutional OwnershipThe responsibility and accountability for factors related to the event causes and for implementing controls to prevent the recurrence of an event have an institutional foundation

Incident Review and Reporting

Institutional Point of Contact (IPOC)

A person whose responsibilities include monitoring, assessing, and negotiating potential or possible changes affecting Contract 31

Requirements Management

Institutional ResponsibilitiesTeaching/education, research, outreach, clinical service, and Laboratory/University or public service carried out on behalf of the Laboratory and/or University of California, and that is within the course and scope of the investigator's Laboratory/University of California appointment/employmentConflict of Interest in Research
Institutional Review BoardA board or committee authorized by a Federal-wide Assurance for the Protection of Human Subjects (FWA) to review research with human participants. The Human Subjects Committee (HSC) is the Berkeley Lab Institutional Review Board.Human and Animal Subjects Research
Integrated Safety Management (ISM)The U.S. Department of Energy's systematic approach to analyzing work and hazards and implementing controls.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Integrated Software

Computer software that is capitalized and depreciated as an integral part of general Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E), and that is necessary to operate PP&E. The aggregate cost of the hardware and software should be used to determine whether to capitalize or expense the costs.


Intellectual PropertyPatents, trademarks, copyrights, mask works, protected CRADA information, and other forms of comparable property rights protected by federal law and foreign counterparts, except trade secretsNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Interactive ProcessThe process by which Berkeley Lab and the employee engage in a dialogue about the employee's functional work limitations due to a disability and any accommodation that can be provided that would enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the employee's position and/or another identified position for which the employee qualifies.Work Environment

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment

A temporary transfer of skilled personnel between the federal government and state or local governments, institutions of higher education, Native American tribal governments, and eligible non-federal “other organizations,” including federally funded research and development centers.

The assignment is effected for purposes of mutual concern to the federal government and to the participating non-federal entity and should also serve a sound public purpose. IPA assignments can be used to:
1. Strengthen the management capabilities of federal agencies; of state, local, and Native American tribal governments; and of other eligible organizations
2. Assist in the transfer and use of new technologies and approaches to solving governmental problems
3. Involve state and local officials in the development and implementation of federal policies and programs
4. Provide program and developmental experience that will enhance a DOE employee’s performance in his or her regular job


Interjurisdictional Exchange (IJE)

The temporary assignment or loan of employees within an agency or between agencies, not to exceed two years or between jurisdictions not to exceed four years. Conditions of the IJE are that it:
• Enables a loaned/exchanged employee to receive training and valuable experience
• Enables an employing agency to obtain expertise needed to meet a compelling program or management need
• Enables an employing agency to obtain temporary expertise that is lacking in its organization
• Enables an employing agency to obtain the expertise of an individual employee
• Prohibits the displacement and layoff of civil service employees
• Guarantees a right of return to the loaned employee back to his/her former position at the end of the assignment
• Enables the loaned employee or participating agencies the right to terminate the assignment at any time
• Enables the borrowing or loan of one or more employees between government (local, state, federal) and/or public entities (i.e., colleges or universities)


Interlocation Appointment (ILA)

A non-Berkeley Lab appointment of Laboratory personnel to perform work at other organizations such as the federal government, state or local governments, institutions of higher learning, Native American tribal governments, and other eligible non-federal organizations, including federally funded research and development centers

Financial Management

Intermediate Cost Objective

A cost objective that is used to accumulate indirect costs or service-center costs that are subsequently allocated to one or more indirect cost pools and/or final cost objectives


Internal CSR FundsUC Fee funds or research-related funds from the UCOPNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Responsible for administering United States personal income and corporation tax lawsPayroll

Internal Use Software

Software purchased off the shelf, internally developed, or contractor developed solely to meet Berkeley Lab's internal or operational needs and meets the asset capitalization criteria as prescribed by the DOE Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) No. 10, Accounting for Internal Use Software


Internally Developed Software

Software that employees of the entity are actively developing, including new software and existing or purchased software that is being modified with or without a contractor’s assistance


International PersonAn individual who is a citizen of any country other than the United StatesPayroll


Job applicants visiting the Laboratory for the purpose of a personal interview as part of the selection process for employment


InventionA new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement that is patentable under the laws of the U.S. or a foreign country. Certain software may be patentable.Intellectual Property
InventorA person who conceived or contributed to the conception of an inventionIntellectual Property


Stocks of stores, construction, supplies, and parts used in support of DOE programs

InventoryInventory is an asset on the balance sheet. At Berkeley Lab, this includes three primary types: precious metals, nuclear materials, and operating materials.Accounting

Inventory by Exception

A physical inventory method used to verify and document the existence and location of those items of property whose existence and location have not been verified and documented since the last physical inventory. This method may be used for property that is subject to calibration, maintenance, movement, network operation, or some other form of activity that is documented by a controlling entity.

Inventory Management

The efficient use of methods, procedures, and techniques for recording, analyzing, and adjusting inventories in accordance with established policy. The following related functions are included:
• Providing adequate protection against misuse, theft, and misappropriation
• Providing accurate analyses of quantities to determine requirements so that only minimal obsolescence losses will be encountered, while ensuring adequate inventory levels to meet program schedules
• Providing adequate and accessible storage facilities and services based upon analyses of program requirements so that a minimum and economical amount of time is required to service the program

Investigation of Wrongdoing

Access to identify or detect suspected wrongdoing; examples include examining an employee's e-mail for indication of violations of policy, or searching through network-level records for indications of "time wasting"

Information Technology

InvestigatorAny individual responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the results of work performed or to be performed under the PHS-sponsored project. This includes the principal investigator, co-investigators, collaborators, consultants, and any other individual who is responsible for designing, conducting, or reporting of research funded by PHS or proposed for such funding.Conflict of Interest in Research
Invoice CertifierA Berkeley Lab employee who is designated to review invoices and certify invoices adhere to terms and conditions of subcontract and to validate the receipt of goods or services prior to payment.Procurement

Involuntary Denied Boarding

An airline term for a situation in which a passenger is not allowed to board an aircraft due to overbooking, weight restriction, etc.



Intellectual Property Agreement

Tech Transfer

IPOIntellectual Property OfficeIntellectual Property


Institutional Point of Contact

Requirements Management

IRBInstitutional Review BoardNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
IRGIntegrated Review GroupNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


International Researchers & Scholars Office

HR Policies Overview, Recruitment


Integrated Safety Management

Document Mgmt

IsolatedA condition where a source of hazardous energy has been controlled by physically stopping the energy path so that the energy cannot flow to workers or equipment. The term "isolated" is commonly used with electrical circuits and fluid lines.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


A generic term that refers to programmatic or performance deficiencies, regulatory or procedural noncompliances, assessment findings, and other actions that require formal corrective action

Issues Management

Issues Management

The process by which issues are managed and tracked through resolution to prevent recurrence

Quality Assurance


Information Technology

Information Technology

IT-Business SystemsThe group that manages the day-to-day technical operation of the business system: database management, software distribution and upgrading, version control, backup and recovery, virus protection, and performance and capacity planning. IT performs this service for Berkeley Lab. User access management is performed by the BSG.Financial Business Systems


An all-inclusive term used in place of any of the following: assembly, component, equipment, material, module, structure, software, subassembly, subsystem, system, unit, support system, or data

Quality Assurance

Itemized Receipt

Detail of specific expenses charged to the traveler, e.g., a lodging receipt reflecting the room rate, taxes, telephone charges, etc.


ITMInspection, test, maintenance. Fire protection systems must undergo ITM on a periodic basis, set forth by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and other standards.Fire Protection


Joint Appointment

Types of Employee Appointments

JITJust-in-TimeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Job abandonment

Five consecutive workdays of unauthorized absence


Job Classification Restructuring

When an employee applies for and accepts an offer of a posted position at a lower salary-range maximum, it is a posted downgrade.  If the posted downgrade results in the employee’s salary being above the maximum of the new range, the current salary may be maintained ("red-circled") or reduced.

Compensation and Work Hours

Joint Work Statement (JWS)A proposal prepared for a federal agency by the director of a Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated (GOCO) facility (or his/her delegate) describing the purpose, scope, schedule, and estimated cost of a proposed CRADA; assigning responsibilities among the agency, contractor, and any other party or parties to the proposed agreement; and, to the extent known, describing the allocation of rights among the various partiesNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Journal ID

A transaction identification number in FMS


Journal Source Code

A three-character value used to identify the division making the resource adjustment. This source code is also identified in automated feeders in FMS.



Joint Work Statement

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Key PersonnelA PHS research project director, principal investigator, and any other personnel considered essential to work performance and identified as key personnel in the contract proposal and awardConflict of Interest in Research

Electrical utilization equipment is "labeled" if there is attached to it a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an NRTL that (1) makes periodic inspections of the production of such equipment and (2) whose labeling indicates compliance with nationally recognized standards or tests to determine safe use in a specified manner

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Laboratory Biosafety Level (BL)A standard combination of practices and techniques, safety equipment, and facilities to safely contain biohazardous materials or agents used in laboratory workIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Indirect RateRate applied to recover the costs of LDRD projectsBudget

Laboratory Driving Requirement

Institutional documents that (1) are mandated by the contract and approved by at least Berkeley Lab senior management, and (2) drive institutional policies, processes, or other documents.

Requirements Management

Laboratory Information

Information used to accomplish job-related tasks; information may be owned by the Regents of University of California or the Department of Energy.

Information Technology

Laboratory IT

Berkeley Lab-managed IT, including computing devices, networks, services, and accounts

Information Technology

Laboratory Records

Both federal and University-owned records

Archives and Records Management

Laboratory Senior ManagementLaboratory management above the level of Associate Laboratory Directors, including Laboratory Director, the Deputy Director for Research, and the Deputy Director for Operations. Appointees and incumbents in these positions have responsibility for defining overall Laboratory policy and direction and are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Regents, the President of the University of California, or the Laboratory Director, as appropriateContractor Assurance
Laboratory StaffRepresented or non-represented employees of Berkeley Lab employed in a specific type of appointment including Career, Term, Limited, Faculty, Visiting Researcher, or Rehired RetireeContractor Assurance
LadderAn appliance usually consisting of two side rails joined at regular intervals by cross-pieces called steps, rungs, or cleats, on which a person may step while ascending or descendingIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Los Alamos National Laboratory

Large Capacitor

A capacitor that contains more than 3 pounds or 30 liquid ounces of dielectric fluid

Environmental Protection Program
Large Scale (BL-Large Scale)A term used in the NIH Guidelines and Berkeley Lab Biosafety Program to describe uses of and containment levels for organisms containing recombinant DNA molecules involving a quantity of culture greater than 10 litersIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Lateral Transfer

The change of an employee from one position to another in the same classification or in another classification with the same salary-range maximum

Compensation and Work Hours

Layoff Unit Manager

The manager with the ultimate organizational responsibility for each of the layoff units (e.g., division director, department head, etc.)



Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/ University of California, Berkeley, Joint Appointment

Types of Employee Appointments

LDRDLaboratory Directed Research and DevelopmentNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

LDRS Key Number

A number generated by the Labor Distribution Reporting System (LDRS) that equates to a specific labor distribution transaction. It is used as an identifier to make a labor adjustment.


Lead Compliance Work PlanA document that describes the types of tasks, workers, protective measures, and tools and other materials that may be employed to control lead-containing hazards in order to comply with the OSHA Lead Exposure in Construction standardIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Lead ContainingA coating or material that contains any detectable level of leadIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Lead-Contaminated SurfaceAny surface that contains an area or mass concentration of lead in excess of a regulatory limit established by OSHA or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or in excess of a guideline established by an Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (EHS) industrial hygienist or the Lead Program ManagerIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Lead Paint AbatementA measure or set of measures designed to permanently eliminate lead-based paint hazards or lead-based paint. Abatement strategies include the removal of lead-based paint, removal of lead-contaminated dust, and removal of lead-contaminated soil or overlaying of soil with a durable covering such as asphalt. All these strategies require preparation; cleanup; waste disposal; post-abatement clearance testing; recordkeeping; and, if applicable, monitoring.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LEED Rating SystemLEED or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a program that provides third-party verification of green buildings. Building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. Prerequisites and credits differ for each rating system.Major Construction
Legacy Equipment

Electrical utilization equipment surveyed before October 1, 2013

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Legal Requests

Legally enforceable requests, such as a subpoena, search warrant, court order, national security letter, or public records request, and requests for voluntary disclosure of information

Information Technology


The federal agency or contractor organization responsible for property being loaned

Lessons Learned

A good work practice or innovative approach that is captured and shared to promote repeat application or an adverse work practice or experience that is captured and shared to prevent recurrence.

Issues Management


Lab Employees Timekeeping System



A present obligation arising from past events that will result in probable transfer of assets or providing of services in the future


Limited Appropriation Funds

Funding authority provided by Congress is designated as one-year, multiyear, or no-year funding. This designation describes the period of time the funds are available for obligation and expenditure. One-year and multiyear funds expire and cannot be costed or committed after the expiration date. Funds available for a limited period of time are referred to as limited-appropriation funds.


Line Management AuthorizationAn authorization that is administered by the responsible division doing the work. Examples include the Work Planning and Control (WPC) activities (in Activity Manager), Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (sJHA) for non-construction subcontractors, and Contractor JHA for construction subcontractors.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Listed (NRTL Listed)Electrical utilization equipment is "Listed" if it is of a kind mentioned in a list that is published by an NRTL that (1) makes periodic inspection of the production of such equipment and (2) states that such equipment meets nationally recognized standards or has been tested and found safe for use in a specified manner

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Listed SubstanceAn ingredient in the manufacture of a controlled substance. Listed substances are divided into List I and List II, based on their importance in the manufacturing process. Listed substances have threshold amounts established by the DEA Administrator. These thresholds apply to single or multiple transactions (within a month) and require reporting by the distributor of the chemical. There are no reporting requirements for Berkeley Lab because the Laboratory does not distribute these chemicals; it is the "end user."Controlled Substances
Living LaboratoryA living laboratory refers to an operational built environment in which applied research projects are conducted. The intent of a living laboratory is to ground research questions in a relevant operational context and enable quicker adoption of new techniques to achieve operational goals.Major Construction


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Sr. Line Manager

Requirements Management


Leave of absence

Leaves of Absence

Loan Agreement Coordinator

The DOE or contractor individual responsible for documenting and controlling property on DOE loan agreements

Local Travel

Travel within a distance of 150 miles (one way) from the traveler's primary work location or residence that will be completed within one calendar day without lodging


Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)The method of applying a mechanical lockout device and a tag on an energy isolation by a LOTO Authorized Person in accordance with established procedures to control hazardous energies and prevent the equipment from being operated until the lockout device is removedIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Expenses for overnight sleeping facilities. Does not include accommodations on airplanes, trains, buses, or ships, which are included in the cost of transportation.


Look-Alike Equipment

Equipment that is similar in shape, size, and function that could lead a person to lock out Item A, but start working on Item B instead. Common examples are:

  • "North/middle/south" pumps installed side by side
  • High-voltage switching stations with rows of switchgear
  • Sets of laboratory furnaces installed in a row
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Affected PersonA person whose job requires him/her to be near or around the hazard zone (but not within the hazard zone) when equipment or an apparatus is being maintained or serviced under a locked-out or tagged-out conditionIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO ApproverThe LOTO Approver is a person designated by the division to approve LOTO procedures. A LOTO Approver must be authorized as a LOTO Responsible Individual and have technical competence and familiarity with the equipment or systems for which the LOTO procedure is written. LOTO Approvers must obtain additional technical assistance as required from qualified persons who are more familiar with the systems involved.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Authorized PersonA person who has completed the required LOTO training (general and procedure specific) and is authorized by the supervisor or work lead to perform LOTO on energy isolation points to perform service or maintenance. Only LOTO Authorized Persons shall apply locks and tags to control hazardous energy.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO CoordinatorThe LOTO Coordinator is a LOTO Approver who has been assigned by line management to oversee and coordinate multiple LOTOs for a large project, such as a maintenance outage or building energizationIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Device

A device or combination of devices that, when applied to an energy isolation and fitted with a LOTO lock or a LOTO hasp:

  1. Mechanically prevents the actuation of the energy isolation and
  2. Holds fast to the energy isolation until the LOTO lock or LOTO hasp has been removed
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO LockA keyed red padlock used only for the purpose of LOTOIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO LockboxA lockable box used to contain the key(s) of group LOTO locks during a group LOTO procedureIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO ProcedureA formal written document, approved by a LOTO Approver, that details the scope of work performed under the LOTO, the energy isolations to be established, and all steps required to execute the LOTOIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Procedure EvaluatorA person trained as a LOTO Responsible Individual and assigned to inspect LOTO procedures (Work Process P)Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Responsible Individual (RI)

The LOTO Responsible Individual (RI) is a Person in Charge of a LOTO who has been trained to properly execute and manage LOTO procedures of a more complex nature than those allowed by a LOTO Authorized Person. The following instances of complex LOTO require an RI:

  1. Group LOTO (Work Process G)
  2. Tagout only (Work Process H)
  3. Multiple employers (Work Process I)
  4. Shift changes (Work Process J)
  5. Temporary partial restoration (Work Process K)
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Responsible Individual (RI) LockA LOTO lock applied by the LOTO RI for the purpose of controlling a complex or group LOTO. It is identified by an RI LOTO lock tag. The keys to LOTO RI locks are controlled by the RI. LOTO RI locks also function as personal LOTO locks for the RI.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
LOTO Safe ZoneThe portion of a system that has been placed in a safe work condition by executing the LOTO procedureIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

A distinctive, durable tag approved by Berkeley Lab to identify a lockout device and the purpose of the lock. The LOTO tag is attached to the LOTO lock shackle.
Different types of LOTO tags include:

  • Personal LOTO tag
  • RI LOTO tag
  • Group LOTO tag
  • Tagout-Only tag
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Low-Level Hazard WorkAn activity that does not require an additional safe work authorization document (e.g., any kind of work permit, site specific work plan, etc.)Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Low-Risk Welded Joint

A welded joint that, if it fails, does not have a recognized potential to cause injury. The risk of property damage due to such a failure is nil to moderate. Examples include welded joints on lower-value equipment, and welding of most plumbing systems (e.g., water, nonhazardous gas, and vacuum).

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Lab Staff Committee

Types of Employee Appointments

LSOLaser Safety OfficerIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Meals and incidental expenses



Management and operating

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


The act of keeping IUS and other assets in useable condition, including preventative maintenance, normal repairs, the replacement of parts and structural components, and other activities needed to preserve the asset so that it continues to provide services and achieves its expected life. Maintenance excludes activities aimed at expanding the capacity of an asset or otherwise upgrading it to serve needs different from or significantly greater than those originally intended.


Maintenance and RepairThe act of keeping IUS and other assets in useable condition, including preventative maintenance, normal repairs, the replacement of parts and structural components, and other activities needed to preserve the asset so that it continues to provide services and achieves its expected life. Maintenance excludes activities aimed at expanding the capacity of an asset or otherwise upgrading it to serve needs different from or significantly greater than those originally intended.Accounting

Major Modifications

Repairs, modifications, and retrofits that exceed the limits set forth in Chapter 34, Section 3417.3 of the California Building Code

Major Construction

Management Analysis and Reporting System (MARS)

The DOE financial system, to which Berkeley Lab must report on a monthly basis


Management and Operating (M&O) Contract

“An agreement under which the Government contracts for the operation, maintenance, or support, on its behalf, of a Government-owned or controlled research, development, special production, or testing establishment wholly or principally devoted to one or more major programs of the contracting Federal agency.” (Source: Federal Acquisition Regulation [FAR] 17.601)

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Management ReviewA review by senior management on the performance of the EMS in relationship to the expectations specified in the ISO 14001 standardEnvironmental Protection Program


Employees responsible for formulating or administering policies and programs of the Laboratory

HR Policies Overview

Manual Material HandlingMaterials being moved directly by people. Includes lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, reaching, bending, and crouching to move and handle objects manually.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Master Scope of Work (MSW)A detailed description of a routine scope of work (encompassing one or more projects) containing information sufficient to (1) ensure that the DOE Facility Contractor and the Contracting Officer have a common understanding of the work to be performed and (2) allow DOE to make all reviews, approvals, determinations, and certifications required pursuant to DOE Orders and other relevant DOE policiesNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Matrixed EmployeeA matrixed employee is an employee assigned to perform work for a host division by their home division. A matrixed employee typically receives daily technical and/or functional direction on the execution and delivery of work from a designated work lead within the host division. The home division supervisor is typically accountable for the matrixed employee’s performance management with input provided by the host division’s designated work lead. A matrixed employee’s time reporting should be reviewed and/or approved by the host division’s designated work lead. HR Policies Overview
MAWPMaximum Allowable Working Pressure: the maximum pressure at which the design of pressure systems is basedIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
MCEMaximum Considered Earthquake, defined as an earthquake with ground motions that have a 2% probability of being exceeded within a 50-year time period. These ground motions are the result of hazard analyses conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and have been incorporated into the building codes and standards.Major Construction


Expenses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and related tips and taxes. Specifically excluded are alcoholic beverages and entertainment expenses and any expenses incurred for other persons.


Medical Review Officer (MRO)

A licensed physician who is responsible for receiving and reviewing laboratory results generated by an employer's drug-testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain drug test results

Work Environment

Medical SurveillanceMedical evaluations designed to detect adverse health effects from workplace exposures, with the intent of halting disease development and progressionHealth Services Programs
Medical WasteWaste generated or produced as a result of diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals; research pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals; or the production or testing of biologicals. See the Medical and Biohazardous Waste Generator's Guide (PUB-3095) for additional information.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Member of the Laboratory

Per the Regulations Implementing University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students policy, a member of the Laboratory is defined as a Laboratory employee, either part or full time, or a person officially connected with the Laboratory.  This includes University faculty associated with the Laboratory, scientists who are affiliates, and graduate students doing research at the Laboratory, whether paid by the Laboratory or not.

Relations with Employee Organizations

Memorandum Purchase Order (MPO)An MPO is a contractual mechanism under which a DOE M&O Contractor performing under its M&O contract procures work from another DOE M&O ContractorNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Merit IncreaseA salary increase designed to reward performanceEmployee Development
Method of Procedure (MOP)A step-by-step procedure followed when performing energization, utility tie-in, or equipment start-up. This document references lockout/tagout permits, equipment numbers, etc., included in a switching tag that documents all steps for shutdown/deactivation and activation/energization of new or existing electrical equipment and wiring installations and modifications.Electrical Safety Programs

Military Property

Tangible assets that have an estimated useful life of two or more years; are not intended for sale, are intended to be used or available for use in the performance or military missions (to include equipment used in training), and are valued at $100,000 or more

Minimum Service Hours

The staffing required to ensure that the normal services and functions of a work unit will be available during the standard workday

Compensation and Work Hours

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)

A central repository containing Berkeley Lab’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mitigation obligations along with procedures for their implementation.


Mixed Facility

A facility that is partially DOE‐owned and partially contractor owned. The definition does not apply to a facility that is partially owned by an educational or other nonprofit institution under a basic research contract with DOE. Appendix D – Page: 6 LBNL PUB-3032, June 21, 2010

Mixed WasteWaste that meets the definitions of both a radioactive waste and a RCRA hazardous waste.Waste Management
Mixed Waste Satellite Accumulation Area (MWSAA)

Designated area within a Radioactive Materials Area used for the accumulation of mixed wastes. Additional details include:

  • Has the same volume and time limits as satellite accumulation areas (SAAs).
  • Boundaries must be clearly delineated with tape, signs, and arrows.
  • Must be either in a room where waste was generated or in a room immediately adjacent, clearly designated with a purple MWSAA sign.
Waste Management


Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program


Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP)A mobile device that has an adjustable position platform, supported from the ground level by a structure. Examples include boom lifts and scissor lifts.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Monetary GiftAny sum of money issued to the Berkeley Lab Gift Account via check or wire transfer (per Berkeley Lab Donor Instructions) in which no goods or services can be or will be expected or requested in return for the donationNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Monitoring and SurveillanceTerms generally used to describe a variety of activities intended to track, survey, observe, record, or otherwise monitor activities of specific individuals. Monitoring and surveillance can occur for a variety of reasons and to different extents, such as to protect confidential information from unauthorized disclosure or in connection with an internal investigation.Information Technology
MOPMaximum Operating Pressure: the highest pressure at which a system will operateIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Motor Equipment

Any item of equipment that is self‐propelled or drawn by mechanical power, including motor vehicles, motorcycles and scooters, construction and maintenance equipment, materials-handling equipment, and watercraft

Motor Equipment Fleet Manager

The individual responsible for directing the operation of the motor equipment fleet

Motor Vehicle

Any equipment, self‐propelled or drawn by mechanical power, designed to be operated principally on highways in the transportation of property or passengers

Move EvaluationPerformed by the Ergo Team. Can be requested when an office move occurs and an employee wants to ensure the new set-up is optimal and safe.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

MPOMemorandum Purchase OrderNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Medical Review Officer

Work Environment


Managers and Senior Professionals


MSWMaster scope of workNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Multiple Location Appointment (MLA)

Appointments that occur when an employee performs work at two or more UC-managed institutions simultaneously. Multiple-location appointments may be of either short or long duration.


Munitions List Items

Any item contained in the U.S. Munitions List, 22 CFR 121

NASNational Airspace SystemHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)NIOSH provides a testing approval and certification program for respirators, filters, and cartridgesIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)An NRTL is a U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) designation given to testing facilities that provide product safety testing and certification services to manufacturers. The testing and certification are done to U.S. consensus-based product safety test standards issued by organizations such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Electrical Safety Programs

Near MissAn unplanned event that under slightly different circumstances could or would have resulted in injury, illness, or other lossIncident Review and Reporting

Near Relatives

Near relatives are parents, children (including the child of a domestic partner), spouses, same- or opposite-sex domestic partners, brothers, or sisters, including in-laws and step-relatives in these relationships.  Relatives of the domestic partner who would be covered if the domestic partner were the employee’s spouse are also so defined.



New Employee Briefing


Negative Exposure Assessment (NEA)A Negative Exposure Assessment (NEA) is a written statement within the past 12 months by an EHS industrial hygienist indicating that a specific lead-disturbing job (or a class of very similar lead-disturbing jobs) does not result in worker exposure above the Action Level. Work conducted pursuant to an NEA can proceed without subsequent review, provided that the controls specified in the NEA are implemented.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Negative Pressure Respirator (tight fitting)A respirator in which the air pressure inside the facepiece is negative during inhalation with respect to the ambient air pressure outside the respiratorIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


New Employee Orientation



National Environmental Policy Act


Net Realizable ValueThe estimated amount that can be recovered from selling, or another method of disposing of an item, less estimated costs of completion, holding, and disposal.Accounting
News MediaNews media includes, but is not limited to, print, broadcast, online media, and news and views sections of scientific journals.Public Information and External Relations

Next of Kin

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, "next of kin" is either (a) the nearest blood relative of the covered servicemember (other than the covered servicemember's spouse, domestic partner, parent, son,or daughter) or (b) the person who the covered servicemember has designated in writing as their nearest blood relative for purposes of Military Caregiver Leave.

Leaves of Absence

NFPANational Fire Protection AssociationFire Protection
NIHNational Institutes of HealthNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Non-Accountable Plan Reimbursement

An IRS expense reimbursement that does not meet at least one of the following IRS documentation requirements:
1. Amount of expense incurred
2. Number of days spent on business
3. Business place or location
4. Business purpose



A deficiency in a characteristic or record that renders the quality of an item or sample unacceptable or indeterminate

Quality Assurance

Nonconstruction WorkActivities that do not create a new facility, or alter, add to, rehabilitate, dismantle, or remove an existing facility, including any combination of engineering, procurement, erection, installation, assembly, demolition, or fabrication. Nonconstruction work also excludes the alteration and repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property, as well as any construction and excavation activities conducted as part of environmental remediation efforts (see the ES&H Manual Construction Health & Safety program).Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Nondisclosure AgreementA legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to or by third parties. The recipient is typically prohibited from disclosing the confidential information except to those within the recipient organization with a "need to know," subject to certain common exceptions or time limits. A nondisclosure agreement is also called a "confidentiality agreement" or a "proprietary information agreement." Intellectual Property


An individual who is not a Laboratory employee (i.e., does not receive a paycheck from the Laboratory). Includes, but not limited to, interviewees, affiliates, consultants, and subcontractors.


Non-exempt Employees

Non-exempt employees are defined as employees who, based on duties performed and manner of compensation, shall be subject to all minimum-wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Because of hourly pay practices, an employee appointed to work a variable-time schedule in an exempt job classification shall be treated as a non-exempt employee subject to FLSA minimum-wage and overtime provisions. Non-exempt employees shall be required to account for time worked on an hourly and fractional-hourly basis and are to be compensated for qualified overtime hours at the premium rate (one-and-one-half times the regular hourly rate). Non-exempt titles are identified in title and pay plans.

Compensation and Work Hours

Work Environment

Non-Foreign Overseas

Business points in Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. possessions


Nonfriable ACM (Category I)Intact asbestos-containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor coverings, and asphalt roofing productsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Nonfriable ACM (Category II)Asbestos-containing material (excluding Category I) that when dry and in its present form cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. This includes asbestos cement products, transite board, pipe, plaster, stucco, paint, and mastics.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Non-Fund AccountAn account used to record transactions that will not require a disbursement of fundsAccounting
Noteworthy PracticePractices or conditions that are recognized for their excellence and should be considered for lab-wide application.Contractor Assurance

Hazardous Soil or Groundwater

Soil or groundwater with concentrations of hazardous substances above applicable federal or California hazardous waste levels

Environmental Protection Program

Nonhazardous soil or groundwater

Refers to electromagnetic radiation with insufficient energy to release a bound electron from an atom. Includes the following categories of radiation: ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared, radio frequency, microwave, and magnetic fields.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Non-permit Confined Space

A Confined Space that does not contain or, with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Non-permit Confined Space

An individual who is not a citizen, permanent resident, or resident alien of the United States


Normal Production OperationsThe utilization of a machine or equipment to perform its intended production functionIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Non-Resident Tuition

Types of Employee Appointments

NSFTNonstandard Financial Terms and ConditionsNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Nuclear Suppliers Group Dual‐Use List

Nuclear‐related material, equipment, and related technology as described in the International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular 254 Part 2

Nuclear Suppliers Group Trigger List

Nuclear material, equipment, and related technology as described in the International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular 254 Part 1

Nuclear Weapon Components or Nuclear Weapon‐like Components

Parts of whole-war reserve nuclear weapons, or of joint test assemblies, trainers, or test devices, including associated testing, maintenance, and handling equipment, or simulations of such parts. If the items are classified, the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines their disposition. If the items are unclassified, their disposition is determined by DOE technical experts on the basis of reviews approved by the Director of the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security.


The amount of an order placed, contract award, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require a payment during the same or a future period. Such amounts include outlays for which obligations have not been previously recorded and reflect adjustments for differences between obligations previously recorded and actual outlays to liquidate those obligations. All obligations must be supported by written documentation.



An ineffective practice or condition that is:

  • compliant with a regulation or requirement, but, if left unaddressed, could lead to a noncompliance
  • an opportunity for improvement that can be gained in process, performance, or efficiency for continuous improvement
  • minor deficiency that has been promptly corrected on the spot and verified as completed.

Contractor Assurance

Obsolete InventoryInventory that is no longer needed due to changes in technology, laws, customs, or operationsAccounting


Office of Contractor Assurance

Laboratory General Information

Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL)The maximum concentration of an air contaminant to which working people can be exposed for a specified time interval, usually the maximum average exposure allowed throughout an entire eight-hour shift. OELs are typically PELs or TLVs, which are also defined in this section. In the absence of formally recognized or regulatory-defined OELs, a chemical manufacturer may establish an exposure limit that is appropriate to use. Alternatively, the occupational health staff will have to determine or develop an appropriate protective level. This process often involves industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, and toxicology staff members. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health also publishes Recommended Exposure Limits, which may be evaluated for use.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Occupational Medicine ProviderThe designated site occupational medicine director (SOMD) or the individual providing medical services (as defined in 10 CFR 851)Health Services Programs


Travel outside the continental United States (i.e., Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. possessions)


Office of Homeland Security (OHS) Indirect RateRate applied to recover the costs of technical programmatic oversight of Berkeley Lab's Homeland Security, Proliferation Detection, Counterterrorism, and Intelligence research and developmentBudget

Official Laboratory Business

Purpose for being on Laboratory property outside of normal business hours

Vehicles at LBNL

Official Laboratory Travel

Travel necessary to accomplish official business on behalf of the Laboratory. Official travel is properly authorized, processed, conducted, reported, and reimbursed in accordance with the Laboratory's Travel policy.



UCOP's Office of General Counsel

OHSOffice of Homeland Security


Office of Institutional Assurance

Quality Assurance

OJTOn-the-job training Industrial Hygiene and Safety
One-Time Purchase OrderA purchase order that is processed through the electronic procurement system. The item must be correctly categorized to ensure that the appropriate approval is obtained.Controlled Substances

One Week's Pay

One week's pay for nonexempt hourly rated employees is defined as the basic hourly rate (excluding shift differential and overtime) times 40 hours or the specifically approved workweek. One week's pay for full-time exempt employees is defined as the hourly equivalent of the monthly rate times 40 hours (or, for part-time exempt employees, times the percentage time equivalent).

Compensation and Work Hours


Outstanding Performance Award

Compensation and Work Hours

Open Skies AgreementOpen Skies agreements provide an exception to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirement, in limited circumstances, where a bilateral or multilateral agreement is present between the U.S. Government and the government of a foreign country in which the Department of Transportation has determined meets the requirements of the FAA. There are currently four bilateral/multilateral "Open Skies Agreements" that meet the Fly America criteria for travel between the U.S. and Australia; U.S. and the European Union (including the United Kingdom, Norway, and Iceland); U.S. and Japan; and U.S. and Switzerland.Travel
Operating MaterialsTangible personal property to be consumed in operations. Examples include stockroom supplies as well as spare parts inventories. Excluded are goods that have been acquired for use in constructing real property or in assembling equipment to be used by the entity.Accounting

Operational Access

Access to gather operational information or provide continuity of service; for example, a work document in an individual account

Information Technology

Operational Changes

Access required to modify an operational feature; examples include change/activate vacation message for an employee, change outgoing voice mail

Information Technology

Operational ControlThe identification, planning, and management of the organization's operations and activities in line with the policy' objectives and targets, and significant aspectsEnvironmental Protection Program

Operational Emergency

An operational emergency is a major unplanned or abnormal event or condition that involves or affects the Laboratory, and which causes, or has the potential to cause, serious health, safety, or environmental impacts.

Emergency Services

Operational NeedSensitive IT assets which are used to monitor long-running experiments and other services that should never be interrupted and where the active process cannot be accomplished with current software and/or hardwareProperty
OperatorA qualified person who controls the movement of an MEWPIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
OPMOOrganizational Property Management Officer (part of the Integrated Service Center DOE Office of Science in Oak Ridge)Accounting
Org UnitFour-digit identifiers representing organizational units including associate lab directorates (ALD), divisions, departments, or groupsFinancial Business Systems
Organization Burden Indirect RatesRate applied to recover the costs for the general management and administration of the scientific and support divisions or departments at Berkeley LabBudget

Organizational Motor Equipment Fleet Manager

The federal individual responsible for establishing and administering the organization’s motor equipment program

Organizational Property Management Officer

The individual, designated by the Head of a Contracting Activity, responsible for establishing and administering the organization's personal property management program


Occurrence Reporting and Processing System

Quality Assurance


Office of Sponsored Projects and Industrial Partnerships

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

OSSEPPOff-Site Safety and Environmental Protection PlanHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Other Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activity

Includes the following: (1) Employment. (2) Other support, contractual or otherwise, direct and indirect, including current and pending private and public sources of funding or income, both foreign and domestic. For researchers, other support includes all foreign country of risk entity resources made available, directly or indirectly, to a researcher in support of and/or related to all of the researcher's professional R&D efforts, including resources provided directly to the individual rather than through the research institution, and regardless of whether or not they have monetary value (e.g., even if the support received is only in-kind, such as office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, or employees).This includes resource and/or financial support from all foreign and domestic entities, including but not limited to, gifts, financial support for laboratory personnel, and participation of student and visiting researchers supported by other sources of funding. This further includes compensation, for example, current or promises of future grants, awards, funding, scholarship, appointment, sabbatical, travel, university directed funding, and honoraria. (3) Current or pending participation in or applications to programs (e.g., grant programs) sponsored by foreign governments, instrumentalities, or entities, if not a Foreign Government Sponsored Talent Recruitment Program, as defined. Associated contracts, upon request by the DOE, must be disclosed, in addition to the fact of participation. (4) Positions and appointments, both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full time, part time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). (5) The following, considered alone, are not included in this definition: (a) In-kind support under a fundamental research collaboration for the sole purpose of co-authorship to be made publicly available; and (b) Support related specifically to implementing a DOE program-sponsored international collaboration project and within the scope of a DOE-level or U.S. government-level bilateral or multilateral international agreement.

Outside Business and Employment
Other Support

"Includes all financial resources, whether federal, nonfederal, commercial or organizational, available in direct support of an individual's research endeavors, including, but not limited to, research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, or organizational awards. Other support does not include training awards, prizes, or gifts." (Glossary of NIH Terms)

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Outpatient Status

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, "outpatient status" is the status of a servicemember assigned to a military medical treatment facility as an outpatient, or assigned to a unit established for the purpose of providing command and control of members of the Armed Forces receiving medical care as outpatients.

Leaves of Absence


An account balance for which collection appears uncertain. Such accounts are termed “bad debts” and are usually written off as an expense.



Overtime in most cases is actual time worked in excess of 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week in order to cover emergencies or to meet job responsibilities.  Paid holiday leave is considered to be time worked.  Sick leave, vacation, military leave, court leave, and any other leaves with pay are not considered to be time worked for purposes of compensation for overtime.

Compensation and Work Hours

Owl Shift

The standard owl-shift workday for full-time employees is 8 hours per day, midnight to 8 a.m.

Compensation and Work Hours


Performance/Progress Review

Employee Development


Policy Area

Requirements Management


Policy Area Manager

Requirements Management

Parent Announcement"NIH-wide funding opportunity announcement enabling applicants to submit an electronic investigator-initiated grant application for a specific activity code, e.g., Research Project Grant (Parent R01)." (Glossary of NIH Terms)Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Parent of a Covered Military Member

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Qualifying Exigency Leave, a parent of a covered military member is a biological, adopted, or foster parent or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the covered military member.  This definition does not include parents "in law."

Leaves of Absence

Parent of a Covered Servicemember

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a "parent of a covered servicemember" is a covered servicemember's biological, adopted, step, or foster parent or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the covered servicemember when the covered servicemember was a child. The definition does not include parents-in-law.

Leaves of Absence

Parsed Unit

Portions of a source requirement document (the entire source requirement document, individual sections, one or more specific statements, or a sentence and/or phrase) that a Policy Area Manager can assign to him/herself or another Policy Area Manager

Requirements Management


Breaking down a source requirement document to an appropriate level of detail for linking associated performance expectations to implementing mechanisms

Requirements Management

Part Time

Part-time status is fixed time up to 39 hours per workweek.

Compensation and Work Hours

Part-time Schedule

A schedule involving a specified percentage of each workweek or work month

Compensation and Work Hours

Passive Fall-Protection System (PFPS)A system used to control fall hazards by means other than the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE). Examples are guardrails, safety nets, warning lines, etc.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Patent CounselA Berkeley Lab attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of any U.S. court or the highest court of any state and who is registered to practice before the U.S. Patents and Trademark Office Intellectual Property
Pay ScaleThe salary or hourly wage range that Berkeley Lab reasonably expects to pay for the position.Compensation and Work Hours

Pay Status

Includes any period of time for which an employee receives pay for time worked or for time on paid leave. Paid leave time includes sick leave, extended sick leave, vacations, administrative leave with pay, holidays, or military leave with pay.

Compensation and Work Hours


Credit card issued to designated and trained Berkeley Lab personnel in divisions and in Procurement for purchasing low-value goods and services.



Permanent change of station



Position Description

Compensation and Work Hours


Pregnancy Disability Act

Leaves of Absence


Pregnancy Disability Leave

Leaves of Absence


Pregnancy Disability Leave Law

Leaves of Absence

PELPermissible Exposure LevelIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Any action that punctures existing surfaces


Per Diem

Combined daily expenses for lodging and meals & incidental expenses (M&IE). Per diem within the continental United States (CONUS) is set by the General Services Administration (GSA). Per diem within Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. possessions (i.e., non-foreign overseas) is set by the Department of Defense. Per diem within foreign countries is set by the U.S. Department of State.


Period of Military Conflict

For purposes of Military Spouse/Domestic Partner Leave, a "period of military conflict" is a period of war declared by the United States Congress, or a period of deployment for which a member of a reserve component is ordered to active duty as defined in the California Military & Veterans Code Section 395.10.

Leaves of Absence

Permanent Change-of-Station (PCS)

Permanent Change-of-Station relocation (also known as "Join the Staff" relocation) reimbursement may be offered to a new employee who accepts a permanent assignment of 12 months or longer at a Berkeley Lab work site.


Permanent Resident (PR)An individual who possesses an Alien Registration Receipt Card (green card), which is provided to those who become legal permanent residents of the United StatesPayroll
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)The OSHA permissible exposure limits are exposure levels considered safe for employee exposure in the workplace. PELs for airborne concentrations of hazardous materials are listed in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, and 29 CFR 1926, Subpart Z, and for physical agents (i.e., noise and non-ionizing radiation) in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart G.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Permit-Required Confined Space

A Confined Space that has one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
  • Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
  • Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section.
  • Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Perpetual Inventory SystemA perpetual inventory system provides a highly detailed view of changes in inventory and allows real-time reporting of the amount of inventory in stock, and hence accurately reflects the level of goods on handAccounting
Person in ChargeThe designated person accountable for the safe execution of the lockoutIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Personal Fall-Arrest System (PFAS)A system used to arrest an employee in a fall from a working level. It consists of an anchorage, connectors, a full-body harness, and a shock-absorbing connecting device that may include a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or a suitable combination of these. Safety belts must not be used as part of a fall-arrest system.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Personal Information

Any information that is maintained by the Laboratory in furtherance of Laboratory business that identifies or describes an individual, including, but not limited to, his or her name, Social Security number, physical description, home address, home telephone number, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history. This includes:

  • Federally-owned personally identifiable information (PII);
  • UC-owned Personal Information and Protected Personal Information;
  • Publicly available personal information.
    This term does not include de-identified information.
Information Technology
Personal LOTO LockA LOTO lock issued to a LOTO Authorized Person for the purpose of individual control. No other person has the key or means of opening it.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Personal Property

Property that can be moved and that is not permanently affixed to and part of real estate


Personal Property Management

The development, implementation, and administration of policies, standards, programs, practices, and procedures for effective and economical acquisition, receipt, storage, issue, use, control, physical protection, care and maintenance, determination of requirements, maintenance of related operating records, and disposal of personal property (exclusive of the property accounting records)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Safety equipment worn by employees; may include safety glasses, respirators, coveralls, gloves, etc.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Personal Services Agreement

An agreement between the Laboratory and an established company that makes available by name one or more of its employees as consultants for the performance of consulting services



Participating Guest Information Form

Types of Employee Appointments

Physical AgentsAgents such as noise, hot and cold extremes, and non-ionizing radiation (e.g., radio frequency, electromagnetic, microwave, and magnetic fields). Laser exposure is addressed by the Laser Safety Program (refer to PUB-3000, Chapter 16).Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Physical Work

Activities conducted at Berkeley Lab or by Berkeley Lab staff that could have an appreciable effect on the environment. Such work could include constructing a building, using chemicals in a laboratory, cutting down a tree, or leasing office space in downtown Berkeley.



Principle Investigator


Performance Improvement Plan

Problem Resolution


A document that describes the purpose and scope of a program or project – including actions needed within a specific time frame to comply with policies, requirements, or regulations.  It establishes goals, deadlines, resources required, and a budget.
Example: HSS Corrective Action Plan (has specific time frame, resources, and budget)

Requirements Management


Land, buildings and improvements, associated infrastructure (e.g., electrical substations, piping systems, roads)


Plant and Capital Equipment (PACE)

Land, land rights, depletable resources; improvements to land, buildings and structures, utilities, and equipment. For the purposes of this policy, PACE is synonymous with Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E).



Performance Management Process

Employee Development


Statements or directives from the federal, state, or local government; the University of California; or Berkeley Lab senior management that set a course of action, define acceptable conduct, or implement governing principles.
Example: Berkeley Lab Site Access

Requirements Management

Policy Area (PA)

A grouping of related policies.  Policy areas are organizationally neutral; that is, they do not reflect organizational structure. Though organizationally neutral, policy areas typically are assigned to an Operations function.  Some policy areas may span B23more than one function, and a primary functional owner is therefore assigned.

Requirements Management

Pollution PreventionReducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting the use of nontoxic or less-toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques, and reusing materials rather than putting them into the waste streamEnvironmental Protection Program
Portable EquipmentFire extinguishersFire Protection

Position-Related Training and Development Program

Directly related to the work assignments or conditions of the employee's current position.

Employee Development



Types of Employee Appointments


Postdoctoral Fellow

Types of Employee Appointments

Posted Downgrade

When an employee applies for and accepts an offer of a posted position at a lower salary-range maximum, it is a posted downgrade.  If the posted downgrade results in the employee’s salary being above the maximum of the new range, the current salary may be maintained ("red-circled") or reduced.

Compensation and Work Hours

Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR)An air-purifying respirator that uses a blower to force the ambient air through air-purifying elements and into the inlet coveringIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Property, Plant, and Equipment


A set of methods deemed an acceptable way to perform a task or carry out a procedure safely and effectively, as established by longstanding tradition or as defined by professional licensing organizations or government regulatory agencies.
Examples: Procure Standing Operating Procedures

Requirements Management


Performance Review & Development

Employee Development

Precious Metals

Uncommon and highly valuable metals, including gold, silver, and the platinum group metals---platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium

Precious Metals-DOE

Precious metals means uncommon and highly valuable metals characterized by their superior resistance to corrosion and oxidation. Included are gold, silver, and the platinum group metals—platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium.

These metals are procured through an inter-DOE procurement process and facilitated / distributed through Property Management.

Precious Metals-Non-DOEPrecious metals and other rare materials having a high monetary value in relation to volume or weight. Examples are materials other than in their raw form (i.e., blended or sculptured forms) for gold, silver, and platinum, etc. These metals are procured from non-DOE sources such as outside vendors and facilitated / distributed through Property Management.Accounting
Preferential Rehire (Preference for Reemployment)The right of the non-probationary Career appointee who is laid off indefinitely or whose time is reduced indefinitely to receive preference for any active, vacant Career position for which the employee is qualified, which is at the same or lower salary grade, at the same or lesser percentage of time, and at the same campus as the position from which the employee was indefinitely laid off or indefinitely reduced in time.Separation from Employment
Pregnancy Disability Leave Law (PDLL)The sections of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act that contain pregnancy disability leave provisions for California employees.Leaves of Absence
Premium Economy ClassPremium economy is a travel class primarily offered on international routes. This travel class is positioned as a middle ground between standard economy and business class in terms of price, comfort, and amenities. International premium economy is equivalent to U.S. domestic first-class product.Travel

A payment made in one accounting/fiscal period for a service with a benefit that extends over future accounting/fiscal periods

Pre-placementA time period between the time of accepting a job offer and before placement into a new jobHealth Services Programs
Pressure InstallerTechnicians or mechanics, usually in the Facilities Division, who have completed specialized training and have been designated and certified as such by their Department. Head pressure installers may be assigned to work directly for responsible designers.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Pressure Regulator

A valve or device designed to cut of flow at a set pressure

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Pressure Relief Devices

Valves or rupture disks designed to vent pressure above a set point. Their purpose is to ensure the pressure within the vessel does not exceed MAWP.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material (PACM)Material that may contain asbestos and has not been sampled for asbestos content. It should be assumed to contain asbestos and treated accordingly.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Preventive EvaluationCommonly performed by Ergo Advocates. Can be requested to proactively address ergonomic issues for new or existing employees.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Primary Work Location

The place where the major portion of the traveler’s work time is spent, or the place to which the traveler returns during working hours upon completion of special assignments


Prime Recipient

A non-federal entity that receives ARRA funding in the form of a contract, grant, or loan, directly from the federal government


Principal Investigator

The Laboratory manager or employee who has ultimate responsibility for meeting the terms of a project proposal, including the scope of work, the schedule, and the budget


Principal Investigator (PI)

A principal investigator is the lead scientist or engineer for a particular well-defined science project.

Probationary Period

A period of time when new Career- or Term-appointment employees’ work performance and general suitability for Laboratory employment are carefully evaluated. While the employee is serving a probationary period, he or she is considered to be an at-will employee.

Types of Employee Appointments, Recruitment


A series of specific steps to be followed to accomplish work or to carry out a policy or requirement. Procedures are controls meant to mitigate risk, improve efficiency, or assure compliance.
Examples: Obtaining a Berkeley Lab badge, maintaining the Laboratory's 12 kV electrical system, completing a travel expense form

Requirements Management


A sequence of interdependent and linked procedures, activities, or work steps designed to achieve a specific objective.
Examples: Buying an item (filling out eProcurement form, obtaining approvals, receiving the item); the hiring process is carried out by a series of procedures that include filling out W-2s, obtaining a badge, and taking training courses.

Requirements Management

Process/System OwnerA unit or individual with overall accountability for each of its business and financial systems or portions of the system. The System Owner must ensure that system's capabilities meet Berkeley Lab's business needs. The System Owner must provide leadership and direction for system development, enhancement, and ongoing operations, including ensuring that appropriate controls are in place.Financial Business Systems
Procurement Specialist

An employee in the Berkeley Lab Procurement and Property Management Department who is responsible for the solicitation, negotiation, award, administration, and closure of subcontracts. Also referred to as the buyer or contract administrator. Most procurement specialists have delegated procurement authority to obligate funds on behalf of Berkeley Lab and the government up to a specific threshold.

Professional Certification

The term "certification" generally refers to a process by which a nongovernmental organization grants recognition to an individual who has met predetermined qualifications specified by that organization. The proof comes in the form of a certificate which is earned by passing one or more exams that were developed by an organization or association that monitors and upholds the prescribed standards for the particular industry involved.

Employee Development
Professional JudgmentThe application and appropriate use of knowledge gained from formal education, experience, observation, experimentation, inference, peer review, and analogy. It allows an experienced industrial hygienist with incomplete or a minimum amount of data to estimate worker exposure in nearly any scenario (adapted from DOE Guide G 440.1 and AIHA A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, Fourth Edition [2015]), although such judgments and their basis should be documented.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Professional LicensureProfessional licensure is a way to ensure a professional meets certain industry and regulated requirements in terms of knowledge and experience. Licensing is often granted through a professional body or a licensing board and often involves accredited training and examinations. Professional licenses are usually issued by state or federal agencies, and typically require some formal post-secondary education or training as a prerequisite.Employee Development


A course of action, typically comprising multiple coordinated projects, established to accomplish an organization’s strategic objectives or to improve its performance. A program’s duration may be perpetual or undetermined, and success is measured in terms of benefits derived. A program has a generally defined scope or mission, with specific objectives, and a prescribed governing structure with defined roles and responsibilities.

Contractor Assurance

Program Administrator

The Berkeley Lab employee responsible for administering the Controlled Substances Program in accordance with the authority re-delegated by the Laboratory Deputy Director.

Controlled Substances


A planned activity with a defined beginning and end, conducted by a set of designated individuals, implemented to achieve a particular purpose or goal within a given time constraint and cost limit.
Example: Planning, design, procurement, construction, and commissioning of the Molecular Foundry

Requirements Management

Project/ActivityAn identification number used to accumulate, manage, and report costs associated with individually funded activities at Berkeley LabAccounting

Project/Activity ID

An identification number used to accumulate, manage, and report costs associated with individually funded activities at the Laboratory


Project Inspector

The Facilities Division's representative responsible for monitoring construction quality and verifying compliance with the terms and conditions of the design documents

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Project Planning Guide (PPG)Reporting format that consolidates proposed operational project description details, costs, etc. and includes approval signature blocks for all appropriate approvers and subject matter experts.NEPA-CEQA
Project TypeA mechanism to identify projects that function under different rules. Usually, the differences are related to funding and overhead treatment. Examples include Operating, Capital Equipment Purchase, Capital Equipment Fabrication, various Overhead project types, and Fellowships.Financial Business Systems

Proliferation‐Sensitive Property

Nuclear‐related or dual‐use equipment, material, or technology described in the Nuclear Suppliers Group Trigger List and Dual‐Use List; or equipment, material, or technology used in the research, design, development, testing, or production of nuclear weapons

PromotionThe change of an employee from one position to another position that has a higher salary range maximumThe process by which Berkeley Lab and the employee engage in a dialogue about the employee's functional work limitations due to a disability and any accommodation that can be provided that would enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the employee's position and/or another identified position for which the employee qualifies.

Property Administrator

The individual designated as the authorized representative of the Contracting Officer assigned to administer the contract requirements and obligations relating to Government personal property, including, but not limited to, evaluating contractor personal property management programs and making recommendations concerning acceptability of the contractor property management systems.

Property Custodian

The DOE federal or contractor individual responsible for the protection, control, and proper use of property under his or her stewardship

Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E)

Synonymous with plant and capital equipment (PACE)


Property Protection Area (PPA)PPAs are security areas that are designated to protect employees and government-owned or leased buildings, facilities, and propertyPhysical Security
Proprietary InformationInformation, including data, which is developed at private expense outside of this CRADA, is marked as Proprietary Information, and embodies (i) trade secrets or (ii) commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential under the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552 (b)(4))Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Protected CRADA InformationGenerated information which is marked as being protected CRADA information by a party to this CRADA and which would have been proprietary information had it been obtained from a nonfederal entityNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Protected Personal Information

A highly sensitive subset of personal information that is subject to legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements, or which, if accessed or acquired without authorization, could cause harm to data subjects. This designation applies to UC-owned records containing any of the below:

  • Data breach-notice triggering elements identified under California law, consisting of a combination of first name or first initial and last name and any of the below:
    • Social Security numbers, drivers license numbers, passport numbers, green card numbers, and any other government-issued identifiers commonly used to identify an individual;
    • Employee health information, including records originating from a healthcare provider containing descriptions of conditions, diagnosis, prescriptions, referrals, visits, and other health information, insurance and/or claims-related information;
    • Biometric information;
    • License plate recognition system information; and/or
    • Financial account information (such as debit and credit account information), including PINs or other authentication information.
  • Usernames and passwords that would permit someone to access an online account.
  • Certain sensitive personal data of EU residents contained in records subject to the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • Certain datasets determined to be protected pursuant to a documented risk assessment by the Privacy Officer.
Information Technology

Prototype Equipment

A completed experimental or prototype device built to obtain data or to demonstrate the feasibility of a particular process. It may be capital funded if its initial life is two years or more.



Professional Research & Teaching Leave

Employee Development

Prudent to Protect Personal InformationUC-owned information that can be used to identify or describe an individual, but which is not identified as Protected Personal Information or Public Personal Information or which has not been de-identifiedInformation Technology
PublicationsPublications include written reports, articles submitted to professional or scientific journals, oral and written conference presentations, abstracts, master's and Ph.D. theses, and any other material presented that could contain patentable invention informationIntellectual Property
Public BuildingA structure, or part of a structure, and its land, which are generally accessible to the public, including but not limited to schools, day-care centers, museums, airports, hospitals, stores, convention centers, government facilities, office buildings, and any other building that is not an industrial building or a residential buildingIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Public Emergency

A public emergency includes fire, explosion, power failure, flood, earthquake, snowstorm, protest, demonstration, riot, sabotage, pandemic illness, and other comparable occurrences

Emergency Services

Public Personal InformationInformation processed by Berkeley Lab staff in support of official Laboratory business which relates to or describes an identifiable individual, but that is lawfully publicly available or about which individuals do not have objectively reasonable expectations of privacyInformation Technology
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)A sewage treatment plant. The East Bay Municipal Utility District plant is the POTW that accepts sewage from Berkeley Lab. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District plant is the POTW that accepts sewage from the JGI.Environmental Protection Program
Purchased AssetA procured item that meets the asset capitalization criteria. Includes costs to convert or make the asset ready for use, for example, invoice price, transportation, installation costs.Accounting
Purchase MethodMethod that charges inventory as an expense when purchased, rather than accounting as an asset on the balance sheet. Upon purchase, the related expense shall be immediately recognizedAccounting


Quality Assurance

QAPDQuality Assurance Program Description

Quadriweekly Pay Cycle

A payroll term denoting two biweekly pay periods, used by the University to be considered as a unit for the purpose of leave accrual

Leaves of Absence

Qualified Electrical PersonA Qualified Person specifically authorized to work on electrical systems. For specific requirements, see the ES&H Manual Electrical Safety program.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Qualified Member

For purposes of Military Spouse/Domestic Partner Leave, a "qualified member" is a person who is (1) a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who has been deployed during a period of military conflict to an area designated as a combat theater or combat zone by the President of the United States, (2) a member of the National Guard who has been deployed during a period of military conflict, or (3) a member of the Reserves who has been deployed during a period of military conflict.

Leaves of Absence

Qualified PersonA person who, by reason of experience and instruction, has demonstrated familiarity with the construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of the equipment, installations, and the hazards involved, and has been designated by the supervisor or work lead to perform work on equipment. This employee is also required to be current with all required qualification training.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Qualifying act of violenceFor purposes of sick leave and Victim Leave, a “qualifying act of violence” means any of the following, regardless of whether anyone is arrested for, prosecuted for, or convicted of committing any crime: domestic violence; sexual assault; stalking; or an act, conduct, or pattern of conduct that includes (i) bodily injury or death to another; (ii) brandishing, exhibiting, or drawing a firearm or other dangerous weapon; or (iii) a perceived or actual threat to use force against another to cause physical injury or deathLeaves of Absence 
Qualitative Exposure AssessmentThe estimation of exposure determinants based on integration of available information and professional judgment (adapted from DOE Guide G 440.1-3, Occupational Exposure Assessment).Industrial Hygiene and Safety


The condition achieved when an item, service, or process meets or exceeds the user’s requirements and expectations

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item will perform satisfactorily in service

Quality Assurance

Quantitative Exposure AssessmentThe determination of exposure based on collection and quantitative analysis of data sufficient to adequately characterize exposures (adapted from DOE Guide G 440.1-3 and AIHA A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, Fourth Edition [2015]).Industrial Hygiene and Safety
RADivision Resource AnalystNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
Radioactive Drug or RadiotracerRadioactive drugs or biological products labeled with a radionuclideHuman and Animal Subjects Research
Radioactive Drug Research CommitteeA board or committee authorized by the Food and Drug Administration responsible for the review and approval of research protocols involving the administration or use of radioactive drugs in human subjectsHuman and Animal Subjects Research

Radioactive Property

Any item or material that is radioactive or radioactively contaminated and that emits ionizing radiation in excess of background radiation as measured by appropriate instrumentation

Radioactive SoilSoil with concentrations of radionuclides above background levelsEnvironmental Protection Program
Radioactive Waste

Wastes that contain radioactivity distinguishable from background or that have been induced to be radioactive. Additional details include:

  • Can be solid or liquid.
  • Will be accumulated in accordance with all applicable work authorizations.
Waste Management
Radio Frequency (RF)A portion of the electromagnetic spectrum from 3 Hz–330 GHzIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

A natural or manmade atom that spontaneously undergoes radioactive decay

Environmental Protection Program



Compensation and Work Hours

Reasonable Suspicion

A suspicion based on an articulable belief that an employee is either under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances, or is engaged in use, possession, sale or distribution, or manufacture of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances, drawn from particularized facts and reasonable inferences from those facts.

Work Environment

RecallThe right of the non-probationary Career employee to return to any active, vacant career position for which the employee is qualified, which is in the same classification, salary grade, and division and at the same or lesser percentage of time as the position from which the employee was indefinitely laid off or indefinitely reduced in timeSeparation from Employment


All books, papers, maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, or other documentary materials — regardless of physical form or characteristics — made or received that are preserved or appropriate for preservation that serves as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities

Quality Assurance

Record of Decision

Also known as ROD, a written record of a decision made regarding a requirement, policy, institutional document, or regarding the implementation mechanisms or plan regarding a requirement, policy, or institutional document

Requirements Management

Record of InventionThe report that is generated when an inventor reports an invention to the IPO through the Innovation Portal at https://ipo.lbl.gov/discloseinventionsIntellectual Property


Unused balances that are returned to the sponsor


Regular Status EmployeeA career employee who is not required to serve a probationary period, or who has successfully completed a probationary period and any extension thereof.Leaves of Absence

Regular Use of Private Vehicle

More than four trips per calendar month totaling at least 300 miles


Regulated Air PollutantsPollutants controlled by standards authorized by the Clean Air Act. They include the classes of substances defined as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, toxic air contaminants, or ozone-depleting substances.Environmental Protection Program
Regulated AreaWork areas where airborne exposure to lead is above the PELIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM)
  • Friable ACM
  • Nonfriable Category I ACM that has or will become friable, or that has been subjected to sanding, drilling, grinding, cutting, or abrading
  • Nonfriable Category II ACM that may become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act upon the material in the course of demolition or renovation
Industrial Hygiene and Safety


A list of citable government-issued instructions for carrying out policies, or prohibiting certain conduct, on a day-to-day basis.
Examples: Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 851, Worker Safety and Health Program

Requirements Management

Rehired Retiree

A retired University of California employee re-employed at Berkeley Lab. 

Note: Retired employees, depending on type of retirement payment, may be re-employed in a Career or Term appointment instead of a Rehired Retiree appointment.

Types of Employee Appointments

Reimbursable Work Agreement

A written agreement to perform work or provide a service for another federal agency or non-federal customer


Reputable ManufacturerManufacturers listed in Appendix D are considered reputable and provide adequate technical support and technical documentation, and follow standard accepted safe designs even though they do not always obtain NRTL listing for their products

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


Per the Relations with Employee Organizations policy, the term "representative" is used to define any person acting in the interest of or on behalf of an employee organization, including both University and non-University personnel, unless otherwise specifically excepted.

Relations with Employee Organizations

Represented Employees

Employees in job classifications represented by an agreement negotiated with a union and not excluded as managerial, supervisory, or confidential employees   (see respective labor agreements for terms and conditions of employment).

HR Policies Overview

Reproductive Loss

A failed adoption, failed surrogacy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or an unsuccessful assisted reproduction.

Leaves of Absence

RequesterAn individual in a Berkeley Lab division who requests a good and/or service for purchase.Procurement

Request for Issuance of Check (RFIC)

A Laboratory form used for requesting reimbursement for expenses relating to allowable goods and services purchased at Berkeley Lab that do not require a purchase order for payment

Financial General Policies and Information

Requestor (re Bridge Funding)

A principal investigator or designated resource analyst


Requestor (re Stipends)

The person responsible for inviting the stipend recipient.



A specific obligation to perform an action mandated by Berkeley Lab senior management or the University of California or the federal, state, or local government; or an obligation to comply with the Laboratory’s contract with the U.S. Department of Energy 

Requirements Management

Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM)

A document that provides Laboratory personnel with a reference to University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies and regulations. Much of the information in the manual has been condensed from detail provided in other Laboratory procedure manuals, DOE directives, and Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. The manual is not intended to replace any of those documents.


Requirements Management

A business-management process that provides a systematic approach to ensuring that all contractually based requirements are assigned an owner, analyzed for impact, and flow down to the workforce.  Requirements-management process elements include the means of governing, analyzing, implementing, and parsing of requirements.

Requirements Management

Requirements Review Case

An instance or a question related to a requirement that has been logged into the Requirements Management database for disposition by the RM Committee 

Requirements Management


The process of requesting a purchase order for payment in order to purchase an item with a vendor using the Laboratory’s official Procurement process

Financial General Policies and Information

Requisition Preparer

(Accounting definition)

The person who enters the requisition into the Financial Management System and who works with the requester to identify the certifier


Requisition Preparer

(Procurement definition)

A trained employee who prepares the procurement requisition for submission to Procurement to solicit, negotiate, and award a subcontract.Procurement


Any activity for which research funding is available from a PHS awarding agency, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, career-development awards, center grants, individual fellowship awards, infrastructure awards, institutional training grants, program projects or research resources awards, conference grants, and Phase II Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) awards. Excluded from this policy, consistent with the underlying federal regulations, are Phase I SBIR and Phase I STTR awards.Conflict of Interest in Research

Research Administration Proposal/Project Information Database (RAPID)

Database maintained by the Office of Sponsored Projects and Industry Partnerships (OSPIP) and utilized by OSPIP and divisions for WFO proposals and awards


Research Advisory Panel of California (RAPC)A panel formed in the State of California Attorney General's office to review proposed research studies with Schedule I and II controlled substances.Controlled Substances

Research and Development

Expenses incurred in support of the search for new or refined knowledge and ideas and for the application or use of such knowledge and ideas for the development of new or improved products and processes, with the expectation of maintaining or increasing national economic productive capacity or yielding other future benefits


Resident Alien

An individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States, but meets either the green card test or the “substantial presence test” for income tax purposes for a particular calendar year. For a detailed explanation of these tests, see IRS Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities.


Resource Adjustment

A process to transfer either labor or non-labor costs from one project and activity to another, or between activities within the same project


Resource Category

A type of cost grouped into similar categories. Examples include labor (contract, student, scientific, administrative), travel (foreign and local), and purchases (material and services).


Resource TypeA type of cost grouped into similar types (a higher level grouping). Examples include labor, travel, procurements, and services.Accounting
RespiratorA device designed to protect the wearer from the inhalation of harmful atmospheresIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Responsible Official(s)An official or officials (typically the campus academic conflict-of-interest administrator) designated by the Laboratory Director or designee to solicit and review investigators' completed Disclosure of Financial Interest forms and assess whether any reported significant financial interest could reasonably appear to be related to the sponsored projectConflict of Interest in Research

Restricted Item

An item that either is prohibited or needs special approvals or handling.



Former Berkeley Lab, University of California or UC-managed Department of Energy Laboratory employees who have retired and have received money from the UC Retirement Plan

Types of Employee Appointments


The act of altering or modifying a document 

Document Management


Reduction in force


RIOResearch Integrity OfficeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms
RiskThe possibility of suffering a loss or unfavorable event, or the failure of achieving a planned outcome. Risk in this context is defined as the product of the i. probability (or frequency) of the event occuring and ii. magnitude of its impact (or consequence) should the event occur.Contractor Assurance
Risk-Based Graded Approach
  • A process to ensure that work activities are efficiently managed through systems that are adequate to, and commensurate with, the risk involved in the activity
  • Risks include potential impact to worker or public health and safety, threats to the environment, consequences of noncompliance, and cost impacts
  • The risk-based approach considers whether or not work is hands-on, includes low or high hazards and complexity of the work in order to determine if a written authorization (beyond the SJHA) is required and what level of worker oversight is necessary by the SJHA requester
Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Risk FactorsConditions that contribute to the risk of developing a disorder. In the case of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, these include awkward postures, highly repetitive activities, the application of high forces, static positions (maintained over long periods of time), exposure to hand-arm or whole-body vibration, and exposure of hands or feet to temperatures cold enough to cause discomfort.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Risk Level

The severity/significance rating assigned to an issue to ensure that appropriate levels of analysis oversight and resolution are commensurate with Berkeley Lab requirements. Risk levels are stated as high, medium, or low.

Issues Management


Reduction in Time

Compensation and Work Hours


Requirements Management

Requirements Management

RM Database

A database tool for managing requirements and related information, including tracking requirements, their associated policy areas, owners, records of implementing mechanisms, and their flow down to implementing documents

Requirements Management


Requirements Management Program Manager

Requirements Management


Requirements Management Committee

Requirements Management


Response needed by


Record of Decision

Requirements Management

Root Cause

The underlying or basic cause of an adverse condition that can reasonably be identified and that management has the control to fix, and when fixed, will preclude recurrence or significantly reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the same or similar adverse conditions. The root cause is typically one level further in analysis beyond an apparent cause, the fundamental reason for the apparent cause.

Issues Management


A payment to the holder of a patent, copyright, or resource for the right to use such property. These payments are centrally processed by Technology Transfer and Individual Property Management.



Requirements and Policies Manual

Requirements Management

RPM Section

A group of related policy areas.  RPM Sections are organizationally neutral; that is, they do not reflect organizational structure.  Example: RPM Section Information Management encompasses computing, document management, intellectual property management.

Requirements Management


Rehired Retiree

Types of Employee Appointments


Suspect/Counterfeit Item

Quality Assurance

S/E, S&E

Scientist/Engineer, Scientist & Engineer

Types of Employee Appointments

Safe Work ConditionA condition whereby the equipment has been placed in a zero-energy state and controlled to prevent re-energization through the process of lockout. Equipment is not safe to work on until it is in a safe work condition.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control BoardThe agency responsible for regulating the water quality in the San Francisco basin and setting discharge limits for POTWs, including the limit for PCB congenersEnvironmental Protection Program
Salary RangeThe range of pay from minimum to maximum established for a salary grade or job.Compensation and Work Hours
Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA)An area in an individual laboratory, shop, or other facility designated by the generator for the accumulation of waste not to exceed 208 liters (55 gallons) of hazardous waste, or 0.95 liter (1 quart) of extremely or acutely hazardous waste. The area must be at or near the point of waste generation and under the control of the person generating the waste.Waste Management
ScaffoldAny temporary elevated platform and its supporting structure used for supporting workers or materials or bothIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Secondary ContainmentContainment designed to hold the contents of the largest single tank or drum plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation (4.78-inch freeboard)Environmental Protection Program

Self-constructed Asset

Any project funded by DOE to construct plant or fabricate capital equipment that will be used by Berkeley Lab staff and permanently placed on Berkeley Lab’s books. The equipment may also be used off site in support of Berkeley Lab research. For projects funded by a WFO sponsor, Berkeley Lab must retain title to qualify as a self-constructed asset. If the capital equipment is to be used elsewhere, its fabrication must be required to meet specific Berkeley Lab operating research project objectives as defined in the Field Work Proposal (FWP) or Statement of Work (SOW).


Senior Line Manager

The highest level or most senior level of authority within a division or office. Examples: The EH&S Division Director, the Chief Human Resources Officer,  the Chief Financial Officer, or the Public Affairs Department Head

Requirements Management

Senior ManagementThe highest levels of organizational management having the day-to-day responsibilities for managing the organization and the authority to make decisions affecting the site or facility. Also may be referred to as senior leadership or top management.Environmental Protection Program

Senior Management Group (SMG) Employees

Individuals whose Career appointment is in the SMG personnel program. SMG employees with a dual academic appointment at 0% will be considered to possess a Career appointment in the SMG.

Types of Employee Appointments

Sensitive IT AssetDesktops, laptops, or tabletsProperty

Sensitive Item(s)

An item that requires special control and accountability, regardless of value, due to susceptibility of unusual rates of loss, theft, misuse, national security, and export control considerations. These items include, but are not limited to, weapons, ammunition, explosives, classified property, laptops, computers, personal digital assistants, other information technology equipment, and removable components with memory capability.


Sensitive Property

Property that is highly portable, easily converted to personal use, and is more susceptible to theft than other equipment. Attractive property must be barcoded and is subject to Laboratory inventory requirements. The property listed below is considered "attractive property," regardless of its acquisition cost:

  • Bar code scanners
  • Cameras
  • Desktops (workstations)
  • Drones
  • Laptops
  • Radios (two-way)
  • Servers
  • Tablets (iPad, Kindles, etc.)
Serious Health Condition

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave, a serious health condition is an illness, injury (including, but not limited to, an on-the-job injury), impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment, including, but not limited to, treatment for substance abuse.

  • Inpatient Care means a stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential health care facility, any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care, or any period of incapacity. A person is considered an inpatient when a health care facility formally admits them to the facility with the expectation that they will remain at least overnight and occupy a bed, even if it later develops that such person can be discharged or transferred to another facility and does not actually remain overnight.
  • Incapacity means the inability to work, attend school, or perform other regular daily activities due to a serious health condition, its treatment, or the recovery that it requires.
  • Continuing Treatment means ongoing medical treatment or supervision by a health care provider.

    A serious health condition involves one or more of the following:
  • Inpatient Care (as defined above).
  • Absence Plus Treatment — A period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days (including any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition), that also involves (a) treatment two or more times by a health care provider, by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider, or by a provider of health care services (e.g., physical therapist) under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider; or (b) treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion which results in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider (e.g., a course of prescription medication, or therapy requiring special equipment, to resolve or alleviate the health condition). This does not include taking over-the counter medications or activities that can be initiated without a visit to a health care provider (e.g., bed rest, exercise, drinking fluids).
  • Pregnancy (which is covered as a serious health condition under the FMLA but not under the CFRA) — A period of incapacity due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. This includes severe morning sickness and prenatal care.
  • Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatment — A chronic condition that (a) requires periodic visits for treatment by a health care provider, or by a nurse or physician's assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; (b) continues over an extended period of time (including recurring episodes of a single underlying condition); and (c) may cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.).
  • Permanent/Long-Term Conditions Requiring Supervision — A period of incapacity that is permanent or long term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective. The person must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider. Examples include Alzheimer's, a severe stroke, or the terminal stages of disease.
  • Multiple Treatment (Non-Chronic Conditions) — Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery therefrom) by a health care provider or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider, either for restorative surgery after an accident or other injury, or for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment, such as cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe arthritis (physical therapy), or kidney disease (dialysis).
Leaves of Absence
Serious Injury or Illness of a Covered ServicememberFor purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a serious injury or illness of a covered servicemember is (a) for a current member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves), an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated by the covered servicemember in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces that may render the servicemember medically unfit to perform the duties of their office, grade, rank, or rating; and (b) for a veteran of the Armed Forces, an injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces and manifested itself before or after the member became a veteran.Leaves of Absence
Service AnimalAny dog or animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disorder. Tasks performed can include, among other things, pulling a wheelchair, retrieving dropped items, alerting a person to a sound, reminding a person to take medication, or pressing an elevator button.Work Environment 

Servicemember (Covered Servicemember)

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a “covered servicemember” is
(a) A current member of the regular Armed Forces (including a member of the Reserves; a member of the National Guard; or a member of the Armed Forces, the National Guard, or the Reserves who is on the temporary disability retired list) who has a serious injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of active duty for which he/she is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list or
(b) A veteran of the Armed Forces (including the National Guard or the Reserves), provided that the veteran is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated in the line of active duty, and that the treatment, recuperation, or therapy is occurring within five years of the date the veteran left the Armed Forces.

Leaves of Absence

Servicing and/or MaintenanceWorkplace activities such as constructing, installing, setting up, adjusting, inspecting, modifying, maintaining, and/or servicing machines or equipment. These activities include lubricating, cleaning, or unjamming machines or equipment and making adjustments or tool changes where the employee may be exposed to the unexpected energization or start-up of the equipment or release of hazardous energy.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Setting UpAny work performed to prepare a machine or equipment to perform its normal production operationIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Shared Faculty

Either a University of California (UC) Faculty Scientist/Engineer or Faculty Senior Scientist/Engineer who is appointed under the provisions of an established Memo of Understanding (MOU) where the Laboratory and the UC campus agree to fund a shared appointment (salary and benefits) throughout the academic year at a predetermined % mix between the two locations, not to exceed a 1.00 full-time-equivalent (FTE) position.  This appointment is eligible for Faculty Summer Salary from Berkeley Lab.  Shared Faculty, while not a business title like Faculty appointments, it is a working job title.

Types of Employee Appointments


Student Health Insurance Program

Types of Employee Appointments

Shockable Rhythm

The subset of heart rhythms that will potentially respond to external electricity provided by the automated external defibrillator (AED)

Health Services Programs

Shuttle Bus Routes, Berkeley Lab

Blue and Orange routes on the main Laboratory site and in downtown Berkeley, including stops at the Downtown Berkeley BART station and off-site leased facilities

Vehicles at LBNL

Signature Authorization System (SAS)

A database located on the BLIS Reporting System (BRS) Web site that lists the dollar limits for each individual with signature authority

Financial General Policies and Information

Significance Rating or Level

A value that reflects the significance of a new or revised institutional policy, program, process or other document.  The value provides a means to grade (a) the approach for development (or revision) of the policy or program, (b) the amount of rigor associated with the various steps of the process, and/or (c) the level of approval authority for the policy or program.

Requirements Management

Significant Environmental AspectAn activity, product, or service that has or can have an unacceptable risk and require an Environmental Action Plan to reduce the risk to acceptable levelsEnvironmental Protection Program
Similar Exposure GroupA group of workers having the same general exposure profile for an agent based on the similarity of tasks being performed, and the similarity of the way in which they perform the tasks. The workers use the same general work practices and engineering controls when performing the tasks.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Simple LOTOA process to establish a LOTO on equipment without a written LOTO procedure, provided that the conditions of Work Process D are met.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Single 12-Month Leave PeriodFor purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a "single 12-month leave period" means the period beginning on the first day the employee takes leave to care for the covered servicemember and ending 12 months after that date.Leaves of Absence

A geographical area where one or more facilities are located, or a DOE-controlled land area including DOE-owned facilities. This includes the following Berkeley Lab main campus and off-site locations:

  • Building 1, Donner Laboratory at University of California Berkeley campus
  • Building 971, Office of the Chief of Financial Officer (OCFO), Emeryville, California
  • Building 977, Biosciences Area and Cyclotron Road at Potter Street, Berkeley, California
  • Building 978, Biosciences Area at Emery Station East, Emeryville, California
Physical Security
sJHA Subcontractor Job Hazards AnalysisHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
SJHA ProgramAn EHS Division program that provides guidance, leadership, and direct consultative services to divisions for the implementation of the policy and requirements in this chapterHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
SJHA RequesterAn individual in a Berkeley Lab division who is listed as the SJHA requester on the SJHA, who is responsible and accountable for the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate and for ensuring the work is performed safelyHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs


Subject Matter Expert

Requirements Management


Senior Management Group

Types of Employee Appointments


A practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned, and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs.

Work Environment
SNMSpecial Nuclear MaterialForeign Visitors
Software Work in Progress (SWIP)A general ledger account that captures in-process costs incurred for software that complies with accounting standards and asset capitalization criteria in Chapter 10 of the DOE Financial Management Handbook and DOE PPE Best PracticesAccounting
Solar Ready

Solar ready is defined as a building design that includes key aspects to enable solar photovoltaic and heating systems at some time after the building is constructed. For guidance, see the Solar Ready Buildings Planning Guide (NREL/TP-7A2-46078). Solar ready includes steps to define a viable third-party (or self-financed) renewable energy project within the project boundary and steps to lower the cost of the project, such as orienting structures for maximum energy generation potential, maximizing free rooftop or parking-lot space, and providing open conduit and breaker space.

Major Construction
SOMDSite Occupational Medical DirectorHealth Services Programs

Son or Daughter of a Covered Military Member

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Military Caregiver Leave, a son or daughter of a covered military member is of any age and is a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child for whom the covered military member stood in loco parentis.

Leaves of Absence

Son or Daughter of a Covered Servicemember

For purposes of Family and Medical Leave – Military Caregiver Leave, a son or daughter of a covered servicemember is of any age and is a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or legal ward of a covered servicemember or someone for whom the covered servicemember stood in loco parentis when that person was a child.

Leaves of Absence

Source Requirements Document (SRD)

A high-level document that establishes performance expectations as a result of a citable policy, directive, law, regulation, or contract.
Examples: 10 CFR 851, Worker Safety and Health Program; LBNL Travel and Expense Policy

Requirements Management

Spare Equipment

Items held as replacement spares for equipment in current use in DOE programs

Special Nuclear Material (SNM)

Plutonium, uranium 233, uranium enriched in the isotope 233 or in the isotope 235, or any other materials that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines to be special nuclear material, or material artificially enriched by the foregoing, but that does not include source material

Special Purpose Vehicles

Vehicles that are used or designed for specialized functions. They are not generally used to carry passengers, freight, or other materials. Vehicles other than passenger vehicles that are used only during a defined or special contingency, such as evacuation or other similar emergency, may also be classified as special-purpose vehicles. These vehicles include, but are not limited to: trailers, semi‐trailers, other types of trailing equipment, trucks with permanently mounted equipment (such as aerial ladders), construction and other types of equipment as set forth in Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) 38, material handling equipment as set forth in FSCG 39, and firefighting equipment as set forth in FSCG 42. For reporting purposes within DOE, motorcycles and motor scooters will also be reported as special-purpose vehicles.

Spend Plan

A detailed program or map of how (a budget) will be used up, paid out, or consumed; a monthly plan of encumbrances, expenses, and income for a project or organizational unit. The sum of the months' planned obligations within the year should not exceed the corresponding appropriated or approved amount. Typically prepared prior to the start of a project and updated periodically as needed; includes details on how (budget or resource category) and/or when (monthly, quarterly, annual) a budget will be spent.

Financial General Policies and Information

Spill PreventionThe reduction in risk of a petroleum spill from reaching storm drains and creeks by installing secondary containment, monitoring systems, spill kits, and other engineering controlsEnvironmental Protection Program
SPOStrategic Partnerships OfficeNon-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


An organization outside the Laboratory (i.e., a benefactor) that makes a voluntary contribution to support the event

Events, Planning and Financial

Sponsored Research

The performance of work for non-Department of Energy (DOE) entities by DOE/contractor personnel and/or the use of DOE facilities that are not directly funded by DOE appropriations

Sponsoring Institution

For purposes of affiliate appointments, sponsoring institutions may be the home institution, employer, or other agency providing financial support to ensure appropriate payment and liability coverage for workers’ compensation and health insurance. For students, the university/academic institution they attend may serve as the sponsoring institution provided the academic program includes a stipulation that the activity while in the affiliate program is for academic or educational training purposes.

Types of Appointments
Sponsored Research

The performance of work for non-Department of Energy (DOE) entities by DOE/contractor personnel and/or the utilization of DOE facilities that are not directly funded by DOE appropriations. 


SPPStrategic Partnership Projects


Source Requirements Document

Requirements Management

Standard Laboratory Workweek

Normally, a workweek consists of five consecutive workdays, Monday through Friday, within a calendar week.

Compensation and Work Hours

Standard Workday

The standard workday is 8 hours in a 24-hour period on pay status with an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes (whether exempt or nonexempt).

Compensation and Work Hours

State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)The agency responsible for promulgating the California General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Industrial Activities and the Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activities. At Berkeley Lab, these permits are administered and enforced by the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, with assistance from the City of Berkeley.Environmental Protection Program


An allowance to offset certain expenses (such as subsistence or travel) or a payment for services (in certain circumstances). It may also be a one-time payment or a fixed sum paid periodically (or regularly).


Stock Record

A device for collecting, storing, and providing historical data on recurring transactions for each line item of inventory

Stored Energy SourceAny device capable of holding hazardous energy after equipment shutdown. This includes, but is not limited to, capacitors, tanks, pipes, springs, and flywheels.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Stores Inventory

Materials, supplies, and parts on hand that are normally used or consumed in operations, maintenance, and general use


Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP)The performance of work for non-DOE entities by DOE/contractor personnel and/or the utilization of DOE facilities that are not directly funded by DOE appropriationsBudget
StudentAn individual pursuing a degree at an eligible education institutionPayroll
SubcontractA subcontract is a legally binding contract that is subordinate to the UC-DOE Prime Contract. The subcontract, which is between the University of California Regents (as managing operator of the Berkeley Lab) and a third party, contains the essential terms and conditions under which goods or services will be furnished to Berkeley Lab. A purchase order or order constitutes a subcontract.Procurement
SubcontractorA subcontractor is the party to whom Berkeley Lab, on behalf of the University of California Regents, issues a subcontract under the UC-DOE Prime Contract for goods or services for Berkeley LabProcurement
Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA)


  • Describes the scope of work to be performed.
  • Identifies work hazards and controls.
  • Is the work authorization document for subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates. When required, other safe work authorizations are obtained and appended to the SJHA. Maximum duration of an SJHA is one year, but it may be renewed indefinitely. Authorizations and restrictions stipulated by any required safe work authorizations supersede those in the SJHA.
Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Subcontractor LOTO permitThe subcontractor LOTO permit is a LOTO procedure designed for subcontractors. It incorporates the standard Berkeley Lab LOTO procedure format with a process to verify that subcontractors have received the appropriate training and supervision prior to participating in a LOTO.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Subject Invention

Any invention of the contractor or participant conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this CRADA

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms

Subject Matter Expert

A Laboratory employee or consultant with specialized knowledge about a certain topic or field of interest

Requirements Management

Subject-studyAn instance of a radioactive drug being administered to a subject under an approved protocolHuman and Animal Subjects Research


A non-federal entity awarded ARRA funding through a legal instrument from a Prime Recipient. Sub-recipients typically receive a contract, grant, or loan from the prime recipient to support performance of any portion of a project or program funded with Recovery dollars. A prime recipient may delegate responsibility to its sub-recipient to report information into FederalReporting.gov.



An allowance granted for the reasonable cost of temporary housing, meals, and living expenses incurred in connection with a temporary assignment or appointment


Substantial Presence Test (see Resident Alien)

A test to determine whether an alien should be considered a U.S. resident. The individual must meet the “substantial presence test” for the calendar year. To meet this test, an individual must be physically present in the United States on at least 31 days during the current year; and 183 days (during the current year and the two preceding years), counting:
• All the days present in the current year
• One-third of the days present in the first preceding year
• One-sixth of the days in the second preceding year
(Source:  IRS Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities)



A geographically removed part of the main store's operation conducted as a subordinate element of it and subject to the same management policies and inventory controls

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)

The abrupt loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness. The event usually results from a problem with the heart's electrical system, which disrupts the heart's pumping action and stops blood flow to the body.

Health Services Programs

Supervisory Employees

Supervisory employees are defined by the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) as individuals who, regardless of their job descriptions or titles, directly supervise two or more employees, and (1) have authority in the interest of the employer to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees; or (2) have responsibility to direct them, adjust their grievances, or effectively recommend such action if, in connection with the foregoing, the exercise of such authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature but requires the use of independent judgment.   Employees whose duties are substantially similar to those of their subordinates shall not be considered to be supervisory employees.

HR Policies Overview

Support Animal A support animal is one that provides emotional, cognitive, or other similar support to a person with a disability, including, but not limited to, traumatic brain injuries or mental disabilities, such as major depression.Work Environment 


Physical element including ground, walls, floor, beams, columns, etc.



The process of identifying and indexing Unlisted electrical utilization equipment that will later be inspected by a designated EESP Equipment Inspector

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

SurveyorPersonnel identified by their division to conduct the NRTL survey for their organization are referred to as Electrical Equipment Surveyors. Before conducting the survey, Electrical Equipment Surveyors must complete training course EHS0381.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Suspect/Counterfeit Items

A component or assembly of questionable manufacture and/or origin, i.e., known to have been previously counterfeited, or having sufficient physical attributes to raise questions as to its acceptability. These include mechanical components (e.g., fasteners, bolts, studs, fittings, valves, flanges, and couplings), and electrical/electronic components (e.g., semiconductors and circuit breakers). 

Parts made of inferior materials and/or that are incorrectly processed, and intentionally marked or labeled to indicate that they comply with appropriate design/technical criteria.

Quality Assurance

Swing Shift

The standard swing-shift workday for full-time employees is 8 hours per day, 4 p.m. to midnight.

Compensation and Work Hours


An interrelated set of methods or tools used to achieve a policy objective or to accomplish multiple tasks that are part of a program or project.
Examples: Contractor Assurance System, Integrated Safety Management System

Requirements Management

System Administrator/Manager

The group that manages the day-to-day technical operation of the business system: database management, software distribution and upgrading, version control, backup and recovery, virus protection, and performance and capacity planning. IT performs this service for Berkeley Lab. User access management is performed by the BSA Unit.

Financial Business Systems

System Module Owner

Functional manager with assigned responsibility for a system component consistent with the OCFO Business System Ownership policy

Financial Business Systems

Systems Contracting

A materials-management purchasing technique to acquire general, common‐use, and repetitive supply items in a particular product family. An example is office supplies, purchased from a commercial vendor, that are needed for immediate use instead of purchasing in bulk for future use, storing in warehouses, and issuing to customers by use of a requisitioning system. Systems contracting and just‐in‐time contracting are synonymous.


Temporary assignment

Compensation and Work Hours


Teaching Assistant

Types of Employee Appointments

Tagout OnlyThe subcontractor LOTO permit is a LOTO procedure designed for subcontractors. It incorporates the standard Berkeley Lab LOTO procedure format with a process to verify that subcontractors have received the appropriate training and supervision prior to participating in a LOTO.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


For purposes of workplace evaluations and setting priorities, a job (or portion of a job) involving a discrete agent or set of agents to which workers may be exposed. The terms "activity" (not to be confused with WPC Activity) and “operation” are sometimes used in a similar manner.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Tax Treaty

An agreement between two countries specifying what items of income will be taxed by the authorities of the country in which the income is earned



To be determined


Temporary change of station



Testing Designated Position

Work Environment

Technical Area Contact PersonThe individual assigned by the division who has sufficient knowledge of hazards associated with the technical area's operation(s)/experiment(s) (i.e., not building/facility infrastructure) to communicate those hazards with nonresident worker(s). The technical area contact person may also be an area safety leader, manager, supervisor, or activity lead.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Technical AreasTechnical areas generally include laboratories, shops, workrooms, and similar areas. Offices, conference rooms, food preparation, and consumption areas such as the cafeteria, kitchenettes, and break rooms are generally not technical areas.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Technical RepresentativeA trained individual designated by a division to provide technical direction on the subcontract and monitor subcontractor performance. Required to complete the Technical Representative training prior to being assigned to a subcontract.Procurement


Telecommuting is a work option in which employees fulfill their job responsibilities at home or another approved location.  The arrangement may cover all or part of the employees’ scheduled hours and may be on an intermittent/ occasional basis or on a regular schedule.

Compensation and Work Hours

Temporary Assignment

A temporary assignment (TA) occurs when an employee is temporarily assigned responsibilities of a higher-level position on a full-time basis or assigned other significant higher-level duties in addition to their regular duties.

Compensation and Work Hours

Temporary Change-of-Station (TCS)

Temporary Change-of-Station relocation reimbursement may be offered to an employee who accepts a temporary assignment for a period of between 6 months and a day, and 12 months.


Term AppointmentA term appointment is an appointment established at a fixed percentage of time at 50 percent or more for a limited duration of six months to five years.Types of Appointments
Test PressureThe pressure at which a vessel is tested to validate it can withstand the MOP. Test pressures vary from 125% to 200% of the MAWP.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Testing Designated Position (TDP)

Employees in jobs that are designated as a Testing Designated Position (TDP) are subject to drug and alcohol testing under one or more of the following regulations: Department of Transportation – Testing Designated Position (DOT-TDP):  The DOT rule covers employees whose Laboratory job duties are such that federal regulations require them to hold a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) in order to drive a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) on public highways, and who, during the course of the workday, operate or are expected to be ready to operate a vehicle with a gross combination or gross vehicle weight of at least 26,001 pounds inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle rating of more than 10,000 pounds; a vehicle originally or currently designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver; or a vehicle of any size used to transport hazardous materials found in the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act and that require the motor vehicle to be placarded under the Hazardous Materials Regulations.    10 CFR 707 – Testing Designated Position (CFR-TDP): Employees in positions where failure of an employee to adequately discharge his or her position could significantly harm the environment, public health or safety, or national security, or other positions determined by the Department of Energy (DOE), to have the potential to significantly affect the environment, public health and safety, or national security. 

Work Environment

Thermal RadiationTransfer of heat from hot objects through air to the body. Working around heat sources, such as furnaces, will increase heat stress. Working in direct sunlight can substantially increase heat stress.Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Thermal System Insulation (TSI)Insulation applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, ducts, etc., to prevent heat loss or gainIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Threshold Limit Values (TLVs):Airborne concentrations of materials to which typical workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse health effects. TLVs are not intended to represent fine lines between safe and dangerous exposures. These values are developed and published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). There are different values established for eight-hour time-weighted averages, ceilings, and Short-Term Exposure Limits. Other TLVs are available for non-chemical exposures, such as noise and non-ionizing radiation.Industrial Hygiene and Safety


All forms of tobacco, including but not limited to chewing tobacco, cigars, blunts, cigarillos, little cigars, cigarettes, kreteks, hand-rolled cigarettes, snuff, creamy snuff, dipping tobacco, pipes, water pipes, electronic cigarettes, and all forms of smokeless tobacco

Work Environment

Tobacco Use

Smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco

Work Environment

Total Cost Input (TCI)

The cost, except G&A expenses, that for costing purposes represent the total activity of the Laboratory during a cost-accounting period


Total Cost Rate (TCR)Rate applied to recover costs for UC Management costsBudget
Transfer Medical Evaluations for Jobs with New Physical DemandsRelevant to job transfers, this evaluation trigger occurs when the new job has new or different physical demands from the prior Berkeley Lab positionHealth Services Programs
Trapped Key Interlock SystemAn access control system where a key is held captive until a certain condition is satisfied. When the key is released, it is carried to unlock another enclosure or set of keys. The key is again held captive in the new enclosure while the enclosure is unlocked.Industrial Hygiene and Safety

TRavel and EXpense Reimbursement System (TREX)

The Laboratory’s travel expense reimbursement system


Travel Authorization

A form in the Laboratory’s travel expense (TREX) reimbursement system that reflects information about a planned trip


Travel Expense Report

The form used to process requests for reimbursement to the traveler for any amounts due, which is accessed through the Laboratory’s TREX system


Travel Expenses

Expenses that are ordinary and necessary to accomplish the official business purpose of a trip


Travel Status

The period during which a traveler is traveling on official business


Travel Voucher

See Travel Expense Report.



An employee or affiliate who is authorized to travel on official Laboratory business and travels on behalf and at the expense of the Laboratory


Tree Structures

Refers to the divisions’ hierarchical organization of their project IDs such that they reflect and are consistent with their programs’/projects’ work breakdown structures and relevant Laboratory financial policies and procedures

Financial General Policies and Information


TRavel and EXpense Reimbursement System


U.S. Citizen

An individual born in the United States, born abroad with at least one U.S. citizen parent, granted lawful permanent residence, or naturalized

U.S. (American) Flag Carrier

An air carrier that holds a certificate under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 authorizing operations between the United States and/or its territories, and one or more foreign countries. Each U.S. airline has a two-letter alpha code designating it as a US. flag air carrier (e.g., UA for United Airlines).


U.S. Code Share

An arrangement where an airline is jointly marketed as a flight for one or more other airlines. The term "code" refers to the identifier used in a flight schedule, generally the two-character airline designator code and flight number. One airline places its code on the flights of another in order to coordinate services, advertise, and sell the other airline’s services as its own. Most major airlines have code-sharing partnerships with other airlines and code sharing is a key feature of major airline alliances. A code-share flight uses the same two-letter carrier code during all legs of the trip.


UASUnmanned Aircraft SystemsHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs


University of California


University of California, Berkeley


UC Berkeley's GradLink-on-the-Web

Types of Employee Appointments


University of California, Davis

UC-DOE Prime Contract (Contract 31)This refers to Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, the contract between the DOE and the University of California (UC) describing the terms for UC to manage Berkeley Lab. The contract includes a statement of work (SOW) for the science missions, and details the requirements for managing the operations and business of Berkeley Lab.Procurement


University of California, Los Angeles


University of California Office of the President

UCPDUniversity of California Police DepartmentVehicles at LBNL


University of California Retirement Plan

Compensation and Work Hours


University of California Retirement System

Compensation and Work Hours


University of California, Santa Barbara


University of California, San Francisco

Unauthorized Absence

Absence from scheduled work without supervisory approval


Unauthorized Commitment

A written or oral commitment made by an individual to commit funds on behalf of the Laboratory without adequate authority


Unbilled Costs

Costs incurred beyond the period of performance or in excess of the contract value


Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information

U.S. government information pertaining to atomic energy defense activities as defined in Section 148 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Such information can relate to aspects of nuclear weapons design, development, and testing; physical security; production; or utilization facilities.

Underground Storage Tank (UST)A stationary device designed to accumulate and contain hazardous material or waste. A tank is constructed primarily of nonearthen material, but the entire surface area of the tank is buried below ground and covered over. Berkeley Lab's USTs contain diesel fuel.Environmental Protection Program

Under the Influence

An employee’s work performance or on-the-job behavior may have been affected in any way by alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances

Work Environment


Debit balance created by costs exceeding funds


United States Munitions List

Articles, services, and related technical data designated as defense articles and defense services by the Arms Export Control Act

Universal WasteHazardous wastes that are exempted from the traditional hazardous waste management requirements, provided generators follow regulatory-defined management requirements for ensuring safe handling, recycling, and disposal. Universal wastes are defined in 22 CCR § 66261.9, and include batteries, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), CRT glass, electronic devices, aerosol containers, and mercury-containing devices (thermometers, thermostats, relay switches).Waste Management


University in this section refers to any University of California location, including a UC-managed DOE national laboratory.

Compensation and Work Hours

University of California

Also referred to as University or UC

Leaves of Absence

University-Owned Records

Records that are not federal records as defined by Clause I.80 - DEAR 970.5204-3, Access to and Ownership of Records (July 2005). Examples include fiscal and administrative records such as employment, financial, procurement, and legal information.

Archives and Records Management

UnlistedElectrical utilization equipment is "Unlisted" if it is not listed

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Unofficial Travel

Travel undertaken by an individual without official, fiscal, or other obligations on the part of the Laboratory, i.e., personal travel


Unserviceable InventoryDamaged inventory that is more economical to dispose of than to repairAccounting
Unsuccessful Assisted AdoptionAn unsuccessful round of artificial insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure, which includes embryo transfer and gamete and embryo donation. It does not include unsuccessful reproduction via sexual intercourse.Leaves of Absence


University Professional and Technical Employees

HR Policies Overview


United States Code


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)A federal agency responsible for enforcing environmental laws. In California, some of this responsibility is typically delegated to state and local regulatory agencies.Environmental Protection Program


An individual (e.g., an employee of an OCFO functional unit) who interacts with the system. Programmers, system administrators/ managers, other technical personnel, and the BSG are not considered users when working in a professional capacity on the computer system. System users must use the system in the manner and for the business purpose it was designed, and comply with all specified control and security requirements.

Financial Business Systems

User (for Financial Bus Systems)

Individual employee, affiliate, or system process authorized to access an information system

Financial Business Systems

User Agreements

Any DOE facility, including associated equipment and instruments, officially designated as either a national research facility or locally designated user facility. At the Laboratory, designated research facilities are: the Advanced Light Source (ALS), the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), the Molecular Foundry, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), and the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). The 88-Inch Cyclotron is a locally designated user facility.


User Facility

A federally sponsored research facility available for external use to advance scientific or technical knowledge.

Types of Appointments

User Manual

Instructions published or posted for the safe and efficient operation of resources, such as machinery, equipment, and software.
Examples: CATS (Corrective Action Tracking System) Database User Manual

Requirements Management

Utilization EquipmentEquipment that utilizes electric energy for electronic, electromechanical, chemical, heating, lighting, or similar purposes

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

UVUltraviolet radiation (180–399 nm)Industrial Hygiene and Safety


The process of: (a) evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements or (b) providing evidence that the software and its associated products satisfy system requirements allocated to software at the end of each life-cycle activity; solve the right problem (e.g., correctly model physical laws, implement business rules, use the proper system assumptions); and satisfy the intended use and user needs (Reference: IEEE Standard 1012-2004)

Quality Assurance

Value-Added Cost Input

Total cost input less material and subcontract costs



Important and enduring beliefs or ideals, shared by the members of a culture. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual or conduct of an organization and serve as broad guidelines in all situations.

Requirements Management

Variable Time

A schedule with no fixed percentage of time or schedule.  Hours worked will vary depending on operational needs.

Compensation and Work Hours


Vehicle refers to either (1) a Department of Transportation (DOT) defined commercial motor vehicle that is 26,001 lbs GVWR or greater, or a vehicle that carries 16 passengers or more including the driver, or that is required to display a DOT placard in the transportation of hazardous material; or (2) any Laboratory-owned motorized vehicle, including cars, trucks, forklifts, and GEMS (a.k.a. white two-passenger pods that are plugged in). 

Work Environment

VendorAn entity that sells a product for which installation or warranty service may be providedHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs


The process of: (a) evaluating a system or component to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase or (b) providing objective evidence that the software and its associated products conform to requirements (e.g., for correctness, completeness, consistency, accuracy) for all life-cycle activities during each life-cycle process (acquisition, supply, development, operation, and maintenance); satisfy standards, practices, and conventions during life-cycle processes; and, successfully complete each life-cycle activity and satisfy all the criteria for initiating succeeding life-cycle activities (e.g., building the software correctly) (Reference: IEEE Standard 1012-2004)

Quality Assurance


An altered or modified document, which is the result of revising

Document Management

Visiting Faculty

A position for faculty members from universities and colleges outside the University of California (UC) system.  This position is a Limited appointment.

Types of Employee Appointments

Visitor (Business)An individual requiring temporary access for the purposes of performing work that advances the Berkeley Lab mission. Visitors (business) are neither employees nor affiliates with Berkeley Lab and do not receive a Berkeley Lab ID badge.Physical Security
Visitor (Non-business)An individual requiring temporary access who is not considered a business visitor. Visitors (non-business) are neither employees nor affiliates with Berkeley Lab and do not receive a Berkeley Lab ID badge.Physical Security


Individuals who are visiting the Laboratory for typically one week or less and are not engaged in Laboratory research or use of Laboratory facilities. Examples of visitors are meeting attendees or speakers, participants in scientific discussions, tour groups, and interviewees.

Types of Employee Appointments

Voluntary UseSituations in which a respirator may be worn for employee comfort but is not necessary (or relied upon) to prevent overexposuresIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


An invoice that has been entered into the Financial Management System


Wage Expense

Salary multiplied by Paid Leave Factor multiplied by one plus the Payroll Burden Rate {Salary x Paid Leave Factor x (1+ Payroll Burden Rate)}


Waste Accumulation Area (WAA)An officially designated area for the accumulation and storage of large quantities of hazardous wasteWaste Management
Waste CharacterizationThe identification of waste components and properties (hazardous and nonhazardous) such that applicable storage, treatment, handling, transportation, and disposal requirements are met. Characterization can include process knowledge, sampling and analysis, or written documentation (logbooks, Material Safety Data Sheets, etc.).Waste Management
Waste MinimizationPer the U.S. EPA, measures that reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous waste disposed to landfills. California defines "waste minimization" as measures that reduce, eliminate, or recycle hazardous waste at the point in a process where such waste may be generated.Environmental Protection Program


Any vessel used to transport people or material on water

Weighted AverageThe Weighted Average method is an inventory or material costing method under which an average unit cost is computed periodically by dividing the sum of the cost of beginning inventory or materials, plus the cost of acquisitions, by the total number of units included in these two categories.Accounting
WeldingProcesses that use heat to join materials with or without a filler material. Examples of such processes are welding, brazing, soldering, and thermal cutting (e.g., severing or removing metal by localized melting, burning, or vaporizing of the work pieces)Industrial Hygiene and Safety


A good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity

Health Services Programs


The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind

Health Services Programs
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index (WBGT)The most-used technique to measure environmental factors that most nearly correlate with deep body temperature and other physiological responses to heatIndustrial Hygiene and Safety


Work for Others

Non-DOE Funded Research Mechanisms


Working Group

Requirements Management

Witness PointA point identified in the Witness and Hold Inspection Plan during the construction of a given element in which the IOR inspects the activity point that has been reached.Electrical Safety Programs

WN Carryover Funding

WN Budget Authority obligated in prior fiscal years that is not associated with a specific contract, and unexpended balances from complete projects. DOE has authorized use of carryover funds for projects that meet the WN criteria.


WN FundsDOE funds made available to cover advance payments when nonfederal sponsors are precluded from paying based on law or statuteBudget

Work for Others (WFO)

The performance of work for non-DOE entities by DOE/contractor personnel and/or the utilization of DOE facilities that are not directly funded by DOE appropriations


Work for Others (WFO) (re ILAs)

The performance of work for non-DOE entities by DOE/contractor personnel and/or the utilization of DOE facilities that are not directly funded by DOE appropriations.

Work for Others agreements are a mechanism through which industry can utilize the unique expertise and facilities at the Berkeley Lab. In this type of arrangement, the industrial sponsor pays 100% of the cost of the work to be performed by the Berkeley Lab.

Under many conditions, a company may take title to inventions created by the Berkeley Lab under the WFO program. Some key points in such arrangements include product, general and IP indemnification, advance payment requirements, and the fact that the Berkeley Lab may not compete with the private sector for such work. The Berkeley Lab does not perform proprietary work and all results can be published by Berkeley Lab researchers.


Work Hours

The amount of time an employee is expected to be on the job during a given time period

Compensation and Work Hours

Work Instruction

A written procedure with a high degree of specific detail; typically used only within a department or function or division, and therefore not considered an institutional document

Requirements Management

Work Planner

An individual responsible for analyzing and planning work associated with a Work Order addressing infrastructure, building components, or equipment within a technical area. The most common examples of work planners are those working within the Facilities Division Operations and Services Department.

Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs

Work Planning and Control (WPC)

A program to implement integrated safety management. The main goals of WPC are the following:

  • All hazards are analyzed and controlled.
  • All workers demonstrate that they are qualified to perform activities.
  • All work is authorized.

All authorizations (job hazard analysis, activity hazard documents, biological use authorizations, rad work authorization) are combined in a single program.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Work-Related Injury or IllnessAn injury or illness that occurs while performing a work-related activity on an employer-controlled property or in an employer-controlled space; while performing certain other activities on an employer-controlled property or in an employer-controlled space during regular work hours; while performing a sanctioned work-related activity away from the employer-controlled property or space; or while travelling on work-related business.Incident Review and Reporting
Work-Related Musculoskeletal DisorderThe term used for health disorders arising from biomechanical stresses on the body, including those of a cumulative nature. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are disorders of the muscles, tendons, and/or nerves that develop from or are aggravated by repeated or sustained exertions on the body. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are also referred to as cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive motion injuries, repetitive strain injuries, repetitive trauma disorders, and overuse injuries.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Work ReleaseAn approval for a nonresident worker to access and perform work in a Berkeley Lab space.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Work SurfaceSurfaces including leading edges, roofs, tanks, manholes, unguarded machinery, aerial lifts, ladders, slopes steeper than 1.2:1 (horizontal to vertical), hillsides, roofs, and surfaces with open holes or skylightsIndustrial Hygiene and Safety

Work Time

Work time is the period of time during which employees are scheduled to work, excluding lunch periods, and (for purposes of this regulation) rest periods.

Relations with Employee Organizations

WorkerThe term "worker" is used to denote employees, affiliates, and others who are authorized to have access to controlled substances.Controlled Substances
Worker – NonresidentA nonresident worker is one performing work in a technical area not under the control of the worker's activity lead, and where the work is not part of the program scope of the division owning the technical areaHazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Worker – ResidentA resident worker is one performing work in a technical area, where the work is part of the program scope of the division owning the technical area. A matrixed employee working in the host division technical area is generally considered a resident worker since that worker typically receives daily direction from the host group, department, or division.Hazard Analysis & Work Authorization Programs
Workers at Risk of Infection with Biological Etiologic AgentsLaboratory employees, affiliates, or students working with biological etiologic agents in a manner that may expose them to the risk of infection from the organism/proteinHealth Services Programs

Workers' Compensation

Insurance (paid for by the employer) that provides cash benefits, retraining, and medical care to an employee who is injured or contracts a disease within the course and scope of employment


WPCWork Planning and Control

Industrial Hygiene and Safety

WPC Activity

A work planning and work authorization document used at LBNL to define work scopes, the hazards and associated controls, and to authorize workers to conduct the work.  

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
WPC Activity Lead

Person responsible for directing, training, and overseeing the work and activities of one or more workers. Activity Leads provide instruction on working safely and the precautions necessary to use equipment and facilities safely and effectively.

Industrial Hygiene and Safety


An accounting procedure that removes receivables from the accounts of record in order to accurately portray their true economic value on the balance sheet



Workplace Substance Abuse Program

Work Environment


Workplace Substance Abuse Policy and Program

Work Environment

YN01The Budget and Reporting (B&R) value for indirect funded activities performed at Berkeley LabAccounting
Zero-Energy StateA condition reached when all hazardous energy sources to or within equipment are isolated, dissipated with no possibility of re-accumulation, and verified as absent through proper testingIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
Zero-Energy Verification

A process to verify a zero-energy state. For electrical energy, this is called Zero Voltage Verification (ZVV).

Industrial Hygiene and Safety
Zero-Waste Action Plan

A written plan applying to the operations of the building that:

  1. Includes an estimate of the weight and volume of all waste streams, including at least solid waste (where construction and demolition waste is tracked separately from routine waste), medical waste, and hazardous waste.
  2. Targets zero waste for solid waste and encourages waste minimization and diversion for all waste streams.
  3. Describes the management approach for each waste stream.
  4. Describes how the building design supports the chosen management approaches for each waste stream.
  5. Identifies further actions necessary to support the action plan.
Establishes diversion metrics to be reported.
Major Construction

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