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ITE-30SD Transfer

Transfer/ 3-Way Conference allows you to transfer calls to another extension.  When you activate the transfer feature, the call is held and the party being transferred hears nothing.  The call is connected to the new extension only after the person transferring hangs up.  An incomplete and unannounced transfer returns automatically to the originating extension with a 3-ring system call.

Use the Transfer button to establish a 3-way conference.  When connecting two outside parties, you must remain in the conference. 

To transfer (unannounced):

  1. Press TRNSF.
  2. You should hear the dial tone.
  3. Dial the number to which you are transferring the call.
    (include “9” for external numbers)
  4. You should hear the call ringing.
  5. Hang up.

To transfer (announced):

  1. Press TRNSF.
  2. You should hear the dial tone.
  3. Dial the number to which you are transferring the call.
    (include “9” for external numbers)
  4. Tell the person who answers that you are transferring a call.
  5. Hang up.

To start a 3-way conference:

  1. Press TRNSF.
  2. You should hear the dial tone.
  3. Dial the number that you are adding to the conference.
    (include “9” for external numbers)
  4. Tell the person who answers that you are adding the call to a conference.
  5. Press TRNSF.

To correct an incorrectly dialed extension:

  1. Press TRNSF.
  2. The call should be returned to your extension.

To correct a missed step after pressing TRNSF:

  1. Hang up.
  2. The call should be returned to your extension with a 3-ring system call.

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