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  • Updates on current projects
  • Discuss any new initiatives that people have

Discussion items

10 minutesupdates on current project(JGITechAnswers, Effective meetings, sample storage)Kecia Duffy
  • JGITechAnswers - knowledgebase for sharing institutional knowledge. Similar to a stackoverflow type Q&A forum
    current plan is to release mid July.  We still need to add some additional forums, I plan to talk at the workflow planning meeting to try to get some input from others on this.
  • Effective Meetings - working group formed. We plan to do a training (20-30) minutes at the next JMT meeting. The topic will be best practices for creating Agendas and determining Attendees. We will also do some associated potty training. The plan is to break up into separate trainings covering 1 or 2 improvements. For example first Agendas and Attendees, then Meeting Roles and Minutes, etc.
    Not sure how to measure success since I don't have an easy way of knowing if people are creating agendas.
  • Sample Storage - TBD? Nancy indicated that there was some update on this but I don't have the details. Christine - goal of first phase was putting a plan in place. That is complete and now in the maintenance phase of checking if it is being followed and working. The second phase is ready to start, but Nancy will need to supply the details

5 minutesupdates from each user on what the next project they have is(Nancy mentioned that they are looking at the second phase of the sample storage, also looking at gathering requirements for implementing something to help scheduling)
  • project to evaluate steps needed to come up with a way to prioritize project in the lab. Team should probably consist of people across the lab, PMO, Lab, Analysts
15 minutesdecide the next projects and who will lead each one and assign action items.
  • Christine - maybe we should bring some projects from other areas.
  • Lisa - maybe send out a email soliciting more ideas. and then help guide them on how to implement.
  • Chris - we might be able to bring this up at some of the cross functional meetings - Gentech, PQR etc.
  • RIta - 2 things - issues with stock room. Some groups seem to have different safety culture. Maybe add to the checklist. 2- frequently asked how to start an R&D project
  • Lisa - maybe improve onboarding

Action items

  • Kecia M Duffy will bring up the prioritization/scheduling project with Nancy and WFPM to figure out who wants to lead this
  • Rita C. Kuo - SOP about creating to R&D project