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Discussion items

10minFinalise toastmasters meeting timeMegan C Kennedy
  • Meeting tentatively set for 3-4.
  • Michael and Kecia mentioned 2-3 because of calendar availability
  • Laura Sandor mentioned they have a lab meeting 2-3.
  • Hard to find a time that suits everyone,
10minChartering clubs and membershipsKecia M Duffy
  • Need to decide on time for meeting, and then we can follow up with everyone.
  • JGIers don't want to commit to becoming members unless they can attend.
  • 3 existing members + 2 membership forms already + 4 officers.
  • Need 11 more membership forms to charter the club.

Who to contact for membership forms

  • Contact everyone who replied to the original toastmasters calendar event
  • Email everyone who signed up for the original event
  • Possible site wide email again?
10minAll hands progress reportMike Barton
Presentation outline
  • When the time of the meetings will be scheduled for - the following Monday (Time TBD)
  • In process of chartering and creating club - talk Kecia about membership forms or come to first meeting.
  • Mention officers
  • Will help people through the process
  • Almost everyone hasn't done it before
30minDry run toastmasters meetingMike Barton

Post mortem:

  • Send out email allow people to prepare for roles ahead of time
  • Pick theme for the day and what this means for the other roles (table topics)
  • Some timing and order of roles. (plastic sheet)


Action items

  • Megan C Kennedy will follow up with her group about moving the sequencing technologies group meeting.
  • Megan C Kennedy follow up moving toastmasters meeting to 2-3 from current time of 3-4.
  • Kecia M Duffy coordinate with Megan once date is finalised, email everyone when the date for the regularly scheduled meeting is. Ask everyone to hand completed forms to either Megan or Kecia.
  • Justina L Clarke will present progress report at the all hands meeting