LBNL Procurement Officials are responsible for integrating computer security requirements into appropriate subcontracts. Below is sample contract language for procurement.
A. Subcontractor personnel who are granted access to Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) computers and word processors are subject to the Berkeley Lab computer security procedures. If the Subcontractor does not comply with the provisions of this clause, Berkeley Lab may withdraw Subcontractor's access to Berkeley Lab computers and may terminate this Subcontract. Misuse of a Berkeley Lab computer may be a violation of law and could result in appropriate action, including default and/or prosecution.
B. Access to Berkeley Lab computing facilities by Subcontractor personnel is permitted as required only to perform work authorized under this Subcontract. All information or data furnished by Berkeley Lab or obtained from a Berkeley Lab computer by Subcontractor personnel must be protected by the Subcontractor to prevent disclosure to any person other than those authorized by the Berkeley Lab Technical Representative.
C. Files, which are not assigned to Subcontractor personnel, may not be accessed without specific permission from the Berkeley Lab Technical Representative. Berkeley Lab reserves the right to monitor computer use through network operating software and by reviewing the contents of all files on Berkeley computers and any of Subcontractor's computers which are used for access to Berkeley Lab computers.
D. Computer passwords issued to Subcontractor's personnel for access to Berkeley Lab computer systems shall not be shared. Assigned passwords must be protected by each of the Subcontractor employees to prevent disclosure to any other persons. If a computer password is disclosed, or disclosure is suspected, the Subcontractor must notify the Berkeley Lab Technical Representative immediately to arrange for replacement of the compromised password and/or possible security investigation.