Purpose of this knowledge article

Note: The 'Who Can Post' Settings must be set to 'Everyone' for the Group to receive the verification email in Step 2. You may change it back once the desired users have added the Group address.

If you are not sure how to modify these settings, see our FAQ page here



From your email inbox, click the small cog wheel icon, then select 'See all settings' from the context window


Select the 'Accounts' tab at the top of the settings page


Click the 'Add another email address' link


In the yellow pop up window:

  1. type what name you would like to show when you send mail as this address
  2. Add the email address for the Google Group underneath
  3. Click Next Step

5Click Send Verification


From groups.google.com, use the search bar to select the Group you are adding to your account


Select the 'Conversations' selection from the panel on the left hand side of the screen


Open the verification email and click the link to accept


From your Gmail inbox, start a new email draft


Click the currently selected 'From:' address and select the Group address from the drop down

Additional Resources: