Zoom is Berkeley Lab's recommended video-conferencing platform and is available to all employees at Berkeley Lab. In addition to its core video-conferencing capabilities, the software also permits users to record audio and video during meetings. This note provides guidance on how Lab employees can record video and audio using Zoom’s recording and transcription features. 


Automatic Disclaimers





Live Transcripts and Closed Captions


i. Go to zoom.lbl.gov > My Account


      ii. After logging in to your account, click on “Settings” 



     iii. Click on “In Meeting (Advanced)”, and then scroll down to the “Save Captions” option. Click on the button so that it turns blue as shown below:



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



        i. Go to zoom.lbl.gov > My Account


      ii. After logging in to your account, click on “Settings” 



        iii. Click on the “Recording” tab (encircled in red), and then click on the “Local Recording” option so that it switches from grey to blue as shown below: