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| Title: | Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks | Publication date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Effective date: | 64/2915/2020 |
BRIEFPolicy SummaryThe Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs) Program at Berkeley Lab ensures that forklifts and other PITs are operated safely and in conformance with all applicable standards for: - Forklifts
- Tow motors
- Pushers
- Electric pallet movers
- Electric stackers
Who Should Read This PolicyBerkeley Lab employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors who operate forklifts and other PITs at the Laboratory. BRIEFTo Read the Full Policy, Go To:The POLICY tab on this wiki page. To Read the ES&H Program Details, Go To: EHS
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| Title: | Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks | Publication date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Effective date: | 64/2915/2020 |
POLICYA. PurposeThe Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs) Program at Berkeley Lab ensures that forklifts and other PITs are operated safely and in conformance with all applicable standards for: - Forklifts
- Tow motors
- Pushers
- Electric pallet movers
- Electric stackers
B. Persons AffectedEmployees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors who operate forklifts and other PITs at Berkeley Lab. C. ExceptionsPIT maintenance and repair vendors, subcontractors and vendors operating their own PITs, and outsourced PIT trainers are not required to have Berkeley Lab PIT training or medical examinations. However, they must have training, provided by their employer, to meet the requirements of CCR Title 8, 3668 Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training. D. Policy StatementDrivers of PITs must meet authorization and training requirements and operate their trucks in a manner that minimizes the risk of injury or a dropped load (Work Process A).Contact the Facilities Division Transportation Group to coordinate all procurement, service, repair, and modification of forklifts and other PIT equipment (Work Process B).Operation of forklifts and other PITs is restricted to trained personnel who have completed Berkeley Lab required training (note exceptions above) and who have been certified for specific types of equipment in accordance with the requirements of POLICY, Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks. In addition, all PIT use must be approved by the PIT manager for that particular truck (Work Process C).High-consequence/high-value lifts and moves often involve the use of forklifts. The requirements for high-consequence/high-value lifts and moves are addressed in Chapter 27, Work Process D, Restricted Operations, and also apply to such moves involving the use of forklifts (Work Process D).All PITs must be inspected daily before they are used. The inspection must be documented on the daily inspection checklists shown in ES&H Manual, Chapter 28, Appendix A and Appendix B, and the checklists must be kept on file by the PIT manager (Work Process E).E. Roles and ResponsibilitiesManagers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy. | Role | Responsibilities | PIT operator | - Operates only those forklifts and PITs for which they have been qualified and authorized to operate.
- Adheres to all safety requirements pertaining to the use of PITs, including the requirement for daily inspections of forklifts and other PITs.
| PIT manager For each forklift or PIT, a current employee must be identified as PIT manager to the Facilities Transportation Group. | - Operates only those forklifts and PITs for which they have been qualified and authorized to operate.
- Ensures use of the PIT is limited to qualified and authorized operators.
- Acts as the custodian of any keys or other mechanisms for limiting use of the PIT they manage.
- Maintains records of daily inspections required for all PITs. See Appendix A, Electric Forklift Daily Inspection Form, and Appendix B, LPG, Gas, or Diesel Forklift Daily Inspection Form.
| Supervisor/activity lead | - Ensures that only those employees who are formally qualified and authorized may operate a forklift or other PIT.
- Enforces the use of safe lifting practices and the maintenance of lifting equipment in good mechanical and operating condition.
- Revokes or suspends PIT operator’s authorization to operate after incidents (including near misses) or observing unsafe behavior.
| Facilities Division Transportation Group | - Maintains an inventory of all forklifts and other PITs.
- Arranges for routine maintenance and repair of PITs.
| Facilities Division Rigging Supervisor | - Provides guidance and assistance with lifts.
- Participates in the development and review of high-consequence/high-value moves/lifts.
- Participates in pre-lift meetings.
- Reviews and approves the use of forklift extensions.
| Division practical examiners | Provide practical examination of PIT operators’ skills. | Environment/Health/Safety (EHS) Division | - Develops, maintains, modifies, and provides classroom training.
- Arranges for training/retraining of PIT instructors.
- Provides a subject matter expert for program oversight and technical assurance.
- Provides physicals for PIT operators.
| F. Definitions/AcronymsTerm | Definition | Forklift | A high-lift powered industrial truck, equipped with load carriage and forks for transporting and tiering loads. | Powered industrial truck (PIT) | Examples of PITs include, but are not limited to, forklifts, pushers, stackers, tow motors, and electric pallet jacks. | G. Recordkeeping RequirementsDocumentation of PIT operator training is maintained by the EHS Training Group and tracked through the Berkeley Lab Work Planning and Control system. Medical qualifications to operate PITs are maintained by Health Services. PIT pre-use inspection forms are maintained by the PIT manager. H. Implementing DocumentsDocument Number | ES&H Manual Reference | Title | Type | | Ch. 28 | Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks | Program | | Ch. 27 | Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging Safety | Program | EHS J. Revision HistoryDate | Revision | By Whom | Revision Description | Section(s) Affected | Change Type | 1/2/2012 | 0 | M. Rice | Rewrite for wiki (brief) | All | Minor | 9/26/2012 | 1 | M. Rice | Rewrite for wiki (policy) | All | Minor | 9/10/2013 | 1.1 | M. Rice | Reviewed 8/28/13 for periodic review | SRD, Next Review date | Minor | 1/16/2018 | 1.2 | M. Kincaid | Reviewed and revised 10/17/17 for periodic review | All | Minor | 6/29/2020 | 1.3 | E. Tucker | Reference update to Cal/OSHA to reflect 10 CFR 851 variance | C, Source Requirements | Minor | 7/18/2023 | 1.4 | M. Kinkaid | Policy re-directed to ES&H Manual Chapter 28 | All | Editorial |
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label | Document Information |
| DOCUMENT INFORMATION Title: | Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks | Document number | | Revision number | 1.34 | Publication date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Effective date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Next review date: | 64/2914/20232025 | Policy Area: | Industrial Hygiene and Safety | RPM Section (home) | EHS | RPM Section (cross-reference) | none | Functional Division | EHS | Prior reference information (optional) |
Source Requirements Documents- CCR Title 8, sections 3650, 3664, 3668
- 10 CFR 851.23, Safety and Health Standards
Implementing Documents |
Show If |
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label | Additional Information |
| Title: | Forklifts and Other Powered Industrial Trucks | Document number | | Revision number | 1.34 | Publication date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Effective date: | 64/2915/20202021 | Next review date: | 64/2914/20232025 | Policy Area: | Industrial Hygiene and Safety | RPM Section (home) | EHS | RPM Section (cross-reference) | none | Functional Division | EHS | Author name/contact info | M. Kincaid |
| Revision 0 publication date | 9/10/2010 | Retirement date | N/A | Prior reference information (optional) |
| Inputs from more than one Functional Area? | No | List additional Functional Areas & contacts |
| Inputs from more than one Policy Area? | No | List additional Policy Areas & contacts |
| 30-day notification needed? | No | 30-day start date | N/A | 30-day end date | N/A |
| LDAP protected? | No |
| Need TABL reminders? | No | Frequency | N/A | Brief reminder text: | N/A |
| Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) [Note: author is responsible] |
- (Policy Area 1), (Policy Area 2), (Section)
New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list:- (list items not found and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy)
Implementing Documents restricted to department/functional use(optional – these will be used for tracing between requirements and associated documents)
Side bars: Side bar 1 location (cite by Policy Section # - for example: Section D.2.a) Sidebar 1 text: Sidebar 2 location Sidebar 2 text: Sidebar 3 location Sidebar 3 text: