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idBerkeley Lab Media Interactions and External Communications Policy


Berkeley Lab Media Interactions and External Communications

Publication date:


Effective date:



Policy Summary

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (Berkeley Lab's) relationships and reputation depend on careful interactions with the public and the news media. This policy details Berkeley Lab employees' responsibilities to coordinate with the Lab's Strategic Communications Department and organization communicators in interacting with these groups.

Who Should Read This Policy

This policy applies to all personnel.

To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

The POLICY tab on this wiki page

Contact Information

Strategic Communications
[email protected]




Berkeley Lab Media Interactions and External Communications

Publication date:


Effective date:



A. Purpose

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (Berkeley Lab's) stakeholder relationships and its reputation for scientific excellence and institutional integrity depend on careful interactions with the public and the news media. It is every employee's responsibility to ensure that external communications that may impact the Lab's reputation be collaboratively considered before such interactions take place.
This policy describes how employee interactions with the news media and other public communications are coordinated with the Lab's Strategic Communications Department to ensure accurate and consistent representation of Berkeley Lab; compliance and coordination with DOE, the University of California, the DOE-UC management and operating contract for the Lab, and other agency public affairs regulations and requirements; and minimization of the risks of misrepresentation of the Lab and its programs.

B. Persons Affected

This policy applies to all personnel.

C. Exceptions

Not applicable

D. Policy Statement

  1. Sharing of scientific results and expertise 
    1. Lab personnel are encouraged to discuss their research openly, whether in a scientific forum or public forum, or with reporters, in accordance with DOE and Lab policies and in coordination with Strategic Communications. For social media guidelines, see here.
    2. In general, employees are encouraged to provide to the news media scientific information, research results that have been peer reviewed or approved for public release, and perspectives based on their scientific expertise, in coordination with Strategic Communications.
    3. Employees must not, as representatives of the Laboratory, provide opinions or statements on policy or budgetary matters unless they have received prior authorization from Strategic Communications.
    4. When employees do provide opinions on scientific, policy, or budgetary matters, they must state or write clearly that their views are their own and are not the views of the Laboratory or the University of California.
  2. Responsibility for coordinating news media interactions
    1. Strategic Communications manages all Lab interactions with the news media in coordination with Lab leadership and area, user facility, and division leadership and communicators. 
    2. Lab personnel are responsible for coordinating all Lab-related media interactions with Strategic Communications. Employees must refer all media inquiries to Strategic Communications for approval, coordination, and advice prior to interacting with the news media, if possible. Alternatively, Lab personnel may notify area, user facility, or division leadership or communicators, who will coordinate the response with Strategic Communications. This includes, but is not limited to, requests for interviews, comment, or information regarding:
      1. Scientific results, including those that have been published or approved for public release.
      2. Requests for information or expert perspectives on a Lab-related scientific or technical topic.
      3. Lab operations.
      4. Official statements or other official communications to the news media on behalf of the Lab or in an official Lab capacity.
    3. Lab personnel should notify Strategic Communications as soon as possible following unplanned interactions with the news media (such as, but not limited to, interactions at conferences at which news media are present).
    4. Faculty scientists (employees with faculty appointments) are welcome to interact with the news media in their non-Lab, university capacity per university policy, but if the research to be discussed is conducted at the Lab or involves DOE or Lab funding, they are responsible for consulting with Lab Strategic Communications before doing so.
    5. Affiliates asked to discuss Lab research or activities with the news media should consult with Strategic Communications before doing so.
    6. Advance approval is required from Strategic Communications for all visits by members of the news media to Lab sites.
    7. Strategic Communications authorizes spokespeople for public announcements on behalf of the Lab.
    8. Strategic Communications may arrange for media representatives to interview Laboratory staff directly. Specialists from Strategic Communications are available to assist in preparation and training for news interviews.
    9. The Lab adheres to the DOE Scientific Integrity Policy.
  3. Prepared information for the news media
    1. All prepared information intended for release to the news media must be developed in coordination with, and approved by, Strategic Communications. This includes news releases and official public statements. 
    2. Strategic Communications coordinates the external review and approval process for news releases originating from the Lab. For more information, see the Standard Operating Procedure for News Releases or contact a communications specialist at [email protected].

E. Roles and Responsibilities

All personnel, including managers, supervisors, employees, faculty scientists, faculty engineers, and affiliates, have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy. When contacted by members of the media, personnel should notify Strategic Communications, or the designated leads in their area. The designated area, user facility, division leadership or communications leads are responsible for notifying Strategic Communications. 

F. Definitions/Acronyms



News Media

News media includes, but is not limited to, print, broadcast, online media, and news and views sections of scientific journals. 

G. Recordkeeping Requirements


H. Implementing Documents 


I. Contact Information

Strategic Communications
[email protected]

J. Resources

K. Revision History



By whom

Revision Description

Section(s) affected

Change Type



J. German

New policy


D. SoustinUpdated Contract 31 I clause numbers as per mod 1105Source Requirement DocumentsEditorial

labelDocument Information



Berkeley Lab Media Interactions and External Communications

Document number

Revision number


Publication date:


Effective date:


Next review date:


Policy Area:

Public Info/External Relations

RPM Section (home)

Info Management

RPM Section (cross-reference)

Functional Division

Strategic Communications

Prior reference information (optional)

Source Requirements Documents

Contract 31, Clause I.107, DEAR 952.204-75, Public Affairs (DEC 2000) (prev. I.064)

Implementing Documents


Show If
labelAdditional Information



Berkeley Lab Media Interactions and External Communications

Document number

Revision number


Publication date:


Effective date:


Next review date:


Policy Area:

Public Info/External Relations

RPM Section (home)

Info Management

RPM Section (cross-reference)

Functional Division

Strategic Communications

Author name/contact info

J. German

Revision 0 publication date


Retirement date


Prior reference information (optional)

Inputs from more than one Functional Area?


List additional Functional Areas & contacts

Inputs from more than one Policy Area?


List additional Policy Areas & contacts

30-day notification needed?


30-day start date


30-day end date


LDAP protected?


Need TABL reminders?




Brief reminder text:


Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) [Note: author is responsible]

Key labels/tags:

  • (Policy Area 1), (Policy Area 2), (Section)
  • (list items not found  and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy)

New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list:

  • (list items not found and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy)

Implementing Documents restricted to department/functional use

(optional – these will be used for tracing between requirements and associated documents)

Document number


Side bars:
Side bar 1 location (cite by Policy Section # - for example: Section D.2.a)

Sidebar 1 text:
Sidebar 2 location

Sidebar 2 text:
Sidebar 3 location

Sidebar 3 text: