Institutional Policy:
DOE Enterprise Architecture
Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC 53s and 300s)
Assurance Systems
Laptop Protection
http://www.lbl.gov/CIO/PIV/PIV HSPD-12
Dr. Alvarez
About Dr. Alvarez
About Dr. Alvarez's Role in DC (2010-2011)
Associated Organizations:
Information Technology Division
Important Organizations:
NLCIO: The CIOs of the Department of Energy National Laboratories (formerly SLCCC).
UC ITLC: The University of California Information Technology Leadership Council
IT Policy Blog:
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Welcome to Berkeley Lab's Office of the CIO. The CIO is the Division Director for the Information Technology Division as well as the Chief Information Officer. Information about these responsibilities falls under three main websites: - Information Technology Division - Provides information about the services provided by IT to the Laboratory.
- Office of the Chief Information Officer - This Site. Provides information about the policy, assurance, and risk management activities associated with lab-wide IT and Cyber Security.
- Cyber Security - Provides operational information about the cybersecurity program.
The Office of the CIO works to ensure that IT policy and oversight is aligned with the fundamental goals and character of Berkeley Lab. To do this we: - Participate strategically in DOE and federal policy-making activities, including participating in and providing policy analysis to both the National Lab CIO group (NLCIO) and the DOE Information Management Advisory Group (IMAG)
- Conduct high-quality risk analysis to guide local IT and cyber decision-making
- Ensure that local policy and guidance reflects changing risks and priorities
- Develop assurance systems that demonstrate our risk management approach
LBNL Policy, Procedures, and Requirements Management for IT and cyber security. LBNL Privacy Policy and requirements for Protected Information, including personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI). The Deputy CIO acts as the designated Privacy Official for the Laboratory, coordinating the efforts of diverse stakeholders and stewards in support of UC's Privacy Principles. Plans and reports for IT and cyber security that provide assurance that we are meeting our requirements and performing as intended |
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