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LBNL takes seriously the responsibility to appropriately protect the private information we are entrusted with. While most of our work is open and publishable, there are categories of operational and research information which must be protected according to Federal and State Law, as well as our own good judgment.

This website provides links to resources with information about implementation of Privacy protections at LBNL.

If you have any questions about the protection of private information at LBNL, please email [email protected]



If you are concerned about information security, take our online training. Then work with your line management and any necessary subject matter experts to take appropriate steps to secure the information under your control. If you need additional assistance or guidance, please contact [email protected]



Social Security Number, Driver's License #, Financial Account Number

Baseline Responsibilities

You may not collect and store Protected Information at LBNL to include Social Security Numbers, Personally Identifiable Heatlh Information, Driver's License Numbers, or Financial Account Numbers without prior authorization from the Computer Protection Program. When approved, this information may only be stored in Institutional Business Systems at LBNL (HRIS, FMS, etc).

Note: eroom, email, and calendar and other non-business systems are not acceptable means for transmitting, sharing, or storing this information.

If there is a business need to store this information outside of the business systems, a security plan must be created and approved by your line management and by the computer protection program manager.

Your local workstation may not store collections of any of the above kinds of information. Your local workstation may process transient instances (not collections) of protected information, but you must take steps to ensure that the information is deleted in a timely manner. You must also ensure that your workstation does not contain multiple instances of this kind of information.

Paper collections and instances of PII must be protected and managed. Generally, paper instances should be minimized and paper collections should be protected with physical access measures. Paper instances and collections should be destroyed by shredding when they are no longer needed to support the work of the Laboratory or meet archiving requirements.

If you identify a business process that results in the collection of Protected Information outside of the business systems, please report it to [email protected]

It is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate controls are placed on all information collection at LBNL. Security is a line management responsibility.

Any suspected or known breach of PII (paper or electronic) must be immediately reported to the SB1386 Officer for LBL [email protected]


Important: SB1386 and HiPAA Information Defined

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

LBNL HIPAA Privacy Officer
LBNL HIPAA Security Officer
UC HIPAA Resource Site
HIPAA Covered Entities at LBNL:
Health Services

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) & SB 1386

SB 1386 Reporting Officer
UCB Resources SB 1386
Current Reportable SB 1386 Disclosures:

Your Responsibilities


Take the Online Training for Individuals Processing Protected Information (HIPAA, SB1386, PHI, PII)
UC Resource Site

Integrated Safeguards and Security Management at Berkeley Lab
Computer Protection Program
Encryption at Berkeley Lab