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Our strategic plan provides quarterly reporting on business plan progress - the entire quarterly report is available at - click on strategic plan. Below are select highlights from our Director level objectives
Business Systems
- EHS: The first major project of the EHS Strategic Modernization project - CHESS Phase 1a for Industrial Hygiene went live in December 2011. Phase 1b User Acceptance Testing for Occupational Medicine completed April 6 and go-live was April 23. This retires several legacy EHS applications.
- FSM: The FSM project is on track to receive bids by late June and evaluate them over the course of the summer with a decision by Lab Management not later than October 2012.
Scientific Computing
- Launch and adoption of the condo model, which helps to reduce costs to researchers to maximize their use of scientific computing.
Efficiency, Effectiveness and Safety
- Improved and streamlined multiple processes associated with help desk, telephony, and desktop support as part of Service Now implementation. Continued to move services from recharge to overhead without increases in overhead spending through efficiencies and self-service (AV, Video Conferencing, Storage, Collab Apps).
Customer Satisfaction & Communications
- Addressed key areas from 2011 Customer Service survey. Our outreach and Phase 2 Library Parity Projects addressed library concerns. Top feature request ("dropbox like functionality") is now available to Lab via Google Drive.
- Launched successful LabTech event to expand stakeholder knowledge and input. Through active role in user groups we continue to generate new ways to get user feedback.