Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
The LBNL Cyber Security Assurance Plan is designed to ensure that LBNL Cyber security systems are effective, meet contractual requirements, and support the LBNL mission. LBNL establishes, with the Department of Energy (DOE), an understanding of acceptable risk and develops and tailors controls in an ongoing way to meet this standard. LBNL develops and implements the appropriate controls and provides, for itself, assurance that the system is functioning as intended. This Plan describes the Cyber Security assurance mechanisms that inform management if controls are working as designed and if the set of controls is appropriately protecting the institution. Implementing this Plan drives performance improvement by self-identifying, preventing, and correcting issues. These assurance mechanisms will be used to demonstrate to DOE, the University of California (UC), and LBNL management that the cyber security mechanisms themselves are adequate to reduce risk to the agreed upon level, and that controls are functioning as intended.