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h2. Welcome



Hello\!   Welcome to Berkeley Laboratory’s new website for lab-wide policies.   We hope that the improved look, feel and, more importantly, search capabilities will help you find the critical information you need in a timely fashion.   This site is a work in progress, and we urge you to contact us if you have policy-related questions or suggestions for improvement.  
Questions, suggestions, comments on the Policy Manual are welcomed and may be directed to: [mailto:[email protected]]

h5. \[The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Requirements and Policy Manual (RPM) sets forth the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies that define the framework for Laboratory operations.  The LBNL RPM derives its authority from Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Section C.4(d), Clause I.76, and Department of Energy Order 414.1c.  This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of these driving documents. 

h5. Note that RPM sections on personnel apply only to employees who are not represented by unions. Personnel policies pertaining to employees represented by unions may be found in their labor agreements.

h5. This RPM is authorized by Jim Krupnick, Associate Laboratory Director of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.\]


{dojo-tab:title=Mission, Values, and Principles}


h2. Berkeley Lab's Mission, Values, and Governing Principles


*{_}Berkeley Lab’s Mission:_* *Bringing science solutions to the world*


*{_}Berkeley Lab’s Values:_*
* Overarching commitment to pioneering science 
* Highest integrity /impeccable ethics
* Uncompromising safety
* Diversity in people and thought
* Sense of urgency


*{_}Berkeley Lab’s “Principles of a Diverse Community”_*
* We affirm the inherent dignity in all of us and strive to maintain an environment characterized by respect, fairness and inclusion. Our valued community encompasses an array of races, creeds, and social circumstances. We recognize and cherish the richness contributed by our diversity.
* We accept open expression of our individuality and diversity within the bounds of courtesy, respect and sensitivity. We take pride in our collective achievements. We honor our differences.
* As mandated by law and reaffirmed here, we will not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services. 


*{_}Berkeley Lab’s “Conduct of Ethics”:_*
Berkeley Lab is subject to and strives to achieve the ethical values and standards introduced by the President and the Chairman of the Board of Regents of the University of California in October, 2005. Its “Statement of Ethical Values” is as follows:
* Members of the University of California community are committed to the highest ethical standards in furtherance of our mission of teaching, research and public service. We recognize that we hold the University in trust for the people of the State of California. Our policies, procedures, and standards provide guidance for application of the ethical values stated below in our daily life and work as members of this community. We are committed to:
* Integrity. We will conduct ourselves with integrity in our dealings with and on behalf of the University.
* Excellence. We will conscientiously strive for excellence in our work.
* Accountability. We will be accountable as individuals and as members of this community for our ethical conduct and for compliance with applicable laws and University policies and directives.
* Respect. We will respect the rights and dignity of others.


The University of California’s Standards of Ethical Conduct, which apply to the Laboratory, can be found [here|].


*{_}Berkeley Lab’s Governing Principles{_}*
(Partial list)


We foster the recruitment, retention, and development of exceptional scientific, engineering, and operational talent to achieve Berkeley Laboratory's mission.  We affirm the inherent dignity in all of us and strive to maintain an environment characterized by respect, fairness, and inclusion.  We accept open expression of our individuality and diversity within the bounds of courtesy, respect, and sensitivity.


We are good stewards of public resources, and we protect assets and property from loss, damage, misuse, waste, or theft. We serve as sound fiduciary managers of the public’s funds and property. 


We operate, and maintain the facilities and infrastructure to achieve our mission. We manage our facilities to perform work safely and securely, to support a healthful and positive working environment, and to protect the nation’s investment. We protect the property, equipment, and facilities from damage or loss resulting from accidents or improper working conditions. 


We respect our fiduciary responsibilities in managing public funds with integrity and ethics to ensure financial stewardship and compliance with DOE regulations. We employ sound financial management practices that are consistent throughout all Laboratory organizational units and related work activities.


We record our knowledge and maintain our records to meet mission needs and record-keeping requirements. We manage information and records to increase our business effectiveness. We make information available, as appropriate, to the scientific community and the public-at-large. 


We will nurture and develop relationships in the immediate community and beyond that:
* Build trust in and respect for the lab;
* Enhance the community's quality of life;
* Create support for the Lab's mission.


{dojo-tab:title=Policy Manual Search Tips and Tricks}

h2. Tips and Tricks for Searching the Policy Manual

* Try the main "Search the RPM" search in the orange box first - it'll usually find what you're looking for
* The "Page labels" page with have a list of all the labels applied to the Policy Areas
* Check the A-Z - it lists every file in the RPM by alpha order.  It can also display the files in a [treeview|]
* More to come ...


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{div2:id=body2}[Mission, Values, and Principles|Welcome]{div2}
{div3:id=body3}[General Organization of the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div3}
{div4:id=body4}[Tips & Tricks for Searching the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div4}



h2. Search the RPM

h2. [A-Z Site Map|]

h2. [Glossary]

h2. [Policy Areas]

h2. [Page Labels|]

h2. [Recently Updated|]

h2. [News|]