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Wiki Markup
h2. Welcome

{div0:id=introText}Hello!  Welcome to Berkeley Laboratory’s new website for lab-wide policies.  We hope that the improved look, feel and, more importantly, search capabilities will help you find the critical information you need in a timely fashion.  This site is a work in progress, and we urge you to contact us if you have policy-related questions or suggestions for improvement.  
Questions, suggestions, comments on the Policy Manual are welcomed and may be directed to: [mailto:[email protected]]{div0}

[The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Requirements and Policy Manual (RPM) sets forth the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies that define the framework for Laboratory operations.  The LBNL RPM derives its authority from Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Section C.4(d), Clause I.76, and Department of Energy Order 414.1c.  This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of these driving documents. 
Note that RPM sections on personnel apply only to employees who are not represented by unions. Personnel policies pertaining to employees represented by unions may be found in their labor agreements.
This RPM is authorized by Jim Krupnick, Associate Laboratory Director of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.]

{div2:id=body2}[Mission, Values, and Principles|Welcome]{div2}
{div3:id=body3}[General Organization of the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div3}
{div4:id=body4}[Tips & Tricks for Searching the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div4}


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