This is Welcome to the home Office of the CIO space.
To help you on your way, we've inserted some of our favourite macros on this home page. As you start creating pages, adding news items and commenting you'll see the macros below fill up with all the activity in your space.
. Rosio Alvarez, PhD
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Wiki Markup |
{color:#000066}{*}Institutional Policy:*{color}
[Policy|]{color:#000066} {color}
[DOE Enterprise Architecture|]
[Capital Planning and Investment Control |]{color:#000066}(CPIC 53s and 300s){color}
[PIV HSPD-12|]{color:#000066} {color}
{color:#000066}{*}Associated Organizations:*{color}{color:#000066}* *{color}\[
Information Technology Divison\|\]
{color:#000066}{*}Advisory Groups:*{color}{color:#000066}* *{color}\[
ITAC: Information Technology Advisory Committee\|\]\[
CPIC: Computer Protection Implementation Committee\|\]\[
TSAC: Telephone Services Advisory Committee\|\]
{color:#000066}{*}Important Organizations:*{color}[NLCIO: The CIOs of the Department of Energy National Laboratories (formerly SLCCC).|]
[UC ITLC: The University of California Information Technology Leadership Council|]
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