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Image AddedLocation: 20 Lewis Hall, University of California, Berkeley

                                          Contact: Miao Zhang, PhD, Tel: (510)-643-0914, Email: [email protected]

Image Modified Schedule


Image ModifiedSchedule

Ion source: ESI and APCI

Columns available: Reverse phase C18 columns (both analytical and prep),


                                   HILIC columns (both analytical and prep).

Image ModifiedSchedule

       Ion Source: ESI and APCI


                                      Cogent Diamond Hydride column

Image ModifiedSchedule

     Optical resolution: <0.2 cm-1

     Time resolution: Rapid Scan: 110 spec/sec; Step Scan: 10 ns.

Image ModifiedSnowhouse Solutions, Science Instruments - Products - Atomic Force  Microscope, Battery Cycler, Potentiostat, Stopped-Flow, Mini Spectrometer,  Infrared Spectrometer, Raman Spectrometer, Scientific Cameras, Bench-Top  Lasers, Radiation MeasurementsImage ModifiedSchedule

    The stopped-flow unit is also adapted to the FTIR spectrometer for IR kinetics.

Agilent 7890B-5977A GC-MS system     Schedule

Malvern Viscotek GPC system           Schedule

Mobile phase: THF

Molecular weight range: 1,000 – 200,000

Image ModifiedSchedule

  8 parallel reaction vails, 2 reaction gases, up to 500 psi, 200 °C


ReactIR15 and EasyMax ChemSynthesis StationIn situ

CD Spectrometer

Coming soon: 


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