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The Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM) translates Department of Energy, University of California, federal and state regulations into actionable everyday terms for all Berkeley Lab employees. The RPM with Berkeley Lab’s values, Diversity and Inclusion Principles and its Standards of Ethical Conduct forms a framework that enables all community members to achieve the Laboratory’s mission. The Laboratory's mission statement, values, Diversity and Inclusion Principles, and the Standards of Ethical Conduct are summarized below for easy reference.

A. Berkeley Lab’s Mission:

The central mission of Berkeley Lab is to provide scientific leadership needed to carry out the world class science and technological innovation to support the programs and missions of the Office of Science (SC) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The Laboratory's mission addresses four distinct goals:

  • To perform the highest quality multi-disciplinary research in the energy sciences, general sciences, physical sciences, biosciences and computational sciences in a manner that ensures employee and public safety and protection of the environment;
  • To develop, maintain, and operate unique national experimental facilities that are available to qualified investigators;
  • To educate and train future generations of scientists and engineers to promote the Department’s national science and education goals; and
  • To transfer knowledge and technological innovations and foster productive relationships among Laboratory research programs, universities, and industry in order to promote national economic competitiveness.

From: DOE/UC Contract 31, Section C, Statement of Work, Section C.4.b(1).

B. Berkeley Lab’s Values:

  • Overarching commitment to pioneering science
  • Highest integrity /impeccable ethics
  • Uncompromising safety
  • Diversity in people and thought
  • Sense of urgency

h4. C. Berkeley Lab’s Diversity and Inclusion Guiding Principles

At Berkeley Lab, we are committed to conducting great science and fostering technological advancement to solve the world’s most challenging problems and to answer its most elusive questions.

Just as science reveals nature’s diversity, science organizations reveal their own nature by the diversity and inclusion they foster. Diversity of people and thought is part of our unique social fabric and a key to our research success. It is also a daily and personal commitment and an expectation.

Each employee has a role to play. Every employee has a responsibility to act.

We believe in the Laboratory’s mission to share the benefits of scientific discovery with the world.
  We also respect the differences in our workplace community.
 In doing

In doing so, our actions are guided by the following principles:
  • Listen to others and encourage collaboration.
    We are stronger as a group when our uniqueness is valued.
  • Reach out if you see someone confused or in need.
    We are concerned about others.
  • Treat others with respect.
    We believe in fairness for all.

Paul Alivisatos 
Lab Director

D. Berkeley Lab’s Standards of Ethical Conduct

Berkeley Lab is part of the University of California (UC)community and embraces UC's Standards of Ethical Conduct, which state commitment to:

  1. Fair Dealing. We will always conduct ourselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity.
  2. Individual Responsibility and Accountability. We will accept responsibility appropriate to our positions and delegated authorities.
  3. Respect for Others. We will treat everyone with respect and dignity.
  4. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations. We will learn and abide by federal, state, and local laws that affect our Berkeley Lab roles.
  5. Compliance with Applicable University Policies, Procedures, and Other Forms of Guidance. We will learn and abide by UC and Berkeley Lab policies and procedures that affect our roles. When a policy, procedure, or other form of guidance is unclear or silent, we will ask the appropriate department for guidance.
  6. Conflicts of Interest. We will avoid both actual conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts, and devote our primary professional allegiance to Berkeley Lab and its mission.
  7. Ethical Conduct of Research. We will conduct our research with integrity and intellectual honesty, and show the greatest care for human and animal subjects.
  8. Records: Confidentiality/Privacy and Access. We will follow applicable laws and Berkeley Lab policies when accessing, using, protecting, or disclosing records.
  9. Internal Controls. We will ensure that internal controls are established, properly documented, and maintained for activities within our jurisdictions.
  10. Use of Berkeley Lab Resources. We will ensure that lab resources are used only on behalf of the Laboratory.
  11. Financial Reporting. We will ensure that accounting and financial records are accurate, clear, and complete.
  12. Reporting Violations and Protection from Retaliation. We will report all known or suspected improper governmental activities under the provisions of UC’s Whistleblower Policy, recognizing that everyone is protected from retaliation for making such reports under the Whistleblower Retaliation Policy.

We are committed to Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Respect.

The policy, Ethics and Conduct at Berkeley Lab, codifies the Standards into this Policy Manual.

Wiki Markup


Welcome to Berkeley Lab’s Web site for Laboratory-wide policies. We hope that the look, feel, and search capabilities will help you find the critical information you need in a timely fashion. We encourage you to explore the site starting with "RPM Sections" or entering key words in "Search the RPM." If you are not venturesome, you may wish to first review the "Tips" (link under "Helpful Information").

This site is a work in progress, and we urge you to contact us at [[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]] if you have policy-related questions or suggestions for improvement.



h5. \[The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM) sets forth the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies that help define a framework for Laboratory operations. LBNL expects employees and affiliates to apply professional best practices and ethics in interpreting and exercising these policies since the RPM cannot address all possible circumstances (see [UC Standards of Ethical Conduct, Section 5|]).  When a policy, procedure, or other form of guidance is unclear or silent, ask the appropriate department for clarification.

h5. The LBNL RPM derives its authority from Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Section C.4(d), Clause I.76, and Department of Energy Order 414.1d.  This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of these driving documents.

h5. Note that the Human Resources policies apply only to Lab employees who are not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent.  Employees who are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent should refer to their collective bargaining agreement (CBA). 

h5. This RPM, Laboratory PUB-201, is authorized by Glenn Kubiak, Associate Laboratory Director of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.\]



The _Requirements and Policies Manual_ (RPM) translates Department of Energy, University of California, federal and state regulations into actionable everyday terms for all Berkeley Lab employees. The RPM with Berkeley Lab’s values, Diversity and Inclusion Principles and its Standards of Ethical Conduct forms a framework that enables all community members to achieve the Laboratory’s mission. The Laboratory's mission statement, values, Diversity and Inclusion Principles, and the Standards of Ethical Conduct are summarized below for easy reference.

h4. A. Berkeley Lab’s Mission:

The central mission of Berkeley Lab is to provide scientific leadership needed to carry out the world class science and technological innovation to support the programs and missions of the Office of Science (SC) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The Laboratory's mission addresses four distinct goals:
* To perform the highest quality multi-disciplinary research in the energy sciences, general sciences, physical sciences, biosciences and computational sciences in a manner that ensures employee and public safety and protection of the environment;
* To develop, maintain, and operate unique national experimental facilities that are available to qualified investigators;
* To educate and train future generations of scientists and engineers to promote the Department’s national science and education goals; and
* To transfer knowledge and technological innovations and foster productive relationships among Laboratory research programs, universities, and industry in order to promote national economic competitiveness.

From: DOE/UC Contract 31, Section C, _Statement of Work_, Section C.4.b(1).

h4. B. Berkeley Lab’s Values:

* Overarching commitment to pioneering science
* Highest integrity /impeccable ethics
* Uncompromising safety
* Diversity in people and thought
* Sense of urgency

See: [|
Deck of Cards

Welcome to Berkeley Lab’s Web site for Laboratory-wide policies. We hope that the look, feel, and search capabilities will help you find the critical information you need in a timely fashion. We encourage you to explore the site starting with "RPM Sections" or entering key words in "Search the RPM." If you are not venturesome, you may wish to first review the "Tips" (link under "Helpful Information").

This site is a work in progress, and we urge you to contact us at [email protected] if you have policy-related questions or suggestions for improvement.



[The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Requirements and Policies Manual (RPM) sets forth the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies that help define a framework for Laboratory operations. LBNL expects employees and affiliates to apply professional best practices and ethics in interpreting and exercising these policies since the RPM cannot address all possible circumstances (see UC Standards of Ethical Conduct, Section 5). When a policy, procedure, or other form of guidance is unclear or silent, ask the appropriate department for clarification.
The LBNL RPM derives its authority from Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Section C.4(d), Clause I.76, and Department of Energy Order 414.1d. This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of these driving documents.
Note that the Human Resources policies apply only to Lab employees who are not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent.  Employees who are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent should refer to their collective bargaining agreement (CBA). 
This RPM, Laboratory PUB-201, is authorized by Glenn Kubiak, Associate Laboratory Director of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.]



* *{_}Listen to others and      encourage collaboration._*
We      are stronger as a group when our uniqueness is valued.
* *{_}Reach out if you see      someone confused or in need._*
We are concerned about others.
* *{_}Treat others with      respect._*
We      believe in fairness for all.

_Paul Alivisatos{_}_ _
Lab Director

h4. D. Berkeley Lab’s Standards of Ethical Conduct

Berkeley Lab is part of the University of California (UC)community and embraces UC's [Standards of Ethical Conduct|], which state commitment to:
# *Fair Dealing*. We will always conduct ourselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity.
# *Individual Responsibility and Accountability*. We will accept responsibility appropriate to our positions and delegated authorities.
# *Respect for Others*. We will treat everyone with respect and dignity.
# *Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations*. We will learn and abide by federal, state, and local laws that affect our Berkeley Lab roles.
# *Compliance with Applicable University Policies, Procedures, and Other Forms of Guidance*. We will learn and abide by UC and Berkeley Lab policies and procedures that affect our roles. When a policy, procedure, or other form of guidance is unclear or silent, we will ask the appropriate department for guidance.
# *Conflicts of Interest*. We will avoid both actual conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts, and devote our primary professional allegiance to Berkeley Lab and its mission.
# *Ethical Conduct of Research*. We will conduct our research with integrity and intellectual honesty, and show the greatest care for human and animal subjects.
# *Records:* Confidentiality/Privacy and Access. We will follow applicable laws and Berkeley Lab policies when accessing, using, protecting, or disclosing records.
# *Internal Controls*. We will ensure that internal controls are established, properly documented, and maintained for activities within our jurisdictions.
# *Use of Berkeley Lab Resources*. We will ensure that lab resources are used only on behalf of the Laboratory.
# *Financial Reporting*. We will ensure that accounting and financial records are accurate, clear, and complete.
# *Reporting Violations and Protection from Retaliation*. We will report all known or suspected improper governmental activities under the provisions of UC’s Whistleblower Policy, recognizing that everyone is protected from retaliation for making such reports under the Whistleblower Retaliation Policy.

We are committed to Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Respect.\\

The policy, [Ethics and Conduct at Berkeley Lab|], codifies the Standards into this Policy Manual.
{div2:id=body2}[Mission, Values, and Principles|Welcome]{div2}
{div3:id=body3}[General Organization of the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div3}
{div4:id=body4}[Tips & Tricks for Searching the Policy Manual|Welcome]{div4}
