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Group Access to CIO
Can VIEW the space: cio-editors ,  anonymous ,  all-lbnl-users ,  confluence-administrators , 
Can EDIT the space: confluence-administrators , 
Can ADMINISTER the space: confluence-administrators , 

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LBNL Berkeley Lab is serious about protecting your private information. While most of our work is open and publishable, categories of operational and research information must be protected according to Federal and State Law, as well as our own good judgment. If you have any questions about protecting private information, contact [email protected].


Protected Information includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Personal Health Information (PHI). Berkeley Lab defines the following datainformation, alone or in combination, as Protected Information:


A loss of Protected Information not only affects people’s privacy, but could hurt LBNL’s Berkeley Lab's reputation and probably affect our open computing environment.


  • Use of Protected Information must be approved.
  • Protected Information may only be stored in Institutional Business Systems (HRIS, FMS, etc)
    • Note: eroom, email, gdocs, calendar are NOT Institutional Business Systems.
  • Protected Information is prohibited on workstations.
  • Contact security@lblContact if you need help or suspect our requirements aren't being met.
  • Immediately report any suspected or known loss of Protected Information to [email protected]