In his homemade rap video, Matt Rodriguez name checks ISM, mountain lions, JHA, Alameda Whipsnakes, and PPE like he’s been employed at LBNL for years. Funny thing is, he arrived in May, as a subcontractor. Because of his rap video, Rodriguez was honored with a Safety Recognition Award and Safety is Elemental pin for developing and maintaining effective safety culture at the site...

“From day one you’ve taken safety seriously,” said Lab Construction Safety Engineer Mike Kincaid, who along with Don Beaton, senior construction manager of the Facilities Division presented the Award. 

Rodriguez credits his employer, Walters & Wolf, when it comes to his passion for safety. The LBNL subcontractor is responsible for the glass exterior walls at the new General Purpose Laboratory (Bldg. 33) construction project. In his 17 years at Walters & Wolf, he has become well acquainted with the importance of safety in the workplace, including JHA’s and site-specific training—knowledge that helped him meet the high safety standards set here at the Lab.

Rap may be an unorthodox way to raise safety awareness at a construction site, but Kincaid isn’t complaining. The clever rap is a great example of establishing, monitoring, and sustaining safety awareness on and off the construction site.