Blog from April, 2012

Ligand choice can enhance carbon dioxide's ability to bind to MOFs by a factor of 2 to 3, yielding clues for making better carbon-capture systems.

Using ab initio methods, we examine the affinity of this MOF for CO2 and find that it can be greatly improved by modifying the organic linker molecules. Read more about our work on MOFs for carbon capture here.

This work was published in the Journal of the American Chemistry Society. Abstract

72 Poloni JPCA 2012

R. Poloni, B. Smit, and J. B. Neaton, "CO2 Capture by Metal-Organic Frameworks with van der Waals Density Functionals," J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, 4957 (2012). Abstract

71 Poloni JACS 2012 f

R. Poloni, B. Smit, and J. B. Neaton, "Ligand-Assisted Enhancement of CO2 Capture in Metal–Organic Frameworks," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 6714 (2012). Abstract

2012 04 10


Roberta's metal-organic frameworks paper accepted by JACS.

70 Li PRB 2012

G. Li, I. Tamblyn, V. R. Cooper, H.-J. Gao, and J. B. Neaton, "Molecular adsorption on metal surfaces with van der Waals density functionals," Phys. Rev. B 85, 121409(R) (2012). Abstract

2012 04 09


Rob, Sahar, Michelle, and Roberta present during a special symposium with graduate students from the Theory and Simulations of Materials Centre at Imperial College, London.

2012 03 08


Jeff gives colloquium for Materials Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley.

Optimizing open-circuit voltage (Voc) remains a significant challenge for organic photovoltaics (OPV). In OPVs, where small molecules or polymers comprise donor and acceptor, Voc depends largely on atomic-level details of the donor-acceptor interface. This dependence is not well understood, however, because interfacial energetics are extremely challenging to probe experimentally.

To address this problem, we use a parameter-free density functional theory-based method to get quantitative insight into the electronic structure and morphology of OPV donor-acceptor interfaces.

We study of a class of functionalized subphthalocyanine derivatives which were recently synthesized and measured. Because the functional groups of the donors are modified systematically, we can isolate the influence of electronic structure from external measurement conditions. For a series of test molecules, we find that Voc is strongly correlated to the calculated interfacial charge-transfer excitation energy, validating our computational method. Our findings suggest that high-Voc OPVs can be designed by simply increasing spatial separation between donor and acceptor molecules.