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The amount of data produced by science is increasing. While LBLnet's production campus area network is a high performance general purpose network, transfer of unusually large data sets over an extended timeframe could cause congestion. The side affects of congestion cause the data transfers to slow down, exascerbating the problem. Dedicated circuits for science may be used avoid this problem and reduce the time to transfer large data sets.

Our Internet Service Prover, ESnet, offers On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System (OSCARS). This service provides multi-domain, high-bandwidth virtual circuits that guarantee end-to-end network data transfer performance. Thus, users may set up virtual circuits on-demand to reserve bandwidth, streamlining the transfer of massive data sets across multiple network domains. For more information about OSCARS, see: If you think you need to use this service, please contact LBLnet at [email protected]

Getting Started

Contact LBLnet at [email protected]


The cost to get a connection to this service will depend on a number of factors. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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