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  • Review overall goals for project
  • All hands check in
  • Check in for updates

Discussion items

10 minReview goals and priorities
  • Scheduled for next all hands - first week of March. Have to decide on what to highlight and give updates on. Work with David Gilbert to develop an effective presentation.
  • Schedule an informatics all hands with Kjiersten to provide an update with depth and ways to provide content and input.
  • Currently no specific communications strategy, we will have to drive this.
  • Revise goals on what to present at all-hands.

All hands

  • Speaker schedule, previously scheduled classes and upcoming classes.
  • Any progress on the knowledge base
  • General goals for the data science initiative.

Informatics all hands

  • Wait until the knowledge base is ready to show and how to contribute content.
10 MinCheck in on Knowledge base
  • Trying to get a feel for how much support we can expect from Leila. David Gilbert has said he supports around 6 hours a week of Leila's time. He has said that he would like to get to the point where we are able to have users upload content to the Knowledge Base without Leila being a bottleneck to the process.
  • Leila's card sorting google sheet.
  • In the meantime we should work on creating content, started a google spreadsheet, tabs representing the categories that Leila has in the card sorting
  • Maybe for next weeks NERSC downtime we could schedule a Documentathon to start getting some common questions/answers, Matt has a new employee so might be good to capture that perspective.
  • Skills based tracking system is less of a priority unless there is an easy way to manage and upload this without getting sidetracked.
  • Still waiting to find out how much time Leila can contribute.
10 minCheck in on Data Science classes
  • Planning for late January, Wyatt will give an introduction on Jupyter in mid February, 45mins and Q&A.
  • Last Wednesday of each month with room reserved.
  • Dan Udwary giving presentation on 2nd Wednesday in March.
  • Torben giving presentation at end of March.
  • Berkeley student giving presentation at end of February.
  • Outsiders need reimbursement for travel, and have to be set up as guests. We can provide reimbursement.
10minRevise and check action items

Previous Action items

  • Kecia M Duffy and Jeff L Froula with follow up with Leila on prioritising creating the structure and one forum. What is the current road block? What is the best way to host and link content as it is created?
  • Jonathon (Jon) Bertsch, follow up with Leila, get experienced in hosting data on wordpress.
  • Mike Barton Create a plan for employee skills based tracking system. How to encourage?
  • Jeff L Froula create a list of current skills people have at the JGI.
  • Simona F Necula and William (Bill) B Andreopoulos follow up with Massie on making announcements on JGI blog, mailing list, video screens and potty training for JGI data science training courses and other announcements.
  • William (Bill) B Andreopoulos and Simona F Necula determine how tag and organise within the "Inside JGI" topics blog?
  • Follow up with Massie on where to post videos
  • Mike Barton Follow up with David on internal communication initiative, how does data science initiative fit in with this.
  • Mike Barton, follow up with all hands and informatics meetings next steps to publicise results.

Action items